Reasons that Vasectomy Reversals Are on the Rise
Though some consider a vasectomy to be a permanent method of birth control, it is possible to get a vasectomy reversal . There has been an upward trend in recent years of men who regret their earlier decision to go through with a vasectomy. Opting for a vasectomy reversal is a big decision, but the reasons in favor of it are compelling.
Common Misconception
Many men do not fully grasp the implications of a vasectomy when they undergo the initial surgery. Some men have the misconception that a vasectomy can be easily remedied at a later date. In a way, they’re right—however, a vasectomy reversal is perhaps not quite as simple as these men might imagine.
Insurance Coverage
While insurance carriers often cover the cost of a vasectomy, many of them did not reimburse patients for vasectomy reversals until recently. One of the driving factors behind the increasing popularity of reversals is the greater willingness of insurance companies to cover the cost.
Advances in Technology
More men are choosing vasectomy reversals thanks to advances in technology that have contributed to a rising success rate. Innovative magnification techniques have helped more than 90 percent of men who undergo vasectomy reversals to begin producing sperm again.
Change of Heart or Circumstance
Most men decide to get a vasectomy because they are done having children or do not wish to have children at all. A vasectomy reversal can be the ideal solution if a man and his spouse experience a change of heart. For instance, a man may pursue the surgery if he is divorced and wishes to start a family with his new partner.
Regardless of your reasons for seeking a vasectomy reversal, the professionals at Center For Vasectomy Reversal are ready to help. Schedule a consultation with the Center For Vasectomy Reversal to discuss the procedure. You can reach us at (941) 225-2317 with any questions you might have.
Talking to Your Partner about Getting Your Vasectomy Reversed
As a couple, you and your loved one likely enjoy shared experiences and consult each other about routine matters. Considerate collaboration is a vital ingredient of any successful relationship—especially when it comes to one of the most important decisions the two of you will make together: deciding to have a child.
When both of you have agreed that you want to have children, you or your partner may need a vasectomy reversal. If you or your partner has previously undergone a vasectomy, a vasectomy reversal can provide you with the opportunity to grow your family. The two of you should meet with a doctor together to learn more about the procedure. Make sure that both or you are fully informed about the procedure itself, the recovery process, and the success rates.
The experienced team at the Center For Vasectomy Reversal will walk you through each step of the process and answer any questions you might have . Call our practice today at (941) 225-2317 to schedule your consultation for a vasectomy reversal.
Do Men Have a Biological Clock?
The symptoms of menopause are well known—but did you know that men also undergo a form of menopause? It’s called andropause, and it refers to the natural decline in hormones as a man ages. Unlike menopause, which develops rapidly in a woman, andropause can begin when a man is in his 40’s or 50’s, and develops gradually from there. Andropause is associated with male infertility and lower testosterone.
Watch this video to learn more about andropause and its implications for male infertility. Dr. Harry Fisch, an expert on the subject, also explains the two key components of healthy aging for men.
If you have had a vasectomy, but have recently decided that you wish to have children, there is hope. Call the Center For Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 225-2317 to find out if a vasectomy reversal is right for you.
Learn More About Your Vasectomy Reversal Options By Reading Through These Helpful Articles
If you have undergone a vasectomy, you should be aware that you can still start a family of your own. Check out these links from around the Web for more information on the different types of vasectomy reversal procedures performed and their success rates.
- An important part of understanding how vasectomy reversal procedures are successful is to know how vasectomy surgeries are performed in the first place. Explore this New York Times article for a guide to vasectomies.
- How do vaso-vasostomy procedures and vaso-epididymostomy differ? Read over this eMedicine.Medscape.com article to learn more.
- Vasectomy reversals may be performed in a few ways. Take a closer look at this WebMD.com article for more information about the vaso-vasostomy procedure.
- Did you know that between 85 and 95 percent of men who undergo vasectomy reversals do have healthy sperm and can therefore still achieve pregnancy? Get the facts regarding the success rates for vasectomy reversals with this DoctorOz.com article.
- What factors may interfere with the success of a vasectomy reversal procedure? Find out by reading over this article from HowStuffWorks.com .
Contact Center For Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 225-2317 to schedule an appointment with our vasectomy reversal doctors.
- An important part of understanding how vasectomy reversal procedures are successful is to know how vasectomy surgeries are performed in the first place. Explore this New York Times article for a guide to vasectomies.
What Are the Differences Between the V-V Procedure and the V-E Procedure?
Many men turn to vasectomy reversal procedures later in life after realizing that they do in fact wish to start a family. Vasectomy reversal is a safe and effective way to reverse voluntary male infertility procedures without the need for open or invasive surgery and significant amounts of downtime. The two most commonly performed methods used are the vaso-vasostomy procedure and the vaso-epididymostomy procedure. This article will take a closer look at the differences between these two procedures.
The vaso-vasostomy procedure, also known as the V-V procedure, is an outpatient procedure in which a small incision is made in each side of the upper scrotum in order to identify the site of the original vasectomy. After the scar tissue is removed, the abdominal side of the vas is flushed in order to identify patency, while the testicular side of the vas is inspected for healthy sperm. The vas can be reconnected via microscopic magnification as long as sperm is present or if the fluid is clear and freely flowing. The procedure typically takes between two-and-a-half to four hours, but the time will vary from patient to patient.
In the event that the fluid coming from the testicular side of the vas is thick and pasty rather than clear and free-flowing, your vasectomy reversal surgeon will perform a vaso-epididymostomy instead. Also known as the V-E procedure, this method involves the attachment of the vas to a tubule within the epididymis where the sperm mature, allowing the sperm to flow without obstruction.
The best way to determine which procedure method is right for your needs is to consult with your vasectomy reversal doctor. Call Dr. Joshua Green with the Center For Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 225-2317 today to set up an initial consultation. You can also visit us on the Web for more information about Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Aspiration for use with in vitro fertilization.
Rise in Vasectomy Reversals Among Men Over 40
A growing number of men who once thought they were done having children have now decided that they want to expand their families. Combined with recent advances in microsurgery techniques, the desire for larger families has led to an upsurge in the number of men undergoing vasectomy reversal procedures.
This video explores the rise in vasectomy reversal procedures among men over the age of 40. After undergoing a vasectomy eight years ago, one man was given a second shot at love and another chance to be a father. Despite having undergone the sterilization procedure in the past, this man was a perfect candidate for the procedure.
To find out if a vasectomy reversal can help you with your infertility issue, contact the Center For Vasectomy Reversal today at (941) 225-2317. You can learn more about our services by clicking on the link to our website.
Can a Vasectomy Really Be Reversed?
Vasectomy procedures are designed to prevent pregnancy by cutting and separating the vas deferens, or the tubes that carry sperm from the scrotum into the testicles. When performed by a qualified surgeon, vasectomy procedures are extremely effective at preventing pregnancy—but that does not mean that they cannot be reversed if you ever decide that you do want to become a father. Continue reading to learn more about the vasectomy reversal procedure .
Understanding the Procedure
In order to understand if a vasectomy can truly be reversed, it is important to first understand how the procedure is performed. The two most commonly vasectomy reversal methods are the vaso-vasostomy and the vaso-epididymostomy procedures. The vaso-vasostomy procedure can effectively reverse a vasectomy if there is clear, free-flowing fluid coming from the testicular side of the vas, while vaso-epididymostomy procedures are effective in cases where the fluid expressed is thick and pasty.
Factors That Influence Success Rates
Studies show that the success rates for vasectomy reversal procedures are high. In patients who underwent a vasectomy reversal within five years of their original procedure, the success rate is approximately greater than 95 percent. In men who undergo a reversal within five to 10 years after their vasectomy, the success rates range between 80 and 90 percent. However, there are a number of factors that can interfere with the success rates of a vasectomy reversal procedure. This includes the number of and motility of the sperm that are still present within the scrotum, the development of anti-sperm antibodies, and scar tissue growth within the vas deferens after the original vasectomy.
If you are ready to start a family, the Center For Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. You can contact our vasectomy reversal doctors through our website or call (941) 225-2317 for more information on vaso-vasostomy procedures, vaso-epididymostomy procedures, and Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Aspiration or MESA surgery.
Overcoming Infertility: Solutions for Men [INFOGRAPHIC]
There is a general misconception that infertility is primarily a women’s health issue. In fact, male infertility is the main inhibiting factor for 1/3 of all couples struggling with infertility. Also, some men choose to have a vasectomy at an early age, only to change their minds years later. If you or someone you love is struggling with male infertility, consider the solutions in this infographic. Created by a Florida vasectomy reversal doctor , it shows all the ways men can address their fertility concerns. Pass it on and help provide childless couples with the knowledge they need to start a family.
Get Your Vasectomy Reversal Facts By Visiting These Sites
Male infertility following a vasectomy reversal does not have to be permanent. Read through these articles to learn more about the different types of vasectomy reversal and what the procedure entails. Contact the Center For Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 225-2317 today to schedule a consultation.
- A good way to determine if a vasectomy reversal is right for you is to consider how the procedure works and what you can expect after surgery. Explore this WebMD.com article for more information on vasectomy reversals.
- You can learn how vasectomy reversals are performed by reading over this article from HowStuffWorks.com.
- What is the difference between a vaso-vasostomy and a vaso-epididymostomy? Check out this article from the Urology Care Foundation for an overview of the different methods of vasectomy reversal that are available.
- Why do many men decide to undergo a vasectomy reversal? Get the facts by reading over this MayoClinic.com article.
- Visit this link from The New York Times to learn what you can expect after undergoing a vasectomy reversal.
- A good way to determine if a vasectomy reversal is right for you is to consider how the procedure works and what you can expect after surgery. Explore this WebMD.com article for more information on vasectomy reversals.
The Vasectomy Reversal Procedure
Did you know that vasectomies are the most common form of birth control in the United States? Despite those statistics, many men find that they want to start a family or have more children later in life. Fortunately, there are options available to reverse the effects of a vasectomy.
This video takes a closer look at the methods used to achieve pregnancy following a vasectomy. Some men choose to undergo sperm extraction to fertilize their partner’s egg through in vitro fertilization, while others choose to undergo vasectomy reversal surgery. Watch the full clip to learn more about the different vasectomy reversal techniques and what you should expect after the procedure.
If you are searching for a vasectomy reversal surgeon in Sarasota, Florida, look no further than the experienced providers with the Center For Vasectomy Reversal . Attending physician Dr. Joshua Green has extensive training in the treatment of male infertility. Contact our facility at (941) 225-2317 to get started today.
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