Trying to Conceive After a Vasectomy Reversal: How Long Should You Wait?
Like any fertility treatment, vasectomy reversal involves a period of recovery and rest. When you have a vasectomy reversal, the general guideline is to wait three weeks before participating in sexual activity. If you try to conceive earlier in your recovery, you may run the risk of tearing open your stitches.
It is important to remember that conception could still take several months or even a year following the reversal procedure. Even the healthiest couples may not conceive right away when fertility issues are not present, so patience is important in your attempts to have children. You will also want to promote open communication with your partner so that you are comfortable expressing when sexual activity is uncomfortable or painful.
For a closer look at vasectomy reversal procedures, visit the Center for Vasectomy Reversal . You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Green at our Sarasota practice by calling us at (941) 961-4581.
Symptoms of a Low Sperm Count
In many cases of male infertility , low sperm count is to blame. Any number of different things can contribute to a low sperm count, from lifestyle choices to hormonal imbalances. The good news for men struggling with infertility is that low sperm count can often be treated. The more challenging part is actually diagnosing it in the first place. Beyond the inability to conceive, there are few symptoms of low sperm count, and many men may not experience any symptoms at all. Could a low sperm count be interfering with your fertility? Here are some of the signs to watch out for:
Sexual Dysfunction Issues
Sometimes, problems with sexual dysfunction are indicators of a low sperm count . These dysfunctions may be indications of another hormonal or mechanical problem that is associated with low sperm count. If you are experiencing issues like a low sex drive or erectile dysfunction, then discuss your symptoms with your doctor. He or she can get to the bottom of your symptoms and offer treatments that resolve both the dysfunction and the sperm count issues.Pain or Lump in Testicle Area
It is never normal to have a lump, swelling, or unexplained pain in or around the testicles. You should always see your doctor about these symptoms to rule out potentially serious medical issues. Pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicle area may be an indication that you have a blockage that is compromising your sperm production. Removing the blockage may address your infertility issues.Decreased Body Hair
If your low sperm count is linked to a hormonal imbalance, then you may notice a number of changes in your body. Decreased facial and body hair is one of the most common changes, but you may also experience weight changes, mood changes, and other signs of a hormonal issue. Your doctor can determine if your hormones are imbalanced with a simple blood test.Let the Center for Vasectomy Reversal diagnose and treat your problems with male infertility. We can also perform vasectomy reversals for men who now wish to start a family. Schedule a visit with our vasectomy surgeon by calling (941) 961-4581.
Does Wearing Boxers Actually Boost Sperm Count?
One of the most commonly-held notions about male fertility is that boxers help to increase your sperm count, but is it really true? Could changing to boxers from briefs really help address male infertility?
Watch this video to get the real story behind the boxers versus briefs debate. A study in the UK has proven that men who wear boxers actually do have a higher number of sperm than men who wear briefs. Although wearing boxers may not completely resolve male infertility, it can help some men boost their sperm counts.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we can help make starting a family a reality for men who have had vasectomies. Learn more about our vasectomy reversal services by calling (941) 961-4581.
Being an Older Dad May Benefit Your Children’s Health
When it comes to the notion of having kids at an older age, the story often revolves around potential risks and how old you’ll be when your little ones graduate high school. Now, there is good news for older dads. The decision to have a child when you’re older can actually boost that child’s health in the long-term. That means it is never too late to consider undergoing a vasectomy reversal or to look into treating your male infertility issues. Listed below is the basic information you need to know.
Health Benefits to Being an Older Dad
The health benefits of starting a family later in life all come down to telomeres . Telomeres are the tips on the end of chromosomes, and for reasons researchers haven’t been able to pin down, long telomeres appear to be associated with better overall health. People with longer telomeres also tend to live longer. Researchers have discovered that the children of older fathers usually have longer telomeres than their peers whose fathers are younger. Although scientists have not yet determined what role these longer telomeres play in the overall health of children of older fathers, these results suggest that children of older fathers may live longer.Potential Benefits for Future Generations
The health benefits of being a child of an older father do not appear to be limited to just one generation. The grandchildren of the older father also tend to have longer telomeres, which would suggest that they might also reap the same health benefits. Note that this trend only seems to follow male lineage. Women who were born to older fathers do not have children with longer telomeres.Don’t discount family life because of your age or because you’ve had a vasectomy. At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, our vasectomy surgeon can reverse your procedure so you can start a family. There are solutions for male infertility, and we can help. Make an appointment for a consultation by calling (941) 961-4581.
How Effective Are Vasectomy Reversals?
Did you have a vasectomy that you now wish you could undo? If so, you’re not alone. Men take the step of having a vasectomy when they feel certain that they do not want to have children or do not want to have additional children, but life circumstances change. If you have had a vasectomy and now wish to regain your fertility, help is available. A vasectomy reversal can restore your ability to have a child.
The success of a vasectomy reversal depends on a number of different factors. Physically reversing the vasectomy by reconnecting the vas deferens is a straightforward process. However, reconnecting the vas deferens does not guarantee that there will be sperm in the ejaculate after the procedure. Vasectomy reversals are most likely to succeed within five years of the original procedure, but they can and do work for patients who had their vasectomies much earlier. Potential issues that can interfere with the success of a vasectomy reversal include blockages and the presence of anti-sperm antibodies. Some men produce these antibodies after a vasectomy, and they can damage sperm.
Each vasectomy reversal is different. Discuss your case with the vasectomy surgeon at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. Make your appointment by calling (941) 961-4581.
What the Recovery Period Is Like Following Vasectomy Reversal
A vasectomy reversal can facilitate you and your partner’s hope to have a child. To make sure that you recover as quickly and smoothly as possible from your procedure, it’s important to anticipate your postoperative needs and follow closely the advice of your vasectomy reversal doctor. By keeping in mind the following aspects of your healing period, you can better ensure a complete recovery.
Protecting Your Surgery Site
As with any invasive surgery, vasectomy reversal necessitates careful attention to the surgical site. You likely will have sutures and bandages after your surgery. Your bandages must be kept clean and dry to avoid the potential for contamination and infection. You may also need to wear special garments to protect your surgical site from excessive movement as it heals. Your vasectomy reversal doctor may also recommend a period of a few days to a few weeks during which you should refrain from activities that may hinder the healing of your incisions.
Alleviating Your Discomfort
Many men undergo vasectomy reversals as an outpatient procedure, which speaks to how minimally invasive and convenient the procedure can be. In some cases, though, the process can produce some discomfort for patients. If you experience tenderness or pain after receiving a vasectomy reversal, your doctor can recommend medications to alleviate the discomfort, which should lessen on its own over the ensuing days.
Consulting with Your Surgeon
The topic of intercourse often weighs heavily on the minds of men who undergo vasectomy reversals. Before engaging in any sexual activities with your partner, speak to your vasectomy reversal doctor. The recovery process for each patient is different, so only your physician can determine if you are healthy enough for intercourse. Keep in mind as well that though you may be physically able to engage in sexual activities, it may take several months for the effects of your vasectomy reversal to result in a successful pregnancy.
Do you have more questions about your vasectomy reversal procedure? Then call Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 961-4581. Our staff of vasectomy reversal experts would be happy to discuss any inquiries you may have about your upcoming surgery.
The Best Candidates for Vasectomy Reversal
Vasectomy reversal is a procedure that many men have successfully undergone, allowing them to father the children they desire. Though the process can be effective under a wide range of circumstances, vasectomy reversal surgeons cite that some men may be better candidates for the procedure than others. One primary consideration is the original vasectomy. The less trauma incurred to the vas deferens, the more likely that the patient can enjoy a successful vasectomy reversal. The amount of time passed between the vasectomy and vasectomy reversal can also influence the success of the latter procedure, as men with shorter interval periods may have higher rates of fathering children after a vasectomy reversal. Men who have already fathered children are favorable candidates for vasectomy reversal as well.
Don’t let a vasectomy deny you your dream of a family. Contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 961-4581 to set up an initial consultation with Dr. Joshua Green. Our Sarasota facility offers vasectomy reversal options for men of all ages and backgrounds.
Debunking Myths About Conception
Couples wanting to conceive may be prone to believing any advice that could help their cause. As the following misconceptions illustrate, though, most of the suggestions passed down from one friend or family member to the next have no basis in fact. If you and your partner are trying to grow your family, the best advice is to consult a male infertility doctor who can provide medically supported suggestions to heighten your chances for pregnancy.
Time of day affects conception.
Some individuals are adamant that having intercourse at certain times can boost a couple’s odds of getting pregnant. However, successful conception relies not so much on time of day as time of month. Women do have a peak period of fertility during their menstrual cycles, so if you are trying to conceive, monitoring when this period occurs can help. Whether intercourse happens during morning or night during this period has little effect on conception, though.Frequent intercourse increases the chances of conception.
To some extent, this is true, as couples that have intercourse only once a month may not have much success as becoming pregnant. The opposite extreme of having intercourse several times a day may not significantly increase the chances of conception, though. Under some circumstances, a male infertility doctor may even advise against it, as it could potentially lower sperm count.Certain positions can influence conception success.
Sperm and eggs are not generally affected by the position of intercourse. As a result, couples that engage in certain positions with the sole hope to get pregnant may be going through unnecessary lengths to achieve their goal. Vaginal intercourse is mandatory for conception, but beyond this requirement, you need not submit to specific positions to become pregnant.Do you want to reverse your vasectomy? Then call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 961-4581 to set up an initial consultation with a vasectomy reversal doctor. Our facility provides male infertility solutions to men in the greater Sarasota area.
How Diet Affects Male Sperm Count
Are you trying to conceive a child? As this video reports, you may want to lower your intake of processed meats to increase your chances of pregnancy.
Recent studies evaluated how the diets of men undergoing in vitro fertilization affected their sperm count. The results indicated that participants who consumed high amounts of processed meats such as sausages and bacon had lower sperm counts than those who did not eat these foods. Additionally, men who included white fish in their diets had higher sperm counts when compared to the individuals who did not.
The Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help you realize your hope to become a father. To set up a consultation with a vasectomy reversal doctor in Sarasota, call (941) 961-4581.
Tips for Older Dads
Many older men choose to undergo a vasectomy reversal to begin or continue their family. If you are planning to become an older dad, you may worry about how your age will impact your ability as a parent. Taking a few steps to change the way you think and act will ensure that you and your child enjoy a healthy, happy relationship.
Stay in Shape
Taking care of your body benefits both you and your children. By staying in shape, you’ll improve your health and energy levels while ensuring that you will live a longer life and have more time to spend with your family. If you don’t already exercise regularly, begin by taking brisk walks, practicing yoga, or starting a light program of weight training. If you aren’t sure how to begin or maintain a regular exercise routine, your doctor will be happy to help.Manage Stress
Stress causes health issues as well as emotional strain in your family relationships. Take steps to manage stress in positive ways by identifying coping strategies that work well for you. Put frustrated energy into activities you enjoy, turning negative feelings into positive accomplishment. Talk to a close friend or relative if you feel comfortable expressing your feelings, and think of ways to be grateful for your new family and this new experience in your life.Connect with Your Children
Even if you have a full-time job, making the effort to spend time with your children will help you develop close emotional bonds that will last a lifetime. Find a time that can be “yours” every day: play a game after dinner or read to your child before bed. Staying involved with your family holds strong emotional and mental benefits, building a positive familial relationship that you and your family will treasure.Are you ready to become a new dad at any age? Contact Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal by calling (941) 961-4581 to explore your fatherhood options. We offer vasectomy reversal procedures and fertility treatments in Sarasota, FL. Click through our website to learn more.
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