• Understanding Vasectomy Reversal

    A small number of men opt to have vasectomies reversed. The process involves opening up the scrotum, removing the severed ends of the vas tubes, and stitching them back together. The length of time between a vasectomy and reversal will affect the success chances of the latter. The older the man, the less likely he’ll be able to produce sperm. If it doesn’t work, in vitro fertilization is another option. The video talks more about vasectomy reversal.

    If you had a vasectomy years ago but have since changed your mind, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help you regain the ability to conceive. Across Sarasota, men come to us weekly with the very same goal in mind. To learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation with our vasectomy-reversal surgeon, Dr. Green, call us at ( 941) 981-4341 .

  • What is the TESE Procedure?

    If you produce ejaculate without sperm, your doctor may recommend sperm retrieval in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for reasonable pregnancy rates. Sperm can be retrieved from the reproductive tract by various approaches, including testicular sperm extraction (TESE). The TESE procedure is used to diagnose the cause of a man’s azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate fluid) and obtain sufficient tissue for sperm extraction. TESE involves one or multiple microscopic incisions in the testicles. For the best success rate, consult with a male infertility and vasectomy reversal surgeon that utilizes the latest microsurgical technologies and techniques.

    TESE is just one of the many sperm retrieval procedures performed by Dr. Joshua Green and the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility in Sarasota. The sperm retrieval process typically varies from a few minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the technique or procedure being performed by your male infertility surgeon.

  • All about Vasectomy Reversals [INFOGRAPHIC]

    There are a number of reasons why men have vasectomies, and just as many why they might choose to have that procedure reversed. If you have been thinking about getting a vasectomy reversal, it’s important to be well informed so you can make the right decision. A vasectomy reversal in Sarasota is a minor surgical procedure that restores the pathway for sperm to exit the body. Depending on how long ago your vasectomy was, there’s a very good chance that your vasectomy reversal will be successful. If you wish to have children or feel like you did before your vasectomy, a reversal might be right for you. Take a look at this Infographic to learn all about vasectomy reversals, including why you might consider having one performed. Please share with your friends and family.

  • How is a Vasectomy Reversal Completed?

    Vasectomy reversal aims to reconnect or unblock the vas deferens, tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the reproductive tract. First, your vasectomy reversal surgeon will make a tiny incision in the scrotum, usually where your original vasectomy was performed. The snipped ends of the vas deferens will be inspected and the scar tissue removed. The vas deferens will then be joined together using microsurgical stitching. Watch this short animated video to see how the typical vasectomy reversal surgery is completed.

    If you are considering a vasectomy reversal, consult with the compassionate and highly skilled team at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility in Sarasota. Headed by Dr. Joshua Green, CVRMI understands that successful vasectomy reversal surgery is dependent on skilled surgeons and the most technologically advanced microsurgical technology and techniques. Dr. Green will be happy to answer any questions you have about vasectomy reversal surgery.

  • Reasons Your Fertility Doctor May Recommend Sperm Retrieval

    If you have been diagnosed as infertile, there may still be hope for you to become a father. Sperm retrieval procedures (testicular sperm extraction, testicular sperm aspiration, microsurgical/percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration, etc.) in conjunction with in vitro fertilization can help couples achieve reasonable pregnancy rates. If you have reached out to a fertility doctor in Sarasota , sperm retrieval may be one of the recommended procedures to obtain sperm for fertility purposes. There are a few specific reasons why your doctor may recommend sperm retrieval, including:

    Obstructive Azoospermia

    Azoospermia is the absence of sperm in the ejaculate fluid. If sperm are produced by the testicles but are unable to be released into the semen, there may be a blockage in the reproductive tract. Common causes of obstructive azoospermia include a genetically missing vas deferens or injury to the vas deferens from previous surgery, such as a vasectomy or hernia repair. If you are going in for a vasectomy removal, your vasectomy reversal surgeon will inspect the condition of the vas deferens.

    Non-Obstructive Azoospermia

    Non-obstructive azoospermia is a condition in which sperm are either not being produced at all or are being produced in such low level that there is not enough of them to reach the end of the reproductive tract. Your doctor will recommend blood tests and genetic tests to determine the cause of non-obstructive azoospermia before continuing with the recommended sperm retrieval procedure.

    Anejaculation/Retrograde Ejaculation

    If no semen is released from the tip of your penis after having an orgasm, this may be caused by anejaculation or retrograde ejaculation. Anejaculation refers to no seminal fluid being released from the reproductive tract into the urethra, while retrograde ejaculation refers to semen being released into the urethra but being pushed backwards into the bladder. Injuries and certain types of medical conditions are commonly responsible for preventing the body from being able to ejaculate semen out of the reproductive tract.

  • Happy Holidays!

  • What Happens During a Vasectomy Reversal?

    Although a vasectomy is not considered a temporary birth-control solution for men, reversal procedures can restore fertility in those who change their mind. There are multiple reasons why you may want to consider having your vasectomy reversed, including remarriage or simply having a change of heart about bringing another child into the world. Vasectomy reversal can also provide pain relief for men who experience post-vasectomy pain. Whatever your reason for undergoing vasectomy reversal in Sarasota, Dr. Joshua Green and the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility can send you home the same day of the procedure. The typical vasectomy reversal procedure involves:

    Scrotal Incisions and Fluid Inspection

    First, your surgeon will create a small incision on either side of the upper scrotum to identify the scarred ends of the vas deferens. Scar tissue is removed and both ends of the vas are dilated. A saline vasogram is performed to determine the patency on the abdominal side, and fluid is inspected on the testicular side. These inspections will help your vasectomy reversal surgeon determine which surgical procedure (vasovastomy or vasoepididymostomy) will yield the highest success rate. In some cases, a combination of the two surgeries may be used.

    Surgical Reconnection

    A vasovastomy is the easiest surgical procedure for vasectomy reversal, in which the severed ends of the vas deferens are sewn back together using a careful microsurgical technique. If there are signs of blockage in the epididymis, a vasoepididymostomy is required to bypass the blockage. Exceptional microsurgical techniques are imperative for vasoepididymostomy success, as the epididymis is 1/300 th of an inch wide with a wall thickness of 1/1000 th of an inch. Dr. Joshua Green and the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility in Sarasota utilize the latest microsurgical technology and techniques to provide the results you want.

  • A Look at Semen Analysis Following Vasectomy Reversal

    sperm check test or donation

    A vasectomy reversal procedure is considered an effective option for restoring male fertility to those who have previously undergone permanent male sterilization. However, it does take a little while to conceive a child following the procedure because the sperm will need some time to be present within the semen again. This is why men are advised to undergo semen analysis periodically following the vasectomy reversal.

    Typically, vasectomy reversal surgeons recommend undergoing semen analysis about two months following the procedure. After the patient provides a semen sample, the lab will test it for volume, sperm count, and motility. Motility refers to the ability of sperm to move properly, which is necessary for egg fertilization. Men are generally considered fertile and able to have children when sperm count reaches a minimum of 20 million and the sperm are properly motile. Men with a lower sperm count may still be able to father a child; however, they may have more trouble doing so.

    Those who are struggling with male infertility are invited to contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal to discuss whether this procedure might be right for them. Call us today at (941) 343-4020 with any questions you may have.

  • Why Being an Older Dad May Favor a Longer Lifespan in Offspring

    Men who are considering undergoing a vasectomy reversal and becoming a father at an older age may take comfort in a new study that suggests older dads may give birth to healthier children with longer lifespans. The new study points out that with age, a man’s telomeres lengthen. Telomeres are the tips of chromosomes that offer a protective covering. Since the telomeres of an older father are longer, they are passed to the children, giving them health benefits.

    You can hear more about this study by watching this video. You’ll learn how the protective effect can be passed down through multiple generations and you’ll also hear some other considerations for older fathers.

    If you’re curious about a vasectomy reversal to resolve male infertility, contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota. You can reach our vasectomy reversal clinic by calling (941) 462-4647 or you can visit us online to learn more.

  • The Perspective of an Older Dad on Parenting and Life

    Portrait of mid-aged man

    Men often hesitate to schedule a vasectomy reversal because they are concerned about the challenges of becoming a father at an older age. While older fatherhood certainly does have its challenges, it also offers immeasurable rewards. When considering whether to have a vasectomy reversal, you may wish to speak with some of your friends who are older dads. After your vasectomy reversal, you are likely to find that welcoming a child into the world will change your life for the better.

    Your Schedule Will Revolve Around Your Kids

    When men are in their 20s and 30s, their schedules tend to revolve around work. If you’re a sports fan, your social calendar is likely dominated by Super Bowl parties and season tickets. However, once you become an older dad following your vasectomy reversal, you’re more apt to stay at home to watch cartoons with your youngsters than go out and catch a game. This is one way in which older fathers have an advantage over younger dads. You’ve already spent a couple of decades enjoying your own interests, and now you’ve likely gained the maturity necessary to prioritize your child’s needs.

    You’ll Find Yourself Socializing with Younger Couples

    While having a child at an older age by no means requires giving up your current friendships, you’re likely to find yourself spending more time with the parents of your child’s friends. As the older father of the group, you may find yourself taking on the role of a mentor.

    You’ll Learn to Live in the Present

    It’s natural for men to worry about the future before undergoing a vasectomy reversal. As an older father, you’ll be more likely to have health issues when your child is still relatively young. Aside from taking care of your physical health, there is little that can be done about this. Older dads would be wise to live in the present, rather than to experience anxiety about future problems that may not occur.

    The mission of the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is to help couples achieve their dream of starting a family, regardless of the paternal age. If you’re ready to embrace the rewards and challenges of becoming an older father, we invite you to schedule a consultation for a vasectomy reversal with Dr. Green, our highly experienced vasectomy reversal surgeon. You can reach our male infertility clinic in Sarasota by calling (941) 462-4647.