• How Does the Age of the Female Partner Affect Post-Reversal Pregnancy Rates?

    There are dozens of issues that can potentially affect fertility. For men who have had a vasectomy, that procedure is the overriding factor. But there are also issues that may affect female fertility. It’s a smart idea to explore all the possible factors before making a medical decision, including the potential effects of the age of the female partner. 

    What Science Says About Age and Fertility 

    According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a woman’s fertility “decreases gradually but significantly” when she reaches her 32nd birthday. The rate of fertility decline accelerates after 37 years. By age 40, it’s quite common for women to have trouble conceiving naturally. ACOG notes that females are born with one to two million oocytes, or eggs. By puberty, women will have between 300,000 and 500,000 eggs. That number declines sharply at age 37, at which point women will only have 25,000 eggs. As ovarian reserve declines, so too does fertility. 

    How Age Affects Post-Reversal Pregnancy Rates 

    Research indicates that female age has no special effect on pregnancy rates after the male partner has had a vasectomy reversal. In other words, the chances of pregnancy are comparable. If Jane, age 40, and Jose, post-vasectomy reversal, try to have a baby, their chances of getting pregnant would be roughly the same as if Jose had never had a vasectomy, assuming that all other factors remain consistent. 

    What This Means for You  

    When a couple is considering a vasectomy reversal, it’s wise for the female partner to discuss potential fertility issues with her physician. Even if female infertility may be a problem, there are other options to consider. The vasectomy reversal surgeon could perform a sperm retrieval procedure if the couple wants to consider in vitro fertilization (IVF), for example. 

    Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal strongly encourages couples to be proactive patients. It’s always a good idea for the female partner to explore possible fertility issues with her doctor before making decisions about the vasectomy reversal. When you’re ready to move forward, call Dr. Joshua Green in Sarasota at (941) 894-6428 to request a consult. 

  • What Are the Factors That Impact Vasectomy Reversal Success?

    After you undergo a vasectomy reversal, you’ll need to wait a while to find out if it was successful in restoring the mobility of sperm. In about six to eight weeks, you’ll provide a semen sample for analysis. If sperm is present in the sample, the operation was a success. Occasionally, it may take a year or longer for sperm to be present in the semen. While vasectomy reversals are generally highly successful, there are several factors that can affect the success rate. Likewise, there are many issues that can affect female and male fertility, other than issues pertaining to the surgery. 

    Length of Time 

    The length of time between the original vasectomy and the vasectomy reversal surgery can be a factor in the success rate. Men who undergo a reversal within five years of having the reversal will generally have a 95% or greater chance of success. If between five and 10 years have passed, there is about a 90% success rate. If more than a decade has gone by, the success rate is generally between 80% and 90%. 

    Anatomical Blockage  

    Aside from the length of time that has passed, one of the biggest factors that can affect the success of the operation is the presence of scar tissue. After the original surgery, scar tissue can develop in the vas deferens or the epididymis. This means that, even if the severed ends of the vas deferens are successfully reconnected, sperm may not be present in the semen. 

    Surgical Skills 

    A vasectomy reversal is far more technically difficult than a vasectomy. Surgeons must have specialized skills and plenty of hands-on experience in order to produce a high success rate. It’s important to choose a vasectomy reversal surgeon who specializes in this field, and who has had a long and successful career. 

    Dr. Green in Sarasota has performed hundreds of vasectomy reversal surgeries with a high rate of success. He invites men and their partners to come in for a consult at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. Call our friendly staff at (941) 894-6428, and ask about long-distance consults for out-of-town patients. 

  • A Brief Overview of the Outpatient Surgery Process

    The vasectomy reversal is an outpatient procedure, which means you won’t need to stay overnight at a hospital. When you meet with Dr. Joshua Green for your consultation, you’ll receive all the necessary instructions. Avoid eating and drinking anything, including water, for at least eight hours prior to the surgery. If you need to take medications, speak with Dr. Green about whether you can take them with a sip of water. Please arrive at the Surgery Center 90 minutes before the start of the procedure. Your partner is welcome to wait with you until you’re taken to the operating room. 

    Once you’re in the pre-operative suite, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any last-minute questions you might have about the vasectomy reversal. At this time, you’ll also meet with the anesthesiologist to discuss your options. Then, a nurse will insert an intravenous (IV) line and you’ll receive a sedative. It’s likely that you won’t remember anything that happens after this point. You’ll wake up in the recovery area under close monitoring. Before you’re discharged, you and your partner will receive detailed post-op instructions. 

    If you have any questions about your upcoming vasectomy reversal in Sarasota, you can contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 894-6428. Dr. Green prides himself on providing personalized care and attentive service.

  • Tips for Supporting Your Partner During Labor

    After dealing with male infertility, the thrill of a positive pregnancy test is matched only by the excitement of the labor itself. You can support your partner by being prepared. Ahead of time, read about the stages of labor, talk about her birth plan preferences, and take childbirth prep courses together. When you watch the accompanying video, you’ll learn about ways of supporting your partner during the labor and birth. 

    This expert recommends offering frequent reassurances and a comforting touch. Note that some women appreciate a massage to help manage the pain, while others prefer not to be touched during certain stages of labor. Follow your partner’s cue, and do what she requests. 

    Dr. Green is an experienced vasectomy reversal surgeon serving Sarasota. Give us a call today at (941) 894-6428 to request a consultation when you’re ready to overcome male infertility and become a parent.

  • Considering a Vasectomy Reversal? Here Are the Answers to Questions You May Have

    No matter how sure you were of your decision to get a vasectomy, there’s always the potential to change your mind later. And thanks to vasectomy reversal surgeries, you still have a chance to become a parent for the first time or to father another child. You’ll likely have lots of questions if you’re considering this surgery. Your best source of information is a vasectomy reversal surgeon, but here are a few factors to consider. 

    What are the chances the surgery will be successful? 

    The success rates for vasectomy reversals are quite high, even if it’s been years since the original surgery. For example, even if it’s been five to 10 years since the original vasectomy, about 90% of men will have sperm in the ejaculate after a reversal. 

    Is a success rate the same as a pregnancy rate? 

    Not quite. The success rate refers to the number of men who test positive for sperm in the ejaculate after a reversal surgery. It’s possible for the pregnancy rate to be lower, and this may be due to reasons other than male infertility. Before moving forward with the surgery, it’s a good idea for your partner to speak with a fertility doctor. There may be some female fertility issues to consider. 

    Does it matter which surgeon I choose? 

    Absolutely. Although vasectomy reversals are a commonly performed surgery, they are complicated and require the skills and knowledge of an expert. There is a greater chance of a successful result if you choose a vasectomy reversal surgeon who specializes in these procedures, has an extensive background with them and has a long track record of success. Additionally, look for a surgeon who: 

    • Is board certified 
    • Has performed hundreds of male infertility surgeries 
    • Will take the time to address all of your questions and concerns thoroughly 
    • Performs the procedure at an accredited surgical facility 
    • Works with a board-certified anesthesiologist 

    Dr. Joshua Green’s board certification, excellent track record, and impeccable credentials are just some of the reasons why so many men choose the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. Call (941) 894-6428 to schedule a vasectomy reversal consultation in Sarasota today. Dr. Green will personally answer all of your questions and give you all the information you need to make a decision.  

  • What to Expect During Outpatient Surgery

    A vasectomy reversal is an outpatient surgery. This means that the procedure doesn’t require an overnight stay in the hospital. Dr. Green asks his patients to arrive at the Surgery Center 90 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the operation. You’ll have the opportunity to ask any last minute questions you might have about the vasectomy reversal surgery, and you’ll discuss your options for anesthesia with the anesthesiologist. 

    Once the anesthesia takes effect, you won’t be aware of anything until you wake up in the recovery room. You’ll be carefully monitored by the medical staff until you can be discharged. A responsible adult should be available to drive you home or to your hotel if you’re traveling from out of town. Expect to be groggy for the rest of the day, and plan to get plenty of rest. 

    Patients of Dr. Green’s at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal benefit from close, personal attention, and specialized vasectomy expertise. Call (941) 894-6428 to request a consultation with Dr. Joshua Green in Sarasota.

  • Sleep and Your Baby: A Look at the First Three Months

    Even if you’ve previously had children, bringing your baby home from the hospital represents a major transition in your life. Brush up on the basics of what to expect, like the sleeping habits of newborns. When you watch the featured video, you’ll learn that newborns sleep 16 to 17 hours per day. By four to six months, most babies will be sleeping through the night, and they’ll be awake more during the day. 

    This video offers helpful tips for regulating your baby’s sleep schedule. Put your newborn down for a nap every two hours. If you wait until your baby is already overly tired and fussy, he or she will have a harder time falling asleep. 

    At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we’re proud of all of the babies we’ve helped make possible over the years. When you’re ready to become a father, call Dr. Green at (941) 894-6428 to learn more about vasectomy reversals in Sarasota.

  • Get the Facts Behind Misconceptions About Vasectomy Reversals

    There’s a lot of misinformation about vasectomy reversals. Sometimes, the myths about the procedure may make men hesitant to consult a vasectomy reversal surgeon about their options. This is unfortunate since the procedure is a fairly routine surgery with a high success rate. And because it’s an outpatient surgery, men often find it convenient to fit into their busy schedules. Get the truth about vasectomy reversals before you make your decision. 

    Myth: Vasectomy reversals are linked to prostate cancer. 

    There is a persistent myth that men who undergo a vasectomy reversal are at a higher risk of getting prostate cancer. This would be alarming if it was true, but fortunately, it’s not. Numerous studies have demonstrated that there is no association between vasectomy reversals and prostate cancer. 

    Myth: Men stop producing sperm after a vasectomy. 

    Before you undergo surgery, it’s helpful to brush up on the basics of anatomy so you understand exactly what’s going to happen. Sperm is produced in the testicles. The vas deferens is the tube that carries the sperm from the testicles through the penis. During a vasectomy, the vas deferens is surgically clipped. This prevents the sperm from traveling out of the body. However, the procedure doesn’t affect the testicles at all, which means men continue to produce the same amount of sperm that they normally would. This means that reconnecting the vas deferens can be all that’s needed to restore male fertility. 

    Myth: Vasectomy reversals aren’t successful if it’s been too long. 

    It’s true that surgeons see higher success rates in patients who have the reversal within a few years of having the original surgery. But waiting longer doesn’t actually affect the success rate all that much. Even if it’s been 10 or 20 years, a reversal can be a success. The most important factor is to choose a surgeon who specializes in this procedure, and who has a great deal of experience with it. 

    Your best source of accurate, reliable information about the procedure is a vasectomy reversal surgeon. Talk to Dr. Joshua Green in Sarasota at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and get the answers to your questions. New and current patients can reach us at (941) 894-6428. 

  • FAQs About General Anesthesia

    If you are undergoing surgery, your doctor may recommend one of three main types of anesthesia for the procedure: Local, regional, or general. Local anesthesia only numbs a small area of the body. Regional anesthesia numbs a larger area. General anesthesia puts the patient to sleep and makes the patient completely unaware of the surroundings and unable to sense pain. Many surgeries, including vasectomy reversals, are performed under general anesthesia. 

    Why can’t I drink water before the vasectomy reversal? 

    While you’re under anesthesia, there’s a risk that food or liquids will aspirate into the lungs, causing serious medical complications. That’s why you’ll be asked to stop eating and drinking by midnight the night before your vasectomy reversal. If you have diabetes or you need to take medicine with a sip of water, talk to your doctor about these special considerations. 

    How long will it take for the anesthesia to wear off? 

    Every patient is a little different. Immediately after the surgery, you’ll be moved to a recovery room. Your vital signs and breathing will be closely monitored while you wake up. It can take a few hours before you become fully aware, but in your mind, it may only seem like a few minutes have passed. It’s perfectly normal to feel somewhat groggy for the rest of the day. 

    When can I drive again? 

    You won’t be able to drive yourself home from the surgery. You’ll need a responsible adult to take you home or to your hotel, and stay with you for at least 24 hours. The anesthesia will prevent you from driving for a full 24 hours. If you’re taking prescription pain medications after the surgery, you should be aware that these can also affect your ability to drive safely. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for additional information. 

    Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal prioritizes the safety and well-being of his patients. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have before you undergo a vasectomy reversal in our Sarasota clinic. You can get in touch with our office at (941) 894-6428. 


  • Using the MESA Procedure with IVF

    If you have had a vasectomy and you either don’t want to have a reversal procedure or your vasectomy reversal was not successful, the MESA procedure can be used with IVF to help you and your partner achieve a pregnancy. Dr. Green performs this procedure and works closely with a local IVF specialist to help couples for whom vasectomy reversal is not the answer to their fertility issues.  

    During a MESA procedure, Dr. Green removes sperm directly from the epididymis. The sperm is then provided to the IVF specialist, who will use it to fertilize an egg, that is then implanted in the female partner. This procedure works well if vasectomy reversal was not successful or if the female partner has fertility issues that prevent a natural conception  

    If you are interested in using MESA in conjunction with IVF to start a family, contact Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota. Schedule a consultation by calling (941) 894-6428.