Top Baby Names of the Last Decade
It’s interesting how names come in and out of popularity, depending on cultural shifts. Is the name your parents gave you still a popular choice among today’s parents? Let’s take a look at the top baby names of the recent years, as we move into a whole new decade.
The classics remain classic. For boys, Noah, Liam, and Jacob top the list for the 2010s, and they were all popular in the previous decade as well. For girls, the top three were Emma, Sophia, and Olivia, which had all been in the top 20 during the 2000s.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) keeps track of the top baby names each year, and using their analysis of over 35 million babies who were born between 2010 and 2018, they’ve come up with a ranking of the top 200. Are there any newcomers to the top 20? Yes! For boys, Jayden and Mason climbed the charts, while new top 20 names for girls included Harper, Evelyn, and Addison. You can find the whole list at the SSA’s website, but for now, we’ll give you this teaser of the top 20 for both boys and girls.
18,133, 841 baby boys were born between 2010 and 2018, and these were the top 20 boys’ names, which the Social Security Administration tells us are “a good indication of the ultimate rankings for the complete decade”:
- Noah
- Liam
- Jacob
- Mason
- William
- Ethan
- Michael
- Alexander
- James
- Elijah
- Daniel
- Benjamin
- Aiden
- Jayden
- Logan
- Matthew
- David
- Joseph
- Lucas
- Jackson
In that same time frame, 17, 316, 359 baby girls were brought into the world, and these were the top 20 girls’ names, also representing the entire decade:
- Emma
- Sophia
- Olivia
- Isabella
- Ava
- Mia
- Abigail
- Emily
- Madison
- Charlotte
- Elizabeth
- Amelia
- Chloe
- Ella
- Evelyn
- Avery
- Sofia
- Harper
- Grace
- Addison
What do you think? Did your favorite names make the list? Many of the top 20 are timeless, but a few modern names have made their way in. If you had a baby right now, would these names make your list?
If you’re ready for a baby and considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
Five Fast Facts about Vasectomy Reversals
A vasectomy is considered a permanent method of sterilization, but is it really permanent? Between six and ten percent of men who have had vasectomies will change their minds at some point and consider a vasectomy reversal. In truth, even though in times past it was a long shot, today vasectomy reversal is extremely doable. Here are some things you might want to know about this increasingly common procedure.
- Vasectomy reversal is a largely successful outpatient procedure. When a vasectomy is performed, the surgeon reroutes or clamps the internal tubing that carries sperm from the testicles through the penis. This tube, called the vas deferens, is restored in a vasectomy reversal. Using microsurgery techniques that involve surgical microscopes and stitches finer than a human hair, the doctor re-attaches the tubing. It only takes about two hours, and the patient can usually go back to work in a day or two.
- A man’s testicles never stop making sperm. A vasectomy prevents sperm from leaving the body, but it doesn’t stop sperm production. Therefore, once the reversal is complete, normal fertility is restored. After three weeks or so of abstinence, to allow for healing, the couple can try to conceive.
- Time is a factor in vasectomy reversal success, but it may not be the biggest factor. The rates of success for a vasectomy reversal are as high as 95 percent for vasectomies done within the past 10 years. After 15 years, the success rate begins to decline, but the health of the man’s sperm and the age of the female partner are just as significant in the chances of conception.
- Fertility plays a role, even after a successful reversal. Before a man goes through a vasectomy reversal, he and his partner should be examined for fertility issues as well as overall health. Sometimes, the best option for conception is in vitro fertilization, so the doctor may recommend a sperm retrieval to increase the chances of conception.
- Insurance probably doesn’t cover the procedure. It’s important to note, before deciding to undergo a vasectomy reversal, that it’s typically not covered by insurance. Therefore, patients need to be prepared to pay out of pocket.
If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
New Research about Infertility is Promising
One in eight couples has trouble conceiving. Do you know how many of the cases are caused by unexplained male infertility? Nearly a quarter. For years, scientists have known that infertility can be linked to sperm that fail to throw out histones from DNA during development, but the reasons for this failure and how it happens is unclear. Now, however, that lack of clarity may be changing.
Promising new research out of Penn Medicine is showing the precise location of the retained histones and the key gene that regulates them. Researchers have also created a mouse model with a mutated version of the gene. This allows investigators to track the defects in sperm, starting with the early stages of sperm development and going through fertilization. This research could lead us to a better understanding of infertility in men, and how epigenetic mutations are passed to future generations.
What does it mean, when sperm fail to evict histones? Histones are the main proteins in chromatin. Their function is to package DNA and turn genes on and off. Healthy sperm lose about 90-95 percent of these proteins, replacing them with protamines, smaller proteins able to pack DNA into tiny sperm. When a man has unexplained infertility, the problem is often with retained histones. The sperm count can be normal, the sperm have normal motility, and yet because the histones are in the wrong location, the couple has trouble conceiving.
Until now, research has produced conflicting results about where these histones are located. Because of the confusion of discrepant data, the burden of assisted-reproductive technologies has continued to fall on women. Even if the male has the issue, the female partner goes through hormone injections and procedures to promote a higher fertility rate.
Imagine, then, if scientists were able to use epigenetic therapies to change the levels of histones and protamines in men. With this new research, scientists are better able to closely study the mechanisms behind a mutated sperm’s trajectory, which opens the door to potential therapeutic treatments. Epigenetic drugs are already being used to treat cancer and other diseases. With a clearer understanding of how a man’s epigenome affects conception and embryonic development, we have the potential to alter sperm, so these new studies may lead to a breakthrough infertility treatment.
If you’re struggling with infertility or considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks, and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
Vasectomy Reversals 101
If you’ve had a vasectomy, is it really permanent? Vasectomies are permanent in that they can only be reversed through surgery. However, using vasectomy reversal, your surgeon can restore fertility and make it possible for you to have children.
Vasectomy reversal is surgery to reconnect the tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperm from the testicles into the semen. Once the tubes are connected, sperm reenters the semen, and it’s possible to conceive. There are different factors that affect the success of the reversal, and pregnancy rates after the reversal range from 30 percent to more than 90 percent. The length of time since the vasectomy was performed, the age of the man’s partner, the surgeon’s experience and training, and fertility issues that existed prior to the vasectomy all play a part in the success of the reversal.
Most of the time, a vasectomy reversal is performed as an outpatient procedure. Sometimes it requires general anesthesia, while other times only a local anesthetic is given, to keep the patient from feeling pain without causing him to lose consciousness. The most common type of vasectomy reversal is a vasovasostomy, in which the surgeon sews together the severed ends of each vas deferens. Less common is the vasoepididymostomy, which is more complicated and typically used with the simpler vasovasostomy won’t work. In a vasoepididymostomy, the surgeon attaches the vas deferens directly to the epididymis, the small organ, located at the back of the testicle, that holds sperm. Complications rarely occur, but when they do, they include bleeding within the scrotum, infection at the surgery site, and chronic pain. Carefully following the doctor’s instructions will help reduce these risks.
When a vasectomy reversal is successful, semen may contain sperm within just a few weeks. In some cases though, it takes a year or more for sperm to appear. The surgeon is an important factor in the success rate of a vasectomy reversal, and choosing a surgeon who is trained in and uses microsurgical techniques greatly increases the odds of success. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the doctor’s experience when choosing a surgeon, because a surgeon who has done the procedure many times is more likely to perform it successfully. Make sure, too, that the surgeon is qualified to perform a vasoepididymostomy, in case that becomes necessary.
If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of the experienced and knowledgeable Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
How to Know If You’re Infertile, and What You Can Do About It
Are you concerned that you may be infertile? Doctors define infertility as a failure to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse. However, if you’ve been unsuccessfully trying to conceive, it’s smart to be evaluated as soon as possible. There are certain factors that can cause infertility, but which can be treated earlier than 12 months after you start trying. How do you know if you should be tested earlier?
If you’re over 35, you don’t need to wait a year before being tested. Age is a major factor in fertility, so you should seek medical attention if it’s been 6 months since you started trying to conceive. In fact, if age is the problem, your chances of successful medical intervention go down the longer you wait. After age 35, fertility declines in women rapidly. By the time they’re over 40, about half of women are infertile, solely based on age, due to a low number and low quality of eggs.
Women with low egg numbers can be identified through ovarian reserve testing. Antimullerian hormone (AMH) testing and ultrasound of the ovaries to count follicles are two methods of determining the quantity of eggs. When a woman doesn’t have enough eggs, her chances of conceiving go down. Additionally, when the quality of eggs diminishes, the risk of miscarriage increases.
Another reason you might need medical tests before a year has passed is an issue with ovulation. If your cycle is irregular, you may be ovulating infrequently or not at all. This can make conception more difficult, but medical intervention can help, so seek help as soon as possible. Certain aspects of your medical history may be impacting your fertility, too, like a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Previous abdominal surgery in women and previous testicular surgery in men can also cause issues. In all of these cases, seek medical help early for best results.
Before you see a doctor, you might want to take a look at your lifestyle and make sure you’re in the best possible health. If you have a chronic condition like diabetes or hypertension, these must be well-controlled before conception. Quit smoking if you smoke, drink only in moderation, and pack your diet with nutrient-dense foods.
If you need help with your fertility or you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
How to be the Best Dad You Can Be
Fathers have always been important in their children’s lives, but in our modern culture, the role of Dad seems ever-changing. Good dads are engaged, supportive, and loving, and help their kids build confidence and self-esteem. You’ll probably have a different relationship with your kids than you had with your dad, and you may be different from other dads you know. Embrace your own unique style of parenting, and refine it with these tips.
- Give your children the gift of your time. Childhood goes by in a flash, and how you spend your time while they’re growing up shows your children what’s important to you. Prioritize bonding with your children, finding fun ways to spend time with them.
- Find positive, loving ways to discipline. Positive guidance is more effective than punishment, and setting reasonable limits will help your children develop self-control, confidence, and a feeling of security. Discipline in a way that’s calm and fair, reminding children that there are consequences for undesirable behavior and positively acknowledging them when they do the right thing.
- Be a good role model for your children. Fathers are role models for their sons and daughters. A daughter who grows up with a loving father learns to look for a partner who treats her with love and respect. When a son grows up with a nurturing father, he learns to be a kind and compassionate man. Teach your children the traits they should embrace by modeling honesty, humility, and responsibility.
- Start important conversations early. When your children are little, talk to them about things that are important. That way, when difficult subjects arise as they grow older, you’ll be able to better manage those conversations. Be sure that when you talk to your children, you’re also listening to them talk about their ideas and problems.
- See yourself as your children’s teacher. Teach your children right from wrong, encouraging them to do their best and make good choices. Read to your children, showing them the importance of reading in a world dominated by screens.
- Respect your children’s other parent. When parents demonstrate mutual respect, it provides children with security and a sense of well-being.
- Dive in early. Being proactive and involved in your children’s early years will help you build lasting relationships with them.
Are you ready to become a dad? If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
How Infertility Impacts a Relationship
If you and your partner are struggling with infertility, you probably already know that it can put a strain on your relationship. Battling infertility is expensive, stressful, and exhausting, and creates challenges for couples that few other experiences can. The key to making it through infertility with a strong relationship is to acknowledge the feelings you’re wrestling with and work through them together. While every couple’s experience is different, there are a few commonalities you might want to consider when navigating your own relationship issues.
· It’s common to feel shame about infertility. Fertility is a private issue, and couples often feel shame or embarrassment, a sense of inadequacy, or that they’re the only ones going through it. In fact, millions of couples struggle with infertility. It may be helpful to reach out to others in your situation, to reduce your feelings of isolation and help you cope with your negative feelings about infertility.
· Fertility treatments don’t always work. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has greatly improved over the years, but there are still no guarantees that you’ll successfully conceive. Many couples have to undergo multiple rounds of IVF, and miscarriages or other issues sometimes occur. It’s hard not to feel discouraged, and important to support each other during the process.
· Partners don’t always experience the same emotions while dealing with infertility. Sometimes one partner has more trouble than the other when dealing with infertility and pregnancy loss. This can put a strain on the relationship and cause arguments. It’s important to acknowledge what’s going on and be gentle with each other.
· Fertility treatments are extremely expensive. Financial concerns are already a hot button issue for many couples, so when fertility is thrown into the mix, the strain can become overwhelming. It’s important to talk about this and make sure you’re on the same page when it comes to your finances.
· Infertility may disrupt your sex life. Fertility treatments can make sex feel like a chore and put a strain on your relationship, especially when you’re also dealing with depression or negative feelings. Be patient with each other, and find ways to bring romance into your relationship.
· The most important thing is to make it through this time in your lives together. If you can weather this storm together, you’re likely to come through it with a stronger relationship. If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other concerns about their fertility. We accept major credit cards as well as cash and checks and offer a payment plan for those who are unable to pay the entire fee at the time of surgery. Whether you’re ready to schedule a procedure or just want to learn more, you can contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
Why Vasectomy Isn’t Always the Right Choice
Vasectomy, or male sterilization, is an effective form of birth control. It involves cutting the tubes, called vas deferens, that release sperm into the seminal fluid, thereby preventing pregnancy. Vasectomies don’t prevent erections or ejaculations, so intercourse feels the same for both partners.
Men often decide to have a vasectomy when they know they don’t want any (or any more) children and no longer wish to rely on other forms of birth control. While the procedure is quite safe and effective, it’s not ideal for everyone. Here’s why having a vasectomy isn’t always the right choice.
It’s Not Risk-Free
The most common risk of male sterilization is the ongoing pain and discomfort of the testes or surrounding area. This condition is most often caused by the congestion of sperm in the system and may occur within a year of having a vasectomy. Treatment is usually simple, including taking anti-inflammatory medication and applying heat therapy. One to six percent of men need further treatment to relieve their pain.
Other risks of vasectomy include:
Bleeding under the skin, resulting in temporary swelling or bruising
Infection at the incision site or inside the scrotum
A lump forming near the treatment site (surgery may be needed to remove the lump)
Vas deferens growing back together and enabling the man to have children again
It Doesn’t Protect Against STDs
Most forms of contraception don’t protect against sexually transmitted diseases. This includes birth control pills, IUDs, tubal ligations (female sterilization), and vasectomies. To prevent contracting an STD, you should either be abstinent or use a condom, even after undergoing sterilization.
Your Partner Might Disagree
While the decision to get a vasectomy is a very personal one, it isn’t yours to make alone. A man and his partner should discuss honestly and openly about the possibility of not having any (or any more) children. If you don’t want kids, but your girlfriend or wife does, getting a vasectomy behind her back is not the right choice.
You Might Not Qualify
Male sterilization is often difficult to arrange for single or childless men under 35 years old. Federally funded procedures may not be performed on anyone who is under age 21 or unable to give legal consent. Vasectomies aren’t recommended for teenagers because the procedure is intended to be permanent. Many providers and hospitals simply deem sterilization to be too significant of a decision for a minor to make.
You Might Change Your Mind
Aside from tubal ligation, most other forms of contraception are temporary. If you and your partner decide you want to have kids after all, it’s easy to simply discontinue many birth control methods. Vasectomies, however, require surgical reversal. It can be done, but not having a vasectomy in the first place is a better choice if you’re not sure where you stand on being a parent.
If you’re ready to reverse your vasectomy, please call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at 941.894.6428 to learn more about the procedure.
The Science Behind the ‘Father Effect’
While studies about motherhood have dominated parenting-related research in the past, scientists are now realizing just how important it is for children to have an engaged father figure in their life. Academic journals publish new findings nearly every day that illustrate the profound effect fathers can have on their children, for better or worse.
It all begins before the baby is even born. Future fathers who attend birthing classes with their partners and involve themselves in the labor process tend to develop a stronger attachment to their child. Evidence also suggests that dads who build an early relationship with their baby are more likely to remain involved in the child’s life as the years go by. And, as numerous studies have shown, more paternal involvement means a better outcome for the kids.
This is called the “Father Effect.” Here’s how it works.
What it Means to be an Engaged Father
Most parents want healthy, well-balanced children. To increase the likelihood of this, focus on being a good dad. This means:
- Living with your kids in the family home (or remaining in contact via phone calls and letters if you’re divorced, deployed, or incarcerated)
- Reading to your children and putting them to bed
- Attending your children’s important events
- Giving birthday gifts and other financial support
- Offering compliments and praise
- Helping with homework
- Meeting and interacting positively with your kids’ friends
- Offering fatherly advice
- Spending quality, meaningful time together (not just watching TV)
Outcomes of the Father Effect
Consider the many ways being a supportive dad can benefit your children:
- Higher IQ: Infants and toddlers tend to have stronger cognitive development if their fathers play an active role in their lives from birth. The highest IQs are found in children where both parents are engaged.
- Better social skills: Kids—sons in particular—tend to be more popular in preschool and have an easier time forging healthy relationships as they mature when they grow up with their father around.
- Less risky sexual behavior: When kids hit puberty, their dad becomes the arbiter of sexual behavior. Teenagers—daughters in particular—take fewer sexual risks if they have a strong relationship with their father.
- Fewer emotional and behavioral problems: Engaged dads increase the likelihood that their children will stay in school and avoid behaviors that could land them in jail.
- Well-adjusted adults: Kids grow up to have higher-paying jobs and healthier, stabler relationships when their fathers are around to help raise them.
Are you ready to be an involved father? If you had a vasectomy in the past, you might assume the opportunity has passed. However, thanks to advanced vasectomy reversal options, it’s not too late to become a dad! Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, you can reverse your vasectomy using a state-of-the-art procedure available at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota, FL. When you’re ready to learn more, please call us at 941.894.6428 for a free consultation.
Celebrity Infertility Spotlight: Samantha Busch
Infertility is often a taboo subject. However, when celebrities speak up about their struggles, it helps the general public understand how “normal” it is to have difficulty getting pregnant. It’s also cathartic to discuss the emotional turmoil of infertility with others who have experienced it.
Samantha Busch—wife of NASCAR driver Kyle Busch—discusses her life on social media and as a cast member of CMT’s Racing Wives. From providing play-by-plays of Kyle’s races to discussing the couple’s infertility to documenting their heartbreaking miscarriage, no topic is off-limits.
Samantha’s journey into motherhood started in 2012 at age 26 when she and Kyle decided to start a family. She chronicled her journey on social media, stating:
“Trying to have a baby was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in life…You could handle one, two, three, four negative pregnancy tests. But by that ninth, 10th, 11th [one], that’s when it’s hard. It’s hard to pick up the pieces again.”
She even opened up about the mental health struggles of treating infertility, saying:
“We started the fertility drugs. They don’t tell you too much about the side effects of them. You turn insane. Nobody’s telling you what’s happening to yourself as a woman and what’s happening to your marriage. Nobody’s telling you that you’re going to sit on the floor and cry for hours and your husband’s going to be there to support you, but at the same time, you’re like, ‘What if I can’t give him kids?’”
Samantha and Kyle’s son, Brexton, joined the Busch family in 2015 via in vitro fertilization (IVF). In an effort to comfort other couples facing similar challenges, Samantha shared her experience with IVF more in-depth when the couple pursued it again last year to have a second child.
The procedure resulted in pregnancy, but Samantha disclosed the devastating news that she had had a miscarriage in November 2018:
“Earlier this week I suffered a miscarriage. We lost our baby girl. My heart hurts more than words can describe.”
While her original intent had been to help others “[not] feel so alone,” it was Samantha who received an outpouring of support from “so many women who had been through the exact same thing and understood the emotion that I was feeling and the pain and the confusion.”
Though speaking up about infertility can be difficult, Samantha says being open about it has been therapeutic. More women share her experience than most people realize. Up to 15 percent of people who know they’re pregnant have a miscarriage. That’s why, through the Kyle Busch Foundation, the couple launched the Bundle of Joy Fund to help couples cover the cost of IVF, which can run thousands of dollars. Samantha continues to share her journey and provide online support to those who need it.
Vasectomy can be a major roadblock to a couple’s fertility, but with vasectomy reversal, you can get back on the path to parenthood. To schedule a free consultation, please call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at 941.894.6428.
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