• Semen Analysis Testing After a Reversal

    Vasectomy reversals have favorable success rates, but there’s still a waiting period before couples are able to get pregnant. Every couple is a little different, but in general, it may take anywhere from three to 12 months before a man’s sperm count is once again at a robust level. To assess the success of the vasectomy reversal, men will have semen analysis testing.

    Depending on the particular clinic, men may have their first analysis at about six to eight weeks after the procedure. After this, additional semen analysis appointments are scheduled every one to two months. Once a lab report shows stabilized sperm count and motility, there is a good chance of pregnancy within six months of actively trying.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, Dr. Joshua Green can answer all of your questions about having a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota, including what you can expect afterward. If you’ve decided your vasectomy wasn’t the right decision for you, give us a call at (941) 894-6428.

  • What Is IVF Really Like?

    VF cycles take four to six weeks to complete. From a distance, the steps involved with this infertility procedure seem fairly simple: Administer fertility drugs, retrieve the eggs, fertilize the eggs, and transfer the embryo. But in actuality, one IVF cycle is a time-intensive, emotionally challenging endeavor that may or may not result in pregnancy. Before you and your partner decide to go through an IVF cycle, both of you should be keenly familiar with what’s involved.

    Women must inject themselves with fertility drugs.

    If you’re the female partner and you have a needle phobia, you might consider seeing a psychologist or a hypnotist to help you get through the cycle. Two medications must be injected subcutaneously: One to stimulate egg development, and one to prevent ovulation from happening too soon. One of these medications is given for 21 days, and must be injected into the abdomen or thigh. Another is usually injected for nine days. To make matters a little more complicated, some fertility drugs must be reconstituted from powder before being injected.

    There will be lots of office visits.

    Try to choose an IVF clinic as close to your home as possible, as you’ll be driving there very frequently. You’ll have a couple of initial office visits, followed by office visits every one to two days, usually starting on day five of stimulation. These appointments are for cycle monitoring, and they require an ultrasound and blood test. After cycle monitoring, you’ll have a few more office visits to complete the cycle.

    Some additional procedures may be necessary.

    Sometimes, an IVF cycle isn’t as simple as stimulating the ovaries, retrieving the eggs, and transferring the embryo. Men may not be able to contribute a semen sample conventionally. They may need to see a vasectomy reversal surgeon for the MESA technique, which involves the surgical extraction of sperm to fertilize the eggs.

    The Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota is a leading destination for couples seeking infertility procedures. Dr. Joshua Green specializes in vasectomy reversals and in the MESA technique for the surgical retrieval of sperm. Couples can call our office at (941) 894-6428.

  • Becoming an Older Parent

    These days, it’s not uncommon to see older parents at children’s museums and “mommy and me” classes. Couples often delay having children, because they want to obtain a graduate degree, advance in their careers, and achieve greater financial stability. Other individuals are simply still looking for Ms. or Mr. Right. This was the case for Wendy and her husband, whom you’ll meet when you watch this featured video.

    Wendy delivered their first child at age 36, and their second one year later. She explains that, contrary to popular belief, her energy level has actually increased since having kids, as she has to be more physically active to keep up with them.

    Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal considers it a privilege to help couples become loving parents , regardless of their age. Call (941) 894-6428 to discuss our infertility procedures in Sarasota.

  • Getting Ready for Your Baby’s First Year

    Whether you’re still making arrangements for a vasectomy reversal, or you’re already excitedly sharing the big news, you and your partner are probably eager to get ready for baby’s first year. Before going on a spending spree at the toy store, take a step back and make a few decisions. You’ll need to think about healthcare, family leave, and child care, in addition to setting up the nursery and choosing the perfect baby name .


    Sorting through healthcare policies is probably one of the least exciting aspects of becoming pregnant, but it’s definitely a top priority. You’ll need to determine which medical services are covered during the pregnancy, and for the labor and delivery. Talk to your HR manager at work to get the details about adding your little one to your policy when the time comes. During the second or third trimester, it’s time to start the search for the pediatrician.

    Family Leave

    If you don’t already know your company’s family leave policy, now is the time to look it up. Check the employee handbook first, and then talk to your HR manager if it isn’t mentioned there. Look up the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to learn about your legal rights. Most women wait until after the first trimester to let their employers know they are pregnant. Sharing the news is only necessary, because it’s reasonable to assume that the company will need to plan for your extended absence.

    Child Care

    Once your leave ends, you probably can’t rely on grandparents to provide free child care forever. There’s no question that child care is expensive, but this is one thing you don’t want to skimp on. It’s essential to choose a daycare provider with an unblemished safety record. Double-check the licensure with the appropriate state agency, and check out the provider’s references.

    Baby Gear

    Shopping for cute baby gear is the fun part (until you see the price tags). You should be able to get most things secondhand from thrift shops and garage sale groups on social media. However, for safety reasons, you should never purchase a secondhand car seat or crib.

    Did you have a vasectomy that you now regret? Call Dr. Joshua Green at (941) 894-6428 to request a consult at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. We make special accommodations for out of town patients who plan to travel to our vasectomy reversal clinic in Sarasota.

  • Are You a Candidate for MESA?

    Men who do not want to undergo vasectomy reversal or who may not be likely to have success with this procedure for various reasons may opt to plan in-vitro fertilization, or IVF. The IVF procedure involves fertilizing eggs in a laboratory setting and then transferring the most viable embryos in the uterus, where they may implant and develop throughout a healthy pregnancy.

    The MESA procedure, or microscopic epididymal sperm aspiration, may accompany IVF to provide a cleaner, more reliable sperm sample for the insemination process. Sperm aspiration involves surgically operating under a microscope to obtain sperm directly from the epididymis, eliminating the concern of blockages or previous vasectomies that may prevent normal ejaculation. MESA is only appropriate for men considering IVF.

    The Center for Vasectomy Reversal will provide you with several surgical options to fit your unique situation and family planning goals. To learn more about our male fertility services in Sarasota, visit our website or call us at (941) 894-6428.

  • The Patient’s Guide to Vasoepididymostomy

    Having a vasectomy does not necessarily mean that you’ll never be able to father children. In fact, advanced surgical technologies have facilitated great outcomes for men seeking vasectomy reversal, which may become appropriate as your life plans and goals change. If you are considering vasectomy reversal in Sarasota, your first step will be to consult a surgeon to explore your options. There are a few different procedures available, including vasoepididymostomy, which is discussed in further detail here:

    What is the procedure?

    Vasoepididymostomy is a more complex and technically demanding surgical procedure than vasovasostomy, which you might consider a standard vasectomy reversal procedure. During the vasoepididymostomy, the surgeon must work around an epidydimal obstruction, which is not the case in vasovasostomy surgeries.

    Who should consider it?

    Your doctor will utilize a series of diagnostic tests to understand your unique needs in vasectomy reversal. If your vasectomy took place more than 10 years ago or there were any complications or trauma during your surgery, vasoepididymostomy may be indicated.

    What can you expect during treatment?

    Like other vasectomy reversals, vasoepididymostomy is a microsurgical procedure, so it will utilize very small incisions and be performed on an outpatient basis. You will be sedated during surgery, so you will not feel anything during the treatment itself. Afterwards, you may have some tenderness and soreness, and you will need to refrain from sexual activity and strenuous exercise until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead.

    What type of outcome can you expect?

    It’s important to understand the costs and potential for successful pregnancy following vasoepididymostomy. Though this procedure does not have success rates as high as vasovasostomy in terms of future pregnancies, it is still a more effective path to conception than IVF for many couples. In addition, it has lower costs per live birth than the in-vitro fertilization procedure.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal , you can expect personalized, compassionate care to restore your fertility. To schedule an appointment with our surgeon, Dr. Joshua Green, call (941) 894-6428.

  • IVF After Vasectomy: Are Twins in Your Future?

    Though vasectomy reversal is possible for many men who have undergone vasectomy procedures, it is not always the right option for conception. IVF may be more appropriate if there are other factors influencing male fertility or if your partner is also facing fertility issues.

    As this video explains, IVF, or in-vitro fertilization, does carry the risk of multiple pregnancies with twins or triplets. Multiple pregnancies are often higher-risk pregnancies, and they can be much more stressful for couples. Therefore, it is important to mitigate these risks with the right practices in IVF, which will include selecting the appropriate number of embryos for transfer based on the age and reproductive health of the mother.

    For more information about IVF and other options for conception following a vasectomy, contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota, FL. You can schedule an appointment with our skilled surgeon, Dr. Joshua Green , by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • Tips for Supporting Your Partner Through His Vasectomy Reversal

    If you and your partner have decided that it’s time to start a family, but he has previously had a vasectomy, you might be discussing the possibility of vasectomy reversal . This microsurgical procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and it is not much different than getting the vasectomy itself. However, it can still be stressful for your partner, so he may need you to provide extra support and help through his recovery to create a path to conception. Below, you will find some guidelines for offering support to your partner as he undergoes infertility procedures in Sarasota.

    Keep Open Lines of Communication

    It is important to be open and honest as you communicate with your partner about your family planning goals and expectations. Though vasectomy reversal is a minor, minimally invasive surgery, it should still only be considered after careful discussion and planning. You should also welcome your partner to express any worries or concerns that might have him feeling more stressed prior to his surgery.

    Attend Appointments with Your Partner

    You may need to provide some help during the recovery process, and it can be helpful to have a better understanding of the surgery that your partner has had. Attending the surgical consultation and follow-up appointments with your partner can allow you to be more helpful and supportive in recovery, so he can get back to his routine more quickly.

    Prepare Healthy Meals at Home

    Following vasectomy reversal, it can be helpful to practice good habits for boosting male fertility, which can include changing eating habits. By preparing healthy, nutritious, balanced meals for yourself and your partner, you can assist in a healthy restoration of fertility that will allow you to start your family.

    Working with the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, you will find the comprehensive male fertility care your partner needs as well as plenty of resources and patient education to guide you through the treatment process. To learn more about us or schedule an initial consultation, visit us online or call (941) 894-6428.

  • What to Expect After Your Vasectomy Reversal Procedure

    After your vasectomy reversal procedure, you will need to devote a period of time to your recovery so that you can reduce the risk of post-surgical complications. At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we will explain what to expect during your recovery in full, so you can prepare appropriately.

    Immediately after your surgery, you may experience some discomfort for up to 48 hours. Many man say that the level of their discomfort is similar to what they experienced when they had their vasectomies. The day following your procedure, you will need to have your surgical drains removed in the office. For 30 days, you will be required to wear snug scrotal support to prevent injury to the surgical site. You will be able to resume sexual activity about three weeks after your procedure.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we’re happy to answer all of your questions about what to expect before, during, and after your procedure. To schedule a consultation for a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota , please call (941) 894-6428.

  • How Couples Can Cope with the Stress of Trying to Conceive

    After a vasectomy reversal , the process of trying to conceive can be stressful for couples. Supporting each other through this emotional time will bring you closer together and help you avoid the kind of stress that can itself interfere with your efforts to conceive. Keep this advice in mind as you try to start your new family.

    Admit That You’re Stressed

    When you’re feeling worries about conceiving, your first instinct may be to try to push the feeling away. In reality, although you may succeed in temporarily burying it, stress will come back with a vengeance if you don’t face it head-on. Admitting to yourself and to each other that you have anxiety about the success of your vasectomy reversal and conceiving will let you deal with the way you’re feeling. Resist the urge to pretend you’re not stressed so that you can avoid a big blowup later.

    Limit Your Online Time

    Make a pact that you won’t spend your time surfing the internet for information about female and male infertility, pregnancy symptoms, or techniques for boosting your chances of conceiving. Although having some information is helpful, the internet is a minefield of misinformation that could contribute to your stress. Obsessively scouring the net can also increase your anxiety and make you hyper-aware of your efforts to conceive. Commit to each other that you will seek advice from a medical professional if you have a question.

    Do Something Else

    Don’t make your entire life about starting a family. Stick to your normal activities, and make plenty of time for recreation. If you undergo fertility treatments, such as IVF, and are waiting to find out if it was successful, consider taking a trip or doing something else to take your mind off the process.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we’re pleased to play a role in helping couples build the families they want through vasectomy reversal procedures. Could a vasectomy reversal be right for you? Call us today at (941) 894-6428 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Green in Sarasota .