• Items for Your New Dad Survival Kit

    If you’re about to become a new dad, you might be nervous and excited about this upcoming life change. Help ease your transition into fatherhood by stocking your new dad survival kit with these eight items. 

    • Diaper bag: Each parent should have their own diaper bag to make caring for the baby easy, no matter who takes a trip to the changing room. Masculine versions that resemble backpacks, tote bags, and messenger bags abound these days. Find leather, camo, and even sports-themed versions with all the compartments of a diaper bag without actually looking like one. 
    • Baby wipes: Keep a supply in your diaper bag, of course, but don’t underestimate the many uses for baby wipes besides dabbing a messy bottom. As a new dad, you may quickly learn you can use baby wipes to clean your hands after filling the gas tank, mop up spills in the car, shine your shoes, clean remote controls, swab your keyboard, and more! Always keep a box on hand, both at home and in the car. 
    • Hand sanitizer: Having a baby introduces a wide range of bodily fluids and messes into your life. While soap and water are best for washing up, hand sanitizer is useful on-the-go—especially if you run out of baby wipes. 
    • Books on fatherhood: It’s normal to feel overwhelmed during the first few weeks of being a dad, but thoughtful advice from parenting books can help you get used to the new norm. 
    • Headache medicine: Step one of dealing with a crying baby is to figure out what’s wrong. Once you meet his or her needs, the crying should stop. However, when a fussy baby gets the better of you, it’s okay to fight off headaches with over-the-counter pain relievers. 
    • Activities for “me time”: You and your partner will likely want to spend quality time together while the baby is sleeping, but set aside some “me time” each day to help you unwind. Have some activities on hand that you can enjoy on your own, such as audiobooks, podcasts, videogames, and TV shows. 
    • Earplugs: You shouldn’t always drown out the baby’s crying—after all, your partner needs help with nighttime feedings and diaper changes—but on nights when you really need some shut-eye, earplugs might be your best bet for sleeping through the night. 
    • Coffee: Restless nights definitely call for morning coffee. Consider treating yourself to a new coffee maker or a fancy French press in anticipation of your baby’s arrival. 

    If you’re considering reversing a vasectomy, fatherhood could be right around the corner. Discuss your options with Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota, FL. We can detail the reversal process and help you decide which surgical option may be right for you. Whether you’re ready to schedule your procedure, or you simply want to learn more, please schedule a free consultation with Dr. Green by calling us at 941.894.6428. 

  • What Are Your Chances of Giving Birth to Twins?

    Having a baby is very exciting, so how would you feel about a two-for-one pregnancy? If you’re undergoing fertility treatment, you probably already know that twins are a possibility. However, there are many other factors that come into play when it comes to multiples. Do you know your chances of giving birth to twins?  

    • Your age plays a role. Women who are over 30 are more likely to have twins because they have higher levels of folliclestimulating hormone. This surge in FSH occurs because older women have lower fertility in general, but sometimes the follicles can overreact and release two or more eggs.  
    • Twins are sometimes hereditaryIf your family history includes identical twins, that doesn’t make you more likely to conceive them. However, a history of fraternal twins on the woman’s side indicates a genetic predisposition to ovulate more than one egg per cycle, and if it’s in the man’s family it indicates high sperm production, so if your family has fraternal twins, you might have them too.  
    • Your height and weight are a factor. Overweight women are more likely to have twins, even though extra weight can keep some women from conceiving because more weight means more estrogen, which can overstimulate the ovaries. Taller women are prone to twins, though no one knows quite why.  
    • If you have a large family, it might get larger still. Women who have carried many pregnancies are more likely to conceive twins.  
    • Race makes a difference. African Americans are more likely than Caucasian women to conceive twins, and Asian women are the least likely.  
    • Surprisingly, breastfeeding can contribute to a higher risk of twins. This may seem unbelievable, because breastfeeding typically suppresses fertility, preventing pregnancy, especially if the baby is under six months and exclusively breastfed. However, if you do get pregnant while breastfeeding, you’re more than ten times as likely to have twins.  

    All of these factors work together, so if you have more than one, your chances of twins are higher, especially if you are also undergoing fertility treatmentsIn general, the rate of twins is about 3.35%, but with fertility treatment, that number jumps significantly, depending on the type of treatment. With Clomid and Femera, for instance, the rate is between 5 and 12%, while with IVF it’s 12.1% for women under 35, and decreases as women age.  

    If male infertility is impairing your ability to conceive, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for vasectomy reversals and other fertility issues. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks and offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  

  • Is It Ever Too Late to Have a Vasectomy Reversal?

    If you underwent a vasectomy in the past, you probably intended for it to be permanent. If you’re in a different situation now and have changed your mind about having children, you may be concerned that it’s not possible. Is a vasectomy reversal really effective? And even if it is, will it work for you if your vasectomy was done several years ago? 

    In most cases, vasectomies are reversible. A skilled surgeon can perform the necessary micro-surgery and reconnect the vas deferens, restoring sperm to the ejaculate. A vasectomy performed more than fifteen years ago may be more challenging, because there may be further blockage in addition to the vasectomy. If this is the case, the surgeon will need to perform a more involved procedure, known as vasoepididymostomy, to restore sperm flow and fertility. This surgery involves connecting the vas deferens to the epididymis, rather than just reconnecting the vas deferens itself.  Modern technology has led to great advances in these kinds of surgery, though, and even for complicated vasectomies, the success rate is high.  

    In fact, recent research indicates that older vasectomies can be reversed almost as easily as younger ones. In a study of 1229 men having vasectomy reversals, grouped into more recent (1-15 years) and less recent (16-38 years) vasectomies, the rates of successful reversal were statistically very close. The success rates, measured by the rate of achieving moving ejaculated sperm counts after the surgery, were 88% in younger vasectomies and 65% in older. Further, the sperm counts obtained in these two groups of men following their reversal surgeries were the same, averaging about 55 million sperm.  

    What does this all mean? First, after undergoing a vasectomy, men continue to make just as much sperm as they did before, and that continues no matter how long they have the vasectomy. Additionally, this research indicates that older vasectomies are more reversible than ever thought possible previously, which means it’s never too late to have a vasectomy reversal and make fatherhood a reality.  

    If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our caring and skilled team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and we also offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just have questions and want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  

  • How to Stay Optimistic About Parenting in This Day and Age

    Some days, just paying attention to the news can make a person reluctant to have kids. The world can seem like a terrible place, full of danger, but in fact, this is a great time to raise kids! Technology is always improving, kids have tons of opportunities, and dads are more active in their parenting roles than ever before. Do you need more reasons to be optimistic about parenting in the modern age? We’ve got some, so read on.  

    • Kids are becoming ever more aware of the world around themFrom an early age, today’s kids are aware of nature and their impact on the Earth. They also have more awareness of others and a greater sensitivity to those who are different and may be dealing with challenges. As technology advances, children will learn more than prior generations could imagine, and though the internet certainly has its drawbacks, it certainly puts all kinds of knowledge within easy reach.  
    • Empathy is on the rise. There’s empathetic discourse in elementary school now, and kids are growing up in an environment of acceptance. Non-traditional families are more accepted, society approaches disability issues with more concern, and there’s a higher awareness of mental health issues than in the past.  
    • Gender parity is growing closer. The world in which kids are growing up features much more concern about female empowerment and diverse representation, and much more understanding about the problems of outdated concepts of masculinity. The bumbling dad stereotype is on the way out, and girls and boys alike are being raised to be smart, strong, and emotionally aware.  
    • People are more connected than ever. Technology is connecting us globally, breaking down language barriers and the modern focus on emotionally honest parenting is creating stronger connections within familiesWhat’s more, it’s easy to find support, even when you live far from family, because there are tons of groups of like-minded parents.  
    • Having kids is so much fun! It’s easy to share your favorite movies with your kids, and you can bond over today’s many, many superheroes. The toys are really cool, and there’s such a wealth of kids’ music and movies that you’re sure to find some you actually enjoy.  

    If you’re ready to become a parent, and considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our caring and skilled team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and we also offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just have questions and want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  

  • How Infertility Can Negatively Impact Your Relationship in More Ways Than One

    Even the best marriage can run into trouble when facing the challenges of infertility. Feelings of resentment and disappointment can creep in, and communication can become a struggleInfertility doesn’t necessarily mean you can never have children, but it does mean that you and your partner will have to try harder than some other people, which can be a challenge. The best way to face it, as with any obstacle in your married life, is together. Be aware of common issues, and be proactive in keeping your marriage strong.  

    • Don’t let fertility become an obsession. The tedium of charting, doctor’s appointments, giving samples, having injections, and more can make it feel like infertility is your whole lifeand waiting for the results can be excruciating. Don’t let it all overwhelm you, but find ways to connect with your partner that doesn’t involve family planning. Have a weekly date night, making a rule that you can’t talk about babies.  
    • Recognize that life is all about making a new plan. You have to live the life you have, even if it’s not the one you expected. Learning all about infertility, seeking new ways to communicate with your partner, and making a plan to move forward can help alleviate some of your stress.  
    • Keep your sex life fun. When your sex life is all about fertility apps, calendars, and basal thermometers, it becomes less than sexy. Prioritize date night, making a point to connect in ways that have nothing to do with conception.  
    • Try not to take your frustrations out on each otherWhen you’re living with the pain of not being able to conceive, it’s easy to become angry, depressed, or resentful. It’s important to learn how to communicate honestly and calmly, learning to compromise without resorting to anger. Remember that you are in it together, avoid placing blame, and take comfort in the love and compassion you have for each other.  
    • Don’t allow infertility to isolate you. Infertility can be emotionally isolating, so reach out to others sharing your experience by finding a good support group, either online or locally.  
    • Be realistic and cooperative when it comes to moneyFertility treatments are expensive, so it’s important to keep emotions out of your budget and come up with a realistic plan together.  

    If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  

  • The Risks, Results, and Success Rates of Vasectomy Reversals

    If you have had a vasectomy and now regret it, you may wonder if you can have it reversed. The good news is that vasectomy reversals have come a long way, and it’s very possible to have a successful reversal. The bad news? The surgery can be far more complicated than a vasectomy.  

    • How is the procedure performed? Because a vasectomy involves severing or blocking the tubes that carry sperm from your testes to your penis, a vasectomy reversal is done by rejoining them. This is done using microsurgery, either to sew the ends of these tubes (vas deferens) back together, in a procedure called vasovasostomy, or to attach the ends of tubes to the small organ at the back of the testicle that holds sperm. This is called a vasoepididymostomy, and it’s a much more difficult procedure, used only if for some reason you can’t have a vasovasostomy or your doctor believes it won’t work for you. Sometimes, it’s necessary for a doctor to perform a combination of these two procedures.  
    • How major of a procedure is it? A vasectomy reversal is either performed in a hospital or a clinic, typically under general anesthesia. It takes between two to four hours, and the patient can usually go home the same day. Patients with desk jobs can usually return to work in a couple of days, while those who do physical labor or have a job that involves excessive walking or driving may need to wait a while longer.  
    • What are the risks? It’s rare to experience any serious complications from a vasectomy reversal, but there are a few risks. Sometimes, bleeding within the scrotum leads to a collection of blood called a hematoma, which can be painful. Rarely, patients experience chronic pain after a vasectomy reversal or contract an infection that requires antibiotics. The best way to reduce the risks of complications is to follow your doctor’s instructions exactly.  
    • How soon will you know the results of the procedure? Your doctor will collect semen samples from you for about four to six months, and examine them to check for the reappearance of sperm. For patients who undergo a vasovasostomyit can take as long as six to twelve months for sperm to reappear, while those who have a vasoepididymostomy may have to wait more than a year.  
    • What’s the success rate for vasectomy reversals? That’s another piece of good news. Up to 90 percent of vasectomy reversals are successful. Of course, the ability to conceive a child involves many factors, and pregnancy rates after vasectomy vary widely, ranging from 30 to 90 percent. Sometimes patients decide to have some sperm frozen prior to the procedure, in case it’s unsuccessful. That way, even if they are unable to conceive through intercourse, they may be able to use assistive reproductive technology to father children.  

    If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our caring and skilled team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and we also offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just have questions and want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  

  • Should Men Take Pre-Natal Vitamins?

    When you’re trying to conceive, it’s extremely important to take care of your health. A woman who is trying to get pregnant will work to stay at a healthy weight, watch her diet, stop drinking and smoking, and take prenatal vitamins, to make sure she gives her potential baby the very best start possible. But what about the potential father? Men can also take steps to improve their fertility, including taking prenatal vitamins. 

    Many of the things men can do to up their chances of fathering a child are the same things that women do when they’re trying to conceive. Maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and eating a healthful diet are all good steps to take, as are getting enough sleep and reducing stress. Additionally, men who want to procreate should not wear constrictive underwear or take long soaks in the bath or hot tub.  

    Why take all of these measures? A man’s age, diet, and lifestyle can have an effect on his sperm health, which has an impact on fertility but also on the child’s development and long-term health. A newborn’s predisposition for chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease can result from poor behavior or health of the mother or father before they even conceive. Three to six months prior to conception is a great time to improve your lifestyle, and that includes taking a prenatal vitamin.  

    The best prenatal vitamin for a man to take is not the same as a woman’s prenatal vitamin because some of the nutrients in prenatal vitamins can cause problems for men. It’s advised that men take a multivitamin formulated for adults or specifically for men, rather than taking a prenatal vitamin formulated for a woman. Men need nutrients like calcium and iron, which are in prenatal vitamins, but not at the doses those vitamins contain. In fact, too much calcium has been linked to cardiovascular disease in men, and too much iron can lead to a host of issues, including gastrointestinal problems, liver problems, and dangerously low blood pressure. What’s more, prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, which is important for women to take to prevent birth defects, but which has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Before taking any kind of supplement, it’s smart to talk to your doctor and get a recommendation for the right formulation for you.  

    One major roadblock to a man’s fertility is a vasectomy, but even that can be overcome with new microsurgery techniques for reconnecting the vas deferens. If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our caring and skilled team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and we also offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just have questions and want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  

  • Popular Fertility Apps

    Fertility has been an issue for as long as there have been people, but with the modern age comes new ways of managing it: there’s an app for that. In fact, there are so many fertility apps out there, helping people track fertility and understand their own biology, that it can be hard to know which one to use. Here, we narrow it down to the top apps of the year, each available on both iPhone and Android, based on their consistency, reliability, useful content, and reviews.  

    • Clue: Rated 4.8 stars for both Android and iPhone, this app tracks periods and ovulation. Women can log their periods and basal body temperature, and Clue will make predictions about ovulation and fertility. It’s free but does have some in-app purchases.  
    • Flo: This period and ovulation tracker rates 4.9 stars on both iPhone and Android. It’s free with in-app purchases and features reliable fertility and ovulation calendars. It will also notify you when it’s a favorable day to conceive, in addition to tracking your cycle, period, and PMS symptoms and presenting the data in chart form. 
    • Glow: This cycle and fertility tracker has a rating of 4.7 stars on iPhone and 4.6 on Android, and it’s free with in-app purchases. Using Glow, you can track your cycle as well as recording symptoms, sexual activity, and day to day moods. Using information about your cycle and symptoms, as well as an ovulation calculator, you’ll be able to optimize your chances of conception. 
    • Fertility Friend: With a 4.8-star rating on iPhone, and a 4.5 on Android, this apps features an advanced ovulation calendar and period tracker to help you understand your fertility. Using your data, the app creates a personalized fertility chart with helpful advice on trying to conceive. It also alerts you on your ovulation days. It’s free, with some in-app purchases. 
    • Ovia: This free app rates 4.8 stars on both iPhone and Android, and accurately predicts periods and fertile windows, using a unique algorithm. It allows you to check trends and insight on customized fertility charts and also provides health summaries and statistics about your cycle length, period length, symptoms, intercourse days, and more.  
    • Natural Cycles: This is an intelligent birth control app that predicts ovulation by analyzing basal body temperature. It’s free with in-app purchases, has a rating of 4.8 stars on iPhone and 4.6 on Android, and gives daily updates about your cycle and fertility.  
    • Kindara: This app was one of the first digital fertility charting systems. While not rated as highly as some of the others- 4.6 on iPhone and 3.9 on Android- Kindara is known for extremely accurate ovulation prediction, and it’s the only app with Wink, a wireless basal body temperature thermometer. If you’re charting, Wink is a great way to do it with very little hassle.  
    • Dot: Free with in-app purchases and rated 4.8 on iPhone and 4.4 stars on Android, Dot uses period start dates and an advanced algorithm to predict your chances of pregnancy on every day of your cycle. The more you use it, the more accurate it becomes, because of ongoing statistical analysis.  

    One major roadblock to a man’s fertility is a vasectomy, but even that can be overcome with new microsurgery techniques for reconnecting the vas deferens. If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our caring and skilled team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and we also offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just have questions and want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  


  • Advice Every Dad Should Know

    Are you about to become a firsttime dad? How exciting! If you’re like most dads, you probably want to know everything possible about being a father, so that you can be ready for your new little one. You may have been reading parenting books and surfing the net to gather all the information you can, but when it comes right down to it, advice from real dads is the best way to go. Here, you’ll find some words of wisdom from experienced fathers, given to help you be the best dad you can be.  

    • Read, read, read! Even before your child is old enough to understand, read to him or her. Listening to someone reading helps a child develop listening skills and, eventually, verbal skills and a love of reading. What’s more, the time you spend reading to your child is precious and will help you to bond.  
    • Never say you’re babysitting your child. This is a thing that many dads say, but it’s inaccurate. When mom is with her child, she’s parenting, and the same goes for a dad caring for his child.  
    • Man up and change diapers. Ultimately, it’s not really a big deal. It only takes a few minutes, and it’s important for you to do your fair share.  
    • Realize that for the first few months, you’ll be a supporting player in your home life. The mom and the baby will take center stage for a while, and you’ll need to ease the stress on your partner by doing everything you can to keep the household running smoothly.  
    • Make the most of the hospital stay. Even if your partner says she’s ready to get out of there and head home, encourage a second night. The nurses can help you, and you’ll be able to get some rest before handling all the middle of the night feedings and new parent anxiety on your own.  
    • Appreciate good help. A good babysitter is invaluable, so take your time finding one, and then stick with that person. 
    • Don’t worry if you don’t fall in love at first sight with your new baby. Not everyone is into newborns, and some parents find that it takes a little while to form that strong connection.  
    • Skip the buttons. Baby clothes with buttons may be oh so cute, but all those tiny buttons are a pain. Go for zippers or even Velcro to make your life easier.  
    • Sing to your baby, and find a song to be “your song.” It can be a nursery rhyme or just a favorite song of yours, but when you sing it to your baby often enough for it to become familiar, it can distract and soothe them.  
    • Step up without being asked. Your partner will appreciate it if you take the initiative to do the things that need to be done, without constantly asking for permission. Don’t worry, taking care of a baby is easier than you think; they’re not made of glass.  
    • Routines are the key to a smooth home life. Eating, napping, going to bed at night, waking- all of these things need to be on a schedule. At first, it may feel like you’re being too rigid, but kids thrive on routine and it will make your life less stressful.  
    • Don’t use your job as an excuse to slack off at home. If your significant other stays home with the baby while you work a full-time job, it does not absolve you from child-related responsibilities after work. Being at home all day with a baby is exhausting, and help from the other parent is extremely important.  
    • Take tons of pictures. They don’t have to be high-quality shots, but the pictures you take will help you remember this time with your baby. Babies grow and change quickly, and the days are so hectic that it’s easy to forget things if you don’t take photos.  
    • Remember one thing: the days are long, but the years are short. Try to live in the moment as much as you can, because even though this time is exhausting, you’ll be astonished at how quickly it flies by. When you take the time to appreciate your child as he or she grows into a person, you’ll have those memories to cherish later.  

    When you’re ready to become a dad, don’t let a vasectomy stand in your way. If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our caring and skilled team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and we also offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just have questions and want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.  

  • Your Sperm Count After a Vasectomy Reversal


    Vasectomy reversals have a high success rate, and many men and their partners are able to conceive naturally after having a vasectomy reversed. However, reaching optimal sperm production after having the surgery can take as long as six to twelve months. Why so long? More importantly, is there anything that can be done to optimize your sperm count after a vasectomy reversal?  

    To understand sperm count, it’s helpful to know a little bit about sperm production. A sperm cycle is usually about 90 days. That’s the amount of time it takes for your body to produce new sperm and get rid of the old sperm through ejaculation. After a vasectomy reversal, when a man goes in for his sixweek postoperative semen analysis, the sperm motility is typically still low, because the man is still working on getting rid of old, dead, sperm found in the ejaculate. For most men, it takes about two sperm cycles, or six months, to achieve good sperm quality.  

    If your vasectomy reversal was done by an experienced, well-qualified, specially trained microsurgeon, you can rest assured that your sperm counts will eventually rise as your body returns to optimal sperm production. It’s important to be patient, though, and understand that this process will take some time. While you wait, there are some things you can do to help boost your sperm count.  

    • Take your recovery seriously. For a couple of weeks after your surgery, it’s important to take it easy, minimizing straining, pulling, lifting, and stretching. Even everyday actions like getting in and out of a car can cause strain, so be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter.  
    • Don’t rush back into sex. After a vasectomy reversal, wait three to four weeks before resuming sexual activity. Once the waiting period is over, though, frequent ejaculation is a great way to keep the sperm flowing through your tubes, which helps keep them open.  
    • Eat a nutrient-dense diet. While vitamin and antioxidants in supplement form may help, there’s really no substitute for a well-balanced diet that’s packed with vegetables and fruits.  
    • Take anti-inflammatories if your doctor recommends them. At the post-operative check, your doctor can tell you whether there is scarring at the surgical site, which can be improved with anti-inflammatory medications.  
    • Stay out of the hot tub. High water temperatures can kill healthy sperm, so avoid excessive heat.  
    • Watch your alcohol consumption, and don’t smokeAlcohol can impair sperm production, and smoking slows wound healing.  
    • Follow up with your doctor. It’s important to keep all the recommended follow-up appointments so that your doctor can monitor your progress and make sure you’re healing correctly.  

    If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our caring and skilled team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and we also offer a payment plan option for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just have questions and want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.