• Surprising Things That Affect Your Sperm Count

    When you decide to undergo a vasectomy reversal, you don’t want a low sperm count to interfere with your fertility. Unfortunately, there are a number of things that can affect your sperm count and compound male infertility issues.

    Watch this video for insight into some surprising things that could be interfering with your ability to start a family. For instance, keeping your cellphone in your pocket could negatively affect your sperm count.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota , Dr. Green is dedicated to helping couples overcome the problem of male infertility and create the families they want. For more information about vasectomy reversal and to find out how to book an appointment with Dr. Green, please call us today at (941) 894-6428.

  • Exploring the Link Between Weight and Fertility

    One issue that affects both female and male infertility is obesity. If you undergo a vasectomy reversal in the hopes of conceiving, maintaining a healthy weight can make the process easier. Here is a closer look at how weight could impact fertility for both partners.

    Hormonal Changes

    For both men and women, being overweight can lead to hormonal imbalances. These changes in hormonal levels can impact both ovulation and sperm production. If you are overweight after your vasectomy reversal, you could face a lower sperm count and issues with sperm motility and morphology. One study indicated that men experience a 10% increase in their odds of infertility for every 20 pounds they are overweight. For women, being overweight increases testosterone levels and may make ovulation decrease or stop.

    Sexual Dysfunction

    Men who are overweight are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction, including problems maintaining an erection. In addition to biological issues caused by obesity that interfere with healthy sexual functioning, men who are overweight may experience self-esteem issues that lead to dysfunction. Often, weight loss can reverse these issues for men who experience sexual dysfunction after a vasectomy reversal.

    Increased Miscarriage Risk

    When a pregnancy is achieved, being overweight is associated with a higher risk of miscarriage. Women who are overweight have miscarriages at higher rates than women who are a normal weight when they become pregnant, even if the pregnancy was achieved using IVF. Men who are overweight are also more likely to have a partner experience a miscarriage, as excess weight may affect sperm health. The odds of a miscarriage increase even more when both partners are overweight at the time of conception.

    The Center for Vasectomy Reversal helps men and their partners overcome male infertility vasectomy reversals and sperm retrieval procedures. Maintaining a healthy weight before and after procedure can increase your chances of successful conception. To learn more about infertility procedures in Sarasota, please call (941) 894-6428.

  • Using the MESA Procedure to Retrieve Sperm for IVF

    Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) is a surgical procedure that precedes in vitro fertilization (IVF). It may be appropriate for some men for whom a vasectomy reversal alone won’t result in pregnancy. The vas deferens may be absent because of a congenital defect, or it might be significantly damaged by scar tissue from physical trauma or surgery. For these men, the MESA procedure gives them hope of becoming fathers.

    The vasectomy reversal surgeon can perform this operation at around the same time as the female partner’s ovulation. Or, MESA may be done ahead of time. The sperm can be preserved for later use in IVF. During the procedure, the surgeon uses an operating microscope to extract sperm directly from the epididymis. Since extracted sperm are generally not as mature as they otherwise would be, the IVF cycle may need to be performed with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

    Let Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal answer all of your questions about treating male infertility. Call (941) 894-6428 to request a consult with our vasectomy reversal surgeon in Sarasota.

  • What Lifestyle Factors Impact the Success of Vasectomy Reversal?

    There are some unmodifiable factors that affect the success of vasectomy reversals. These include the length of time that has passed since the original surgery, and the exact location of the vasectomy. When the vasectomy was performed farther away from the testicle, success is more likely. However, some factors that influence the chances of conception are within a couple’s ability to modify. These include the selection of a highly skilled and experienced vasectomy reversal surgeon, and the careful management of lifestyle issues .

    Systemic Diseases

    The success of a vasectomy reversal can depend in part on whether a man has other risk factors of infertility, such as a systemic, chronic disease. Men who have conditions like diabetes, celiac disease, and hormonal imbalances may have trouble with conception even after a successful reversal. Treating these conditions will improve the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy. Some health conditions might not directly cause infertility, but the medications used to treat them might. It isn’t advisable to stop taking a prescribed medicine without clearance from a doctor, but the doctor might be able to switch the patient to a different medication instead.

    Weight Management

    Obesity can cause hormonal imbalances. It can also directly affect the health of the sperm. Both of these problems might cause male infertility. Men who are thinking about having a vasectomy reversal can improve their chances of a successful procedure by starting a workout program and improving their diet.

    Tobacco Use

    There are no benefits of using tobacco, and virtually limitless reasons why it’s harmful. One of those reasons is its impact on male and female fertility. Since secondhand smoke will jeopardize a child’s health —both before and after birth—men who use tobacco will need to quit regardless.

    Looking for a skilled vasectomy reversal surgeon near Sarasota? Call Dr. Joshua Green at (941) 894-6428, and schedule a consult at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. Our clinic considers it a privilege to help couples achieve their dreams of welcoming a child into the world.

  • Taking a Closer Look at Male Infertility

    In about one-third of couples experiencing problems conceiving, male infertility is to blame. There are many health problems that can contribute to infertility in men. You can hear about some of them when you watch this video, which features a reproductive health specialist.

    He explains that a varicocele is among the most common causes of male infertility. This is an enlarged vein in the scrotum that negatively affects sperm. It is potentially treatable. Other possible causes of male infertility include hormonal imbalance, infections, nerve damage, and anatomical abnormalities, such as undescended testes or the absence of a vas deferens.

    If you’ve changed your mind about having children , you can visit Dr. Joshua Green to discuss having a vasectomy reversal in his clinic in Sarasota. Call (941) 894-6428 to learn more.

  • How to Talk to Your Partner About Vasectomy Reversal

    Strong, lasting relationships are built on open communication, honesty, and mutual respect. It isn’t possible for one partner to force the other to want to have a child, and trying to do so may only jeopardize the relationship. Even if your partner does want a vasectomy reversal , thinking about it and doing it are two different things. Have a heart-to-heart with your significant other, and try to keep an open mind during the conversation.

    Talking About Parenthood

    The decision to become new parents or to add to your family is not one to be made lightly. You might feel the urge to hold a baby in your arms, but are you prepared to handle everything else? It’s perfectly all right to experience mixed feelings on this matter—your partner probably does, too. The two of you should openly share your thoughts, concerns, and desires regarding parenthood. Perhaps you two decide that, while you aren’t quite ready to be parents yet, you might decide to have a child in a few years. If this is the case, then having a vasectomy reversal now would be a wise decision, as a prompt procedure may improve the likelihood of success. Additionally, it can take a while for fertility to be restored after the reversal.

    Considering the Vasectomy Reversal

    Perhaps you both do decide that you want a child, but aren’t quite sure about the surgery yet. Both partners can sit down with a surgeon to discuss the specifics of the procedure, such as how to prepare, what to expect, what the recovery would be like, and what the chances of success are.

    Taking Time for Clarity of Mind

    Regarding reversals and parenthood, the only wrong decision is the one you regret. After talking about it with your partner and meeting with the surgeon, take a few weeks to let your thoughts percolate. Then, you and your partner can make a final decision.

    When it’s time to talk to a vasectomy reversal surgeon with your partner, call Dr. Green. The Center for Vasectomy Reversal provides specialized medical services, including the vaso-vasostomy and vaso-epididymostomy procedures. Call Dr. Green’s clinic in Sarasota at (941) 894-6428.

  • A Look at Smoking and Sperm Quality

    Smoking is never safe for anyone. During pregnancy, it’s particularly harmful because it compromises the health of the unborn baby. And regardless of whether the male or female partner smokes, the toxic substances suppress fertility. Smoking can cause male infertility because it damages the sperm. Researchers have found that men who smoke have lower sperm counts and abnormal sperm morphology. Morphology refers to the shape of the sperm. Smoking also affects sperm motility, which is the ability of the sperm to travel to an egg.

    That’s not all smoking does to male fertility. It damages the DNA of sperm, which interferes with the fertilization of an egg, the implantation of an embryo, and the embryo’s development. Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage and reduces the chances of a successful IVF cycle. In addition to causing male infertility, secondhand smoke compromises the health and suppresses the fertility of the female partner.

    When you’re ready to conquer infertility, Dr. Joshua Green in Sarasota can help. Call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 894-6428.

  • Staying Comfortable After Your Vasectomy Reversal

    Men who undergo a vasectomy reversal often report that the recovery isn’t as arduous as they’d expected. It’s normal to experience some discomfort for the first one to two days, but there are effective and simple ways to manage it. As long as you follow the post-operative instructions from your vasectomy reversal surgeon , you should heal well.

    Applying an Ice Pack

    Cold constricts the blood vessels, which suppresses inflammation and swelling. As an ice pack numbs the area, it eliminates pain. For both of these reasons, your surgeon will instruct you to apply an ice pack wrapped to the scrotal area for 20 minutes at a time during the first 24 to 48 hours. Keep a thin towel between the ice pack and your skin.

    Caring for the Surgical Site

    Keeping the surgical site clean and dry will help prevent the discomfort that an infection would cause. Wash the skin gently. Men can usually shower the day after having a vasectomy reversal, but should refrain from taking a bath or swimming for about three to five days.

    Restricting Your Activity

    It isn’t necessary to stay on bed rest after a vasectomy reversal, but do take it easy for a while. Light activities can be resumed within a day or two, but avoid exercising and other strenuous activities for at least a week. Avoid sexual activity for at least three weeks.

    Taking Prescribed Medications

    Potent pain medication usually isn’t necessary after this minimally invasive surgery. Your surgeon may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, but you can ask about prescription pain relievers if OTC drugs are insufficient to control the discomfort.

    Supporting the Surgical Site

    Scrotal support is essential after a vasectomy reversal. Wear a jock strap for a full month after the surgery, day and night.

    Patients of Dr. Joshua Green in Sarasota receive extensive pre-operative education to help them prepare for a successful and comfortable recovery. Learn more about becoming a patient at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal by browsing our website, or get in touch with us by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • Use This App to Help You Find the Perfect Baby Name

    As soon as a pregnancy test is positive, the hunt for the perfect baby name is on. Settling on the right name can feel cathartic after dealing with male infertility. However, excited parents-to-be will quickly discover that scrolling through lists of thousands of names is downright dizzying. Make your search easier by trying the Baby Names Genius app, which sorts through a database of 50,000 names to find the right one for you.

    Just input your preferences and the Baby Name Genius will provide relevant suggestions. The database is filtered based on origin, popularity, length, initial letter, and religion. You’ll also get access to name meanings, unique baby names, celebrity names, and live updates on currently trending names.

    Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal invites you and your partner to become our next success story . Call (941) 894-6428 to discuss our infertility procedures in Sarasota.

  • Get the Facts About Traveling for Vasectomy Reversal Surgery

    Vasectomy reversals are delicate, complex surgeries that require a great deal more technical skill than the original vasectomy. Because of this, men are advised to seek medical care from a specialist, even if it requires some travel. Traveling out of town for surgery requires a little extra prep work, but it’s definitely manageable. A vasectomy reversal surgeon and your significant other can lend a hand.

    Completing the Pre-Op Necessities

    One common misconception about traveling for surgery is that patients must make multiple trips to the clinic to take care of the necessary pre-operative consultation and tests. These tasks can often be handled remotely. You can consult your surgeon via phone, and transmit your medical records digitally. Upon reviewing your medical history, the surgeon may ask that you visit a local medical facility to have any needed medical tests performed. The results can also be transmitted electronically. If need be, you can visit your regular family physician to obtain medical clearance before the surgery.

    Deciding How to Get There

    Once you’ve scheduled the surgery, consider how to get to the clinic. If you don’t live too far away, driving may be preferable, but do make sure your partner can drive the whole way back. If the distance makes driving undesirable, check your flight options. The genital region will be somewhat uncomfortable after surgery, so consider treating yourself to premium seating in first class.

    Deciding How Long to Stay There

    Out-of-town patients should expect to stay overnight. Vasectomy reversal is an outpatient procedure, so you’ll stay at a hotel instead of a hospital. The next day, you’ll see the surgeon for a follow-up visit, and you’ll likely be cleared to return home. If your partner is driving you home, you can depart the day after surgery. You might not be cleared to fly right away after surgery. Talk to your surgeon about when you should schedule your return flight.

    Given Dr. Joshua Green’s sterling reputation, many patients choose to travel to his vasectomy reversal clinic in Sarasota. For your convenience, we can handle preparatory matters remotely, and you can obtain medical clearance from your primary care physician. Call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 894-6428.