• Choosing the Best Crib for Your Baby

    After a successful vasectomy reversal and pregnancy, it’s time to start planning for a baby. One of the biggest purchases you will make during this time is a new crib. Here is how to choose the best one.  

    Start by making sure that the crib is clearly marked JPMA-approved. This means it has gone through safety testing and was found to be safe. Ideally, skip ornate designs that could actually pose safety risks in favor of simple cribs. 

    With help from the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, your past vasectomy doesn’t have to stand in your way of starting a family. Learn more about vasectomy reversal and make an appointment with Dr. Green in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • At-Home Recovery Tips After a Vasectomy Reversal

    The recovery from a vasectomy reversal is smooth and easy in the vast majority of cases. Before you leave the surgical center, Dr. Green will explain what you should expect and how you should care for yourself as you recover. Most vasectomy reversals are performed on an outpatient basis, so you will likely not need to spend the night in the hospital. Here are some tips for caring for yourself at home after your surgery.  

    Pain Management 

    Vasectomy reversal procedures typically do not cause intense post-surgical pain, but many men do report experiencing minor discomfort for a few days after the procedure. Dr. Green will advise you if you should use over-the-counter pain medications to alleviate any discomfort, or he will prescribe pain medication for you. On the day of the procedure, you should use ice packs, keeping them on for 20 minutes, and then removing them for 20 minutes before putting them on again. This will help to control swelling and will help with pain as well.   


    You should rest as much as possible for the first 24 hours after surgery. Dr. Green will remove your drains the day after surgery and tell you if you’re ready to start moving around again. When you’ve been advised that it is safe, you can start walking around for short distances, slowly increasing your distance with each walk. Avoid strenuous activity for at least four weeks. Generally, most men are able to return to work one week after the surgery. 


    Most men can eat a normal diet after surgery. If you are on pain medication and experiencing stomach discomfort, try eating a bland diet to ease your indigestion. You should also drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated throughout your recovery.  

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we’re committed to supporting patients before and after their procedures. We also work with men coming from out of town to our surgical center and ensure that they have the support they need even when they return home. To find out more about vasectomy reversal surgery in Sarasota, call (941) 894-6428.  

  • Announcing a Pregnancy After Your Vasectomy Reversal

    For many people, a vasectomy reversal is the first step on the road to the ultimate goal: pregnancy. When you find out that you and your partner have successfully conceived, you may be excited to tell everyone as soon as possible, or you may have some qualms about making the announcement because you’re worried about the timing or the questions that will follow. Here are some strategies for sharing your happy news after your vasectomy reversal in the way that feels right to you. 

    Timing Your Announcement 

    There is no single right answer to timing your pregnancy announcement. Some people prefer to wait until about 10 to 12 weeks, as the risk of miscarriage declines drastically by then. Other people want to tell everyone as soon as they find out. Other people wait until much later in the pregnancy to share their news with people who are not very close family and friends. The key is to choose the path that makes the most sense to you. You don’t have to share with everyone at the same time. You can opt to tell a few people early and make a big announcement to a broader group of people when you’re comfortable.  

    Answering Questions 

    For some people, your pregnancy announcement will seem like every other one. For people who know you had a vasectomy, there are may be more questions. How you handle them is up to you. You may opt to share that you had a vasectomy reversal, but you can also simply deflect questions by saying you’re thrilled about the pregnancy. Sharing personal information is not required.  

    Making the Announcement 

    Gone are the days of phone calls or making an announcement over dinner. Today, people are using social media to share their news in one big swoop, as well as creating little gifts for family and close friends that make the announcement for you. Clever announcements are the rage, so use your imagination to make sharing your news memorable.  

    Take the first step towards the day when you get to make a pregnancy announcement by learning more about your vasectomy reversal options. Set up an appointment at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota today by calling (941) 894-6428. 

  • Tips for Picking a Baby Name

    After a successful vasectomy reversal and pregnancy, the real fun starts—choosing a baby name. Picking a name is more challenging than you may think, especially when you and your partner have different ideas. This video offers advice for narrowing down your selection.

    Start by making a list of 10 names separately from your partner, and have them do the same. Compare your lists, and each of you pick two names from the other’s list. Then, you should have a total of four names you both love. From there, consider things like the longevity of the name and how your child will grow into it.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping families grow with our vasectomy reversal and infertility procedures. Find out more about vasectomy reversals in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428 to make an appointment with Dr. Joshua Green.

  • Can a Vasectomy Reversal Impact Sexual Function?

    Because of the nature of vasectomy reversal surgery, it’s common for men to have questions about the side effects of the procedure, including how it may impact sexual functioning. The good news is that a vasectomy reversal will not affect your sexual functioning in any way. After you heal from the procedure, you can expect to go back to your normal sex life without any complications.

    During a vasectomy reversal, Dr. Green will reconnect the vas deferens or connect the vas deferens with the epididymis, depending on the nature of your original surgery. Both types of reversal surgery are focused on the scrotum. Because of this, no part of the body that controls erections or testosterone production is affected, so there will be no disruption to sexual function or drive.

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota, we are available to answer all of your questions about the procedure, so you can make an informed decision for your needs. To make an appointment, call (941) 894-6428.

  • How Does Age Affect Vasectomy Reversal Success Rates?

    There are many factors that can influence the success of vasectomy reversals, from overall health to the length of the time between the original vasectomy and the reversal procedure. One factor that many prospective vasectomy reversal patients have questions about is age. Does age affect the success of vasectomy reversals? Here is what you need to know.

    Age is less of a factor than time since the procedure.

    Many men who are interested in vasectomy reversals are older, having changed their minds after having a vasectomy when they were young. Age is less of a determinant of how successful a vasectomy reversal will be than the time between the original procedure and the reversal surgery. An older man whose vasectomy is more recent is likely to have fewer concerns about the success of his reversal than a younger man whose vasectomy was many years before.

    Age-related health concerns can be a factor.

    Although age itself is not a significant factor in vasectomy reversal success rates, some age-related health complications can impact how successful the procedure is. Some of the health issues that occur in older men can make it unsafe to have surgery or can interfere with healing and the overall success of the procedure. Your vasectomy reversal surgeon will review your health history with you before your procedure to make sure it is safe for you to have anesthesia and that you are a good candidate for surgery.

    Age can affect the quality of sperm.

    A vasectomy reversal can be successful while other infertility issues still persist. Although age is a much bigger factor in fertility in women than men, age can still impact the quality of sperm, which in turn can make it harder to successfully achieve a pregnancy. Additional infertility treatments may be necessary.

    Before your surgery at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, Dr. Green will review the procedure with you and help you understand all of the factors that can influence the success of the reversal. Schedule an appointment for a vasectomy reversal consultation in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • What to Expect Before and After Your Vasectomy Reversal

    A vasectomy reversal is a safe procedure for most patients and involves a relatively fast recovery. By preparing for your procedure and recovery before your surgery, you can ensure that you can get back to your normal life as quickly as possible. Your vasectomy reversal surgeon will tell you what you need to do to get ready for surgery and what you can expect during your recovery. This information will also help you as you get ready for your vasectomy reversal surgery.

    Before Your Vasectomy Reversal

    Before your procedure, you will have a consultation with your vasectomy reversal surgeon. He or she will review your health history and talk about what you can expect from your surgery. You will likely need to have to blood work performed to ensure that it is safe for you to have surgery. Your surgeon will also perform a physical exam. He or she may check to see if you are producing healthy sperm so that you know that you don’t have other infertility issues before your surgery. If you already have children, your surgeon may assume that you have healthy sperm. If you have never fathered a child, you may need additional testing.

    After Your Vasectomy Reversal

    Most vasectomy reversals are performed on an outpatient basis, which means that you will go home the same day as your procedure. You will need someone to drive you home from the surgery center. You are likely to feel sore. Ice will help, as well as pain medications recommended by your surgeon. You will need to wear an athletic supporter for several weeks as you heal. Men who work at desk jobs can usually return to work within a few days but should limit physical labor as well as most exercise for up to four weeks. You should also refrain from having sexual intercourse until your surgeon says it is safe. About six weeks after surgery, your surgeon will begin periodically checking your semen for sperm to determine if the procedure is successful.

    Start the process of seeing a vasectomy reversal by calling the Center for Vasectomy Reversal to schedule a consultation. Make an appointment with Dr. Green in Sarasota by calling (941) 894-6428.

  • What’s Assisted Hatching?

    Medical technology is getting better with each passing year. One of the more recent developments in assisted reproduction is assisted hatching. This technique may be used during some in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. If you or your partner has recently had a vasectomy reversal with sperm aspiration, consider talking to the fertility doctor about whether you could benefit from assisted hatching. 

    The Basics of Assisted Hatching 

    As an embryo develops during its initial stages, it’s surrounded by a layer of proteins. This layer is called the zona pellicuda. An embryo can only successfully implant onto the uterine wall if it’s able to “hatch” out of the zona pellicuda. Assisted hatching is a technique that helps the embryo succeed in doing this. 

    An In-Depth Look at Assisted Hatching 

    This technique was developed when fertility specialists noticed that embryos with a thin zona pellicuda were more likely to implant to the uterine wall during an IVF cycle. If a couple is a good candidate for assisted hatching, the technique will be performed on the fourth day of development. At this time, the embryo contains about six to eight cells. Here’s a look at the step-by-step procedure for assisted hatching: 

    • The embryo is placed under a microscope, stabilized by a pipette.  
    • Another small pipette is used to introduce an acidified solution to the zona pellicuda to puncture a very small hole in the layer.  
    • The embryo is rinsed to remove any lingering acidified solution and then returned to the incubator.  
    • A few hours later, the embryo is ready for the transfer into the uterus. 

    The Typical Candidates for Assisted Hatching 

    Assisted hatching isn’t recommended for all couples. It’s generally recommended when a woman has failed to get pregnant after going through one or more IVF cycles, or when she has a poor prognosis of conceiving. Women who are of advanced maternal age, for instance, may be good candidates for assisted hatching 

    Over the years, Dr. Joshua Green has performed hundreds of vasectomy reversal surgeries and other male infertility procedures, including sperm aspiration. Bring your questions to your consult, as we pride ourselves on exceptional patient education and guidance. Call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota at (941) 894-6428. 

  • Spotlight on Sperm Function Testing

    Couples who are experiencing male infertility may have sperm function testing done, particularly if the male partner had a vasectomy reversal surgery. Sperm function testing is similar to semen analysis, but they aren’t quite the same test. A sperm function test will help the male infertility specialist develop a customized treatment plan that can help the couple achieve pregnancy. 

    First, the man must provide a sample of semen, which is examined in a laboratory. The lab technician will examine many aspects of the medical sample, including the total semen volume and the sperm density. The sperm density refers to the number of sperm present in the semen. A typical density is greater than 20 million sperm for each milliliter of semen. The lab technician will also examine the sperm motility (how well it moves), sperm morphology (shape of the sperm), and the presence of white blood cells. High amounts of white blood cells may indicate that an infection or inflammation could be affecting the sperm. 

    Dr. Joshua Green has helped countless couples overcome male infertility caused by vasectomies. Call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota at (941) 894-6428 to discuss your options, which may include sperm aspiration. 

  • Are Vasectomies Really Permanent?

    A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the severing of the vas deferens, which is the structure that transports sperm along the male reproductive tract. With the vas deferens severed, sperm will no longer be present in the man’s semen. Men who are thinking about getting a vasectomy should always consider it to be a permanent form of birth control. 

    However, as you’ll learn when you watch this video, vasectomies can be reversed. And in fact, the success rate of vasectomy reversals is quite high, especially when there is a relatively short period of time between the two surgeries. The infertility specialist featured in this video also discusses some other factors that can affect a successful pregnancy. 

    Dr. Green of the Center for Vasectomy Reversal invites couples to explore the possibilities with infertility procedures in our Sarasota clinic. Call (941) 894-6428 to request a confidential consultation.