Get the Facts about Male Infertility
Even without a vasectomy, there are millions of men who are incapable of having children on their own. A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that between three and five million sexual experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor for help with a male-related infertility problem. If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to become a father, Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility in Sarasota can help. Get the facts about male infertility then call Dr. Green to discuss your sperm retrieval options.
Top Causes of Male Infertility
There are a number of different reasons for male infertility. Some problems are physical in nature, preventing the sperm from being ejaculated normally in the semen; other problems affect the quality and production of the sperm itself. Some of the top causes of male infertility include:
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Varicoceles (enlarged varicose veins in the scrotum)
- Retrograde ejaculation
- Hormonal imbalances
- Birth defects
- Tobacco and alcohol use
- Excessive exercise
There are many more causes of male infertility, and the only way to tell for sure what’s causing your infertility is to consult with a fertility doctor. If you are able to produce ejaculate, the doctor can perform lab analysis to detect azoospermia (no sperm in the semen), oligospermia (very few sperm in the semen), or problems with sperm motility or morphology.
Sperm Retrieval Options
Depending on the cause of your infertility, there are a few different options that can help you become a father. Sperm retrieval is a viable option if you are unable to ejaculate or if there is no sperm present in the semen. A consultation is required to determine which sperm retrieval procedure is most appropriate for your unique situation. Some of the procedures available include testicular sperm extraction (TESE), testicular sperm aspiration (TESA), and microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA).
If you want to learn more about male infertility and how sperm retrieval can help you start a family, contact Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility. Dr. Green is proud to be one of the top male infertility specialists in Sarasota . Call (941) 961-4581 to schedule a consultation.
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What to Expect from the Vasovasostomy Procedure
There are many reasons to undergo a vasectomy. However, it’s not unusual or uncommon for men to seek a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota . Also known as vasovasostomy, vasectomy reversal is an outpatient surgical procedure which can restore a man’s normal sexual functions. If your situation has changed and you wish to reverse your vasectomy, here’s a look at what you can expect from the vasovasostomy procedure.
The procedure itself typically takes between two and three hours to perform, depending on the complexity of the specific case and any complications encountered during surgery. A vasovasostomy surgeon reconnects the tubes that were cut during a vasectomy.
A vasovasostomy only takes a few hours to perform, followed by a few more hours for recovery from the anesthetic. Men who undergo vasectomy reversal can expect to go home the same day. Pain and discomfort during recovery may be mild to moderate, and you should be able to resume normal activities within three weeks.
One of the factors that determine the success of a vasectomy reversal is how much time has passes between the vasectomy and the reversal procedure. Reversals are more successful during the first 10 years after a vasectomy, with the greatest chance of success coming within three years after a vasectomy. In general, vasectomy reversal surgery leads to overall pregnancy rates of greater than 50%.
Another key to the success of vasectomy reversal is the skill of the surgeon. Fortunately, Sarasota is home to one of the most skilled vasectomy reversal surgeons in Florida . Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility is the former Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Sarasota Memorial Hospital and is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Florida State University College of Medicine. Call us at (941) 961-4581 to learn more about vasectomy reversal surgery.
Should You and Your Partner Consider Vasectomy Reversal?
A vasectomy is one of the most successful and effective forms of birth control. While this is good news for couples who have decided not to have children (or any more children), it can be difficult for couples who change their minds and decide to conceive after all. Fortunately, a vasectomy reversal surgeon in Sarasota can make things easier. Here are some of the factors to consider with your partner when thinking about a vasectomy reversal.
Success Rates
The success rate for vasectomy reversal varies based on several factors, the most important one being the amount of time since the vasectomy was performed. The patency rate, or the return of functioning sperm, can be as high as 95 percent in some cases; however, returning sperm into the ejaculate does not guarantee pregnancy, so rates of pregnancy typically vary between 30 and 70 percent.
Side Effects
There are very few and very minimal side effects of a vasectomy reversal. Side effects typically include swelling, pain, and bruising around the incision site. A vasectomy reversal should not have any effect upon male potency, sexual performance, or urinary function. If you encounter these problems following surgery, contact your vasectomy reversal surgeon.
Insurance Coverage
The cost for a vasectomy reversal can vary depending on your situation. Whether or not the cost of surgery is covered by insurance depends upon where the surgery is performed and the patient’s individual insurance policy. If cost is a factor, Dr. Joshua Green and the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility offers an affordable payment plan.
Dr. Joshua Green is one of the most respected vasectomy reversal surgeons in Sarasota. Dr. Green and the rest of the staff at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility can answer any questions you have about vasectomy reversal. Contact us online or call us at (941) 961-4581 to learn you can reverse a vasectomy and have the family you want.
How We Support Out-of-Town Patients
Dr. Joshua Green is one of the leading vasectomy reversal surgeons in Sarasota. Most of the patients treated at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility travel from out of town. If you are travelling from out of town, we offer a number of options to facilitate a pleasant experience. Many of the pre-operative necessities can be taken care of online or over the phone. Dr. Green has also negotiated a discounted rate for vasectomy reversal clients at the nearby Hampton Inn Sarasota, located across the street from the surgery center.
If you have any questions about out-of-town arrangements for a vasectomy reversal , please call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility at (941) 981-4341. You can also contact us online if you have any questions about the procedure, including success rates and costs.
What are the Most Common Causes of Male Infertility?
Couples who wish to conceive face many obstacles, but nearly half of the problems are related to the male. By some estimates, 40 percent of difficulty with conception is related to male infertility. There are numerous causes for male infertility, including trauma to the testicles at an early age, alcohol and/or marijuana use, family history of cystic fibrosis, and other hormonal and genetic causes and abnormalities. This brief video provides a good overview of the common causes behind male infertility.
Dr. Joshua Green and the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility in Sarasota offer a number of procedures that can help overcome male infertility challenges. Sperm retrieval procedures such as testicular sperm extraction (TESE), microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA0, and percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) can help you and your partner achieve realistic pregnancy rates. Call us at (941) 981-4341 to schedule your consultation to discuss male infertility and infertility procedures.
How Fertility in Men Is Tested
If you are a man who hopes to conceive with a partner, but have not yet had success, it may be a good idea to meet with a fertility doctor to check for signs of male infertility and look into options for infertility procedures in Sarasota. Watch this video to see how fertility in men is tested.
A man’s fertility can be evaluated using various pieces of information. A physical exam may be conducted to look for normal secondary sex characteristics, while a discussion about medical history may be used to evaluate diabetes, hypertension, or other conditions that can affect fertility. Semen analysis can also be used to determine the number of sperm and their health.
The Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility seeks to treat male infertility in the Sarasota area. Dr. Joshua Green is a skilled vasectomy reversal surgeon who can perform a variety of infertility procedures. Please visit our website or call us at (941) 981-4341 to learn more today.
Comparing Vasectomy Reversal Procedures
If you have had a vasectomy, you have likely put a great deal of thought into the procedure; if you are thinking about having a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota, you are probably giving it the same level of consideration. Understanding the different vasectomy reversal options may not only help you get an idea of which one will work best for your needs, but may also make you feel more comfortable before the procedure. Read on to learn more about the different vasectomy reversal procedures.
A traditional vasectomy reversal is known as a vasovasostomy. The goal of this procedure is to reconnect the previously severed ends of the vas deferens. Your vasectomy reversal surgeon will make a small incision in the scrotum in order to locate the vas deferens and the site of the initial vasectomy. Your surgeon will check for fluid in the testicular side of the vas and then make the connection. This process typically takes about two to three hours.
If your vasectomy reversal surgeon does not find any fluid in the testicular side of the vas, a vasoepididymostomy may be performed. This procedure is used when the epididymis is blown out or obstructed. During a vasoepididymostomy, your vasectomy reversal surgeon will connect the vas and the epididymis, which is where the sperm mature. Individuals who wait longer than 10 years to undergo a vasectomy reversal after their vasectomy are more likely to require a vasoepididymostomy.
Are you looking for more information about the different types of vasectomy reversal procedures? Contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility or visit our website. We serve the Sarasota area with vasectomy reversals and other male infertility procedures. For more information or to make an appointment with Dr. Joshua Green, give us a call at (941) 981-4341.
What Happens on the Day of Your Vasectomy Reversal?
Just like before a vasectomy, the time period before a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota can be full of apprehension. However, it helps to know what to expect in order to put your mind at ease. Your surgeon may have specific instructions for you to follow before your procedure, such as fasting or stopping use of certain medications. Keep reading to learn what will happen on the day of your vasectomy reversal.
When you arrive on the day of your surgery, you will meet with your vasectomy reversal surgeon and anesthesiologist; you and your anesthesiologist will determine what type of anesthesia will be best for the operation. The anesthesia will then be administered inside the operating room and the procedure will begin. You will likely be somewhat groggy when you awaken after the two to three hour procedure, but you can be taken home by a driver once you are alert.
Please do not hesitate to call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility at (941) 981-4341 for more information about what to expect on the day of your vasectomy reversal. Dr. Joshua Green is happy to serve the Sarasota area with various infertility procedures. You can also visit our website to learn more about our services today.
Vasectomy Reversal Success Rates: What You Need to Know
If you want to be a parent but you suffer from male infertility , there are a few procedures that may help you. There are also treatment options available if you have previously undergone a vasectomy, but now wish to have children. It is important to understand the anticipated success rates as well as the factors that will influence the success of your vasectomy reversal in Sarasota. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about vasectomy reversal success rates.
Although the effectiveness of a procedure will vary from person to person, vasectomy reversal procedures tend to enjoy high success rates overall. In order to fully understand these success rates, however, you must consider the definition of success. When it comes to vasectomy reversals, a procedure is considered successful when the ends of the vas deferens are reattached. If the reversal yields this result, it is a success in surgical terms. Whether or not this leads to an actual pregnancy will depend on a combination of several factors.
While reattached ends of the vas deferens constitute a surgical success, the patient will probably be more concerned with the conception of a baby. One of the most prominent factors that influences this is the amount of time that has elapsed since the vasectomy. The longer you wait to reverse your vasectomy, the lower your chances are of having sperm in your ejaculate. However, in some cases, you may not even be able to reverse a vasectomy because of the way the initial surgery was performed; if the surgeon removed too much of the vas deferens, it may be impossible to reattach.
It is important to remember that, whether you have had a vasectomy reversed or not, it can take months or even years of trying before conception occurs. Try to stay grounded and optimistic, and continue to communicate with your vasectomy reversal surgeon as you try to conceive.
If you are interested in learning more about vasectomy reversals and their success rates, please call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility at (941) 981-4341. Dr. Joshua Green and his associates are proud to serve the Sarasota area with male infertility procedures. Feel free to visit our website for more information today.
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