The Basics of Sperm Aspiration
If you undergo a vasectomy reversal so you can start a family, sperm aspiration could be part of your procedure. Watch this video to learn more about male infertility and how sperm aspiration works.
The success of vasectomy reversals in treating male infertility depends on a number of different factors. If sperm aspiration is recommended, sperm will be removed directly from the reproductive system to be used in another fertility procedure, such as IVF.
Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal has successfully helped couples from all over the country start or grow their families with infertility procedures and vasectomy reversal in Sarasota. For more information, call (941) 894-6428.
Dealing with Difficult Pregnancy Questions
Vasectomy reversal and infertility procedures are intensely private affairs. Couples going through these processes often pick and choose who they share information with carefully, but still, they often find themselves facing difficult questions from people who may mean well but who are prying for details. In some cases, news about your infertility treatments can be spread to more people that you anticipated, which leaves you facing even more questions. If you are confronted with difficult questions about your infertility and efforts to become pregnant, here are some tips to help you cope.
Control Your Updates
It’s natural for people who care about you to want to know how your fertility treatments are going and if you have been successful in getting pregnant. However, having to answer the same questions repeatedly can be stressful and frustrating. To reduce the need to repeat the same information, when you tell people you are undergoing infertility procedures, let them know exactly how you will deliver updates. For instance, you may promise to send out an email to everyone when your vasectomy reversal is completed, so that all of the people who need to know find out without you having to have individual conversations.
Have a Standard Response
You may not always want to answer questions about your infertility treatments, especially when the people asking are people who you would prefer not to share information with. It can be helpful to have a standard response in mind so that you’re not caught off-guard and can easily change the subject. Something as simple as a sigh and saying “not today” while steering the conversation to another topic can do the trick.
Keep a Sense of Humor
Having a sense of humor and being able to laugh off prying questions can be one of your most effective tools. A laugh and a quick joke can let people know how you want to cope with this life-changing process.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, Dr. Joshua Green and his staff will support you on every step of your journey to start your family. You can learn more about vasectomy reversal in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428.
How Soon Can Sperm Be Present in Semen After the Surgery?
When you undergo vasectomy reversal surgery, it’s normal to be eager to know if the reversal was successful, particularly if you are trying to start a family. There is a high rate of success for vasectomy reversal in most cases, but there often is a delay between the procedure and when sperm can again be detected in semen.
About three months after surgery, your doctor may recommend that you undergo a semen test to see if sperm are present. If the semen does not contain sperm, your vasectomy surgeon may recommend repeating the test monthly to until sperm is detected. Generally, vasectomy reversals are considered to have failed if sperm cannot be found in semen 18 months after the surgery.
Since each case is unique, Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal will review your individual circumstance in full and help you understand what to expect. Make an appointment today to learn more about infertility procedures in Sarasota , including vasectomy reversal, by calling (941) 894-6428.
What to Expect from Your Consultation with a Vasectomy Reversal Surgeon
If you are considering a vasectomy reversal, one of the first steps is to have a consultation with a surgeon. A vasectomy reversal surgeon can help you decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure and what to expect from the process. If you have a consultation scheduled with a vasectomy reversal surgeon, here is a look at what may happen during your appointment.Review of Your Medical History
Your vasectomy surgeon will review your medical history to ensure that surgery is safe for you and that it is has a reasonable likelihood of being successful in your case. Although success rates for vasectomy reversals are high, many different factors influence the chances of success in individual cases. Your surgeon will review your medical history to form a more accurate predication of what to expect in your case.
Discussion of Your Treatment Goals
It is helpful for your surgeon to understand why you are choosing to undergo vasectomy reversal surgery. For instance, if you and your partner are undergoing IVF, your vasectomy surgeon can work with the IVF clinic to provide sperm using the MESA process. By knowing the goals you’re trying to achieve, your surgeon can tailor your procedure to your needs.
Explanation of the Procedure and Recovery
Your vasectomy surgeon will spend part of your consultation explaining how the reversal is performed and what you can expect during the recovery period. Generally, the vasectomy reversal process takes about two to three hours in an outpatient surgery center. Most patients can return home about an hour after surgery. Post-procedure discomfort lasts for a few days, which can be managed with ice packs and pain medications. The day after the procedure, patients return to their surgeons to have the drains removed.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, Dr. Green is available to answer all of your questions as you decide if vasectomy reversal surgery in Sarasota is right for you. Schedule a consultation today by calling (941) 894-6428.
A Man’s Guide to Pregnancy
If you undergo a vasectomy reversal with the goal of starting a family, you may be surprised by some of the changes that occur with your partner during the pregnancy. Just as your vasectomy reversal was a process your partner could sympathize with but not experience, pregnancy creates a wide range of effects that require your support and understanding.
Watch this video to find out what men need to know about pregnancy. Your partner will be dealing with far-reaching physical and emotional changes during this time and will need more help from you than normal during those nine months.
Dr. Joshua Green and the Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help you start a family with vasectomy reversal in Sarasota. To make an appointment or get more information about vasectomy reversals, please call (941) 894-6428.
Getting Ready for IVF
If you undergo male infertility procedures , including vasectomy reversal, it may then be necessary to have another treatment, such as in vitro fertilization, or IVF, to achieve a pregnancy. IVF can be a lengthy and stressful process, so it’s important to prepare together as a couple. With some time spent planning, IVF can be less overwhelming, both physically and emotionally. Here are some things you can do to prepare for IVF treatments.
Gather Information
Arming yourself with as much information as possible about IVF can help you feel more in control of a process that has so many uncertainties. Talk to your vasectomy reversal surgeon about what to expect from your procedure and the success rates for IVF after a reversal. The IVF clinic can also provide extensive information about that procedure and what to expect before, during, and after. Review all of the information thoroughly and ask questions. Understanding what is ahead will make things easier to manage.
Anticipate Decisions
There are several important decisions you will need to make during IVF, including how many embryos to be transferred, what to do with the remaining embryos, and how many cycles of IVF you are prepared to undergo. Although you don’t know the outcome of the IVF process, you can anticipate some of these issues that may arise and decide how you will handle them. For instance, you may have religious or moral convictions that govern how you feel about dealing with unused embryos, so you can have a plan in place that can go into action if that circumstance arises.
Plan for the Waiting Period
The waiting period between the embryo transfer and pregnancy test is often the most trying part of IVF. Decide what you’ll do to occupy yourself during this time and where you want to be when you hear the results of your test. Staying busy and positive while you wait can make the days go faster.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota, FL, Dr. Green works closely with IVF experts to facilitate infertility procedures for couples trying to conceive after vasectomy reversals . To learn more, please call (941) 894-6428.
Common Risk Factors of Male Infertility
Male infertility is a common problem, particularly among men who are of an older age. Sometimes, male infertility is caused by a medical issue, such as prior trauma to the testicles, undescended testes, or surgery of the abdominal or pelvic regions. Some chronic illnesses will also increase a man’s risk of infertility, including sickle cell disease and cancer. Radiation therapy directed at the testes can result in infertility.
Other risk factors of infertility pertain to lifestyle choices. Men may be more likely to have infertility if they smoke, consume alcohol, are overweight, or use certain recreational substances. Exposure to environmental toxins can contribute to this common problem, as can excessively high temperatures in the region of the testicles.
If you’ve had a vasectomy reversal that has failed, you may still have options available to you. The Center for Vasectomy Reversal provides safe and effective infertility procedures in Sarasota. For more information, call Dr. Joshua Green at (941) 894-6428.
Discussing a Vasectomy Reversal with Your Partner
Vasectomy reversals are minimally invasive procedures, but they are still surgeries nonetheless. It’s important to become a fully informed patient before moving forward with your vasectomy reversal. You and your partner should both be on the same page about having children and the lengths to which you’ll go to achieve a family.
Have an Open Mindset
If you haven’t yet mentioned the idea of a vasectomy reversal to your partner, it’s important to begin the conversation with an open mindset. The two of you should openly share your hopes for the future and whether having a child fits into that future. Your partner may not necessarily be as enthusiastic as you about having kids. Give your partner all the time that is needed to carefully think through the matter.
Think About Logistics
Making the decision to try to have a child is definitely an emotional one, but you can also approach the issue from a logical standpoint. Could a vasectomy reversal potentially fix all of the problems associated with infertility or might there be female infertility issues involved? Perhaps the two of you aren’t quite ready to have kids yet, but you both know that you do want a family someday. Vasectomy reversals are more likely to be successful the sooner they are performed after the original surgery. Even if you aren’t quite ready to have kids just yet, you might consider getting a vasectomy reversal soon to allow for the possibility of a pregnancy later on.
Understand the Procedure
Bring your partner with you to the appointment with the vasectomy reversal surgeon. It’s best that both of you understand exactly what will happen during the surgery and how the recovery period will proceed. The surgeon can discuss any concerns you may still have.
When you and your partner are ready to add to your family, Dr. Joshua Green is here to help. Dr. Green is a vasectomy reversal surgeon in Sarasota who has made it his life’s work to give hope to future parents. You can reach the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 894-6428.
Should You Become an Older Dad?
There are pros and cons of becoming a parent at any age, but if you feel that you’re ready to nurture a child, being an older adult shouldn’t matter. If male infertility is a concern, consider talking to a specialist who offers vasectomy reversals.
Watch this video to hear about some of the benefits of being an older dad. Research indicates that older dads tend to be more nurturing, active caregivers. Thanks to the increased involvement, the children of older dads tend to be able to cope with stress better and to have high self-confidence.
If you’re ready to become a dad , but you’ve already had a vasectomy, you can speak with Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. Call (941) 894-6428 to set up an appointment to discuss having a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota.
What to Expect from General Anesthesia
General anesthesia is used for many types of surgeries, including vasectomy reversals . This type of anesthesia renders patients completely unconscious so that they do not experience any discomfort or retain any memories of the procedure. Placing a patient under general anesthesia typically involves administering a combination of intravenous and inhaled anesthetics. If you’re anticipating having general anesthesia for your vasectomy reversal, you should discuss the potential risks with your doctor.
Since general anesthesia involves more risks than conscious sedation, your doctor will need your full health history. Be sure to inform your doctor if you’ve previously been anesthetized and if you experienced an adverse reaction to it. Discuss all pills you may be taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, herbal supplements, and vitamins. Let the doctor know about any allergies or other medical conditions you may have, and advise him or her if you smoke. These precautions are necessary for your own safety. Your doctor will instruct you to discontinue consuming food and all liquids after a certain point, which is usually midnight on the evening before the surgery. If you need to take any medications, ask your doctor if you can take them with a very small sip of water.
When you’re ready to be placed under, the anesthesiologist will administer the medications through an intravenous (IV) line and/or through a mask placed over your mouth and nose. The doctor will likely give you muscle relaxants, which makes it easier for your airway to tolerate the tube that may be inserted to facilitate your respiration. The entire time that you’re asleep, your vital signs will be closely monitored and your medications or fluids will be adjusted as needed.
It can take a while to fully wake up, but you won’t be aware of the passage of time. You’ll continue to be closely monitored until you’re fully awake. For the rest of the day, you should rest quietly and take frequent sips of water. It’s common to experience dry mouth, nausea, sore throat, hoarseness, and sleepiness.
When you become a patient of Dr. Joshua Green’s clinic, you’ll receive all of the information you need to make a decision and prepare for your infertility procedure in Sarasota. The Center for Vasectomy Reversal can be reached at (941) 894-6428. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming vasectomy reversal.
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