How to Prepare For your Vasectomy Reversal
If you’re having a vasectomy reversal, it’s normal to feel some anxiety before the procedure. Any type of surgery can be intimidating, and vasectomy is certainly a serious undertaking. The procedure itself, however, is quite safe. It’s performed in an outpatient setting and has a high success rate. There are some things you can do to prepare for your vasectomy reversal that will help the entire process go more smoothly.
- Shake off the nerves. Trust your medical team and trust yourself. You’ve made an educated decision, choosing a reliable and experienced surgeon, and you can be confident in the choice you’ve made. Learn as much as you can about the procedure ahead of time, prepare yourself and your home for your recovery, and then rest in the knowledge that you’re in good hands.
- Watch what you put into your body. Stop smoking at least six weeks before your surgery, and don’t smoke for at least a month after the procedure. Better yet, don’t smoke at all! Avoid alcohol for a week before surgery, and steer clear of medications like aspirin for 48 hours before your procedure. Your doctor will advise you of any other medications to avoid, but the general rule is to stop taking blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medication. You will need to abstain from food and drink from midnight the night before your surgery. Don’t even chew gum, because this can stimulate gastric acids.
- Prepare your body for surgery. Take a shower the night before your surgery. You should also shave the area where you’ll have surgery, either the night before or the morning of your surgery. This includes the full area of the scrotal sac, extending to the groin areas on either side, but not the pubic area above the penis.
- Make preparations for your recovery. Enlist someone’s help getting to and from the clinic, because you won’t be able to drive for 48 hours after the surgery. Arrange time off work, because you’ll need at least a week to rest and recuperate. Make sure your home is in order, and that you have everything you’ll need in easy reach of the place where you plan to rest after surgery. Have a compassionate support system in place, so that you’ll know someone will be there to help care for you during the time that you need to take it easy and heal.
If you’re interested in reversing your vasectomy and you’re looking for an experienced professional surgical team, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here for you. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more, contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 for a free consultation.
How to Protect Your Baby from COVID19
COVID-19 has made this year frightening. We know that for adults to say safe, socially distancing and wearing face coverings are important. We agonize over whether to send children back to school, wondering if they’ll be able to understand the need to stay away from others. But what about babies and toddlers? How can you protect little ones from COVID-19?
- First, let’s address face coverings. People over age two are advised to wear a face covering or mask when in public. As you probably know, this is primarily to protect other people. Wearing a mask even if you don’t suspect you have the virus can help keep those around you from getting it. Obviously, this applies to small children as well; when they’re surrounded by adults wearing masks, they’re protected from infection.
- But why shouldn’t toddlers themselves wear masks? First, their smaller airways make it harder for them to breathe through cloth. Additionally, masks can have strings and elastic pieces that could cause a young child to choke. Finally, little children are likely to try to remove the mask, which will lead to a lot of face touching, and this can spread the virus.
- Can kids even get infected with COVID-19? While most cases occur in adults, children can be infected. For most kids, the virus causes a mild illness, and in some there are no symptoms at all. However, some babies and children have gotten very sick from the virus, so while you can’t protect them by having them wear masks, it’s important to protect little children in other ways.
- Some basic safety measures can help keep the virus at bay.
- Keep your family at home and away from others as much as possible, only going out when it’s necessary.
- Whether you’re at home or out and about, avoid people who are sick.
- Wash your hands well and often and teach others in your family to do the same. Wash your hands thoroughly when you go into your home after being out, before handling your child, and before feeding your baby.
- Try not to touch your face.
- Clean all surfaces that people touch a lot, like doorknobs, cellphones, and countertops.
- If you’re sick, wear a face covering at home, limit contact with your child, and sneeze or cough into a tissue rather than your hands.
- When your baby is in an infant carrier, place a blanket over the carrier while it’s in your view, making sure the blanket doesn’t touch the baby. Wipe down your stroller or carrier when you get home.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping people build their families. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more, contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 for a free consultation.
How to Throw a Baby Shower During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has really put a damper on social interaction this year! If you or someone you love is having a baby, though, it’s still important to celebrate the impending arrival. How do you safely throw a shower while a pandemic is raging? We’ve got several great ideas.
- Have a “Drive-Thru Sprinkle”. A drive-by baby shower is the easiest option for local guests. Arrange a time for a car parades, and have guests decorate their cars and drive by to drop off gifts. The mama-to-be can sit on a comfy chair and enjoy receiving well wishes and packages, and guests can pick up individually packaged cupcakes and party favors. The organizer can even decorate the lawn ahead of time with balloons, yard signs, and fresh flowers.
- Start a meal train. Especially for couples who don’t want a traditional shower, bringing food after the baby is born can be a great gift. Let people select nights to drop off dinner and use a free service like Meal Train to organize it.
- Have a game day. You could either host a virtual game party on a meeting platform like Zoom, or you could use an app like Bunch or a site like Kahoot to get a group together to play. Kahoot even create a trivia game with questions about the parents and the coming baby. Send virtual gift cards to the winning guests for prizes.
- Host a virtual shower. Just as with meetings, classes, and other gatherings, showers can easily be held online. Ahead of time, the host can send decorations, games, and snacks to the mom-to-be, and snacks, favors, and games to the guests. Choose a platform like Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts, and plan your party to fit within the allotted time frame. The mom can even give people a virtual tour of the nursery, so guests can enjoy the décor!
- Send gifts instead of bringing them. Online shopping is something most people are doing right now anyway and picking up something for baby is fun and easy. Amazon and other sites make it easy for parents to register for things they want and need for the new little one.
- Delay until a safer time. While it’s fun to have a shower before the baby arrives, it’s also fun to meet the new arrival in person! By planning a welcome party instead of a shower, you can do it when things are safer, and celebrate with the newly created family.
Things look a little different this year, but there are still plenty of ways to welcome a new baby. At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping people build their families. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more, contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 for a free consultation.
When to Start Weaning Your Baby Off Baby Food
When babies are born, it’s easy enough to feed them. Breast or bottle, on-demand or on a schedule, and that’s pretty much the extent of the decision-making process. Once babies can sit up and hold their heads up on their own, you can start introducing pureed foods one at a time. As they grow, though, it gets a little more complicated. How do you know when it’s time to wean your little one from pureed baby food and start solids? We’ve got some useful advice.
Six months is typically the age at which babies start pureed foods. Be sure to offer a variety of foods, one at a time, because there’s evidence that this can help reduce the risk of allergies. As your child eats more foods, he or she will take less milk or formula. From pureed foods, you’ll move to mashed foods, then chopped, then small bites and finger foods.
Moving away from jarred foods is important because, although pureed foods and solids may be nutritionally equal, whole foods are better for a child’s development. Children need to learn to adapt to new things, and as they grow and learn to self-feed, they’ll be better able to develop the natural sense of appetite that will be important throughout their lives. By about the age of two, most healthy, typically developing children can eat the same foods as the rest of the family.
Of course, care must be taken to keep your toddler from choking. Keeping the food soft and not circular is part of preventing choking hazards. Find ways to make your toddler’s food finger-friendly, cutting it into small bites the child can pick up and chew. Pizza can be cut into small squares, soft fruit, soft cooked vegetables, or fully cooked eggs can be placed on the child’s tray to offer practice for finger feeding, and bread can be sliced into strips.
Use good practices to help your child develop good eating habits. Make sure you’re eating the same healthy fruits and vegetables you’re stressing for your child. Don’t cater to picky eaters by making different meals for different family members, but don’t be too strict about finishing meals, either. The important thing is to frequently expose your child to a variety of healthy foods. Allow children to serve themselves as much as is reasonable, and don’t insist on large portions. Set clear expectations, gently guide your children into eating healthy foods, and help them learn to trust their own appetites.
There are few things more rewarding than building a family and watching your little ones grow. At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping people build their families. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more, contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 for a free consultation.
Should you put pregnancy on hold because of COVID19?
The COVID-19 has changed a lot of plans for a lot of people. Schools and businesses have closed, gatherings have been cancelled, and many people are quarantining at home. If you’ve been trying to start a family, should that plan be changed as well? The decision about whether or not to put your pregnancy on hold during the pandemic is multifaceted and, ultimately, deeply personal and subjective.
It’s important to acknowledge that there’s no right answer to this question. Everyone family’s circumstance is different, and each couple has to decide for themselves when it’s the right time to have a baby. There’s not even really a scientific consensus on this issue. There are, however, a few different factors to consider.
- First, consider your age. If you’re young and have plenty of time to get pregnant, there may be no rush to go ahead and do it now, during this uncertain time. If you’re nearing the end of your childbearing window, however, it may be worth pressing ahead.
- Think about what you do for a living. If you work from home, there may be very little risk of you contracting the virus. If you’re working in a high-risk setting, however, this may not be such a good time. Even if you’re not on the front lines of the virus, if you’re the primary breadwinner and your employer won’t allow you to work remotely, you may consider waiting to get pregnant.
- What are your risk factors? If you’ve got a history of high-risk pregnancies, or if you have underlying medical conditions that put you at higher risk of contracting COVID-19, you should not consider pregnancy at this time. It’s important to discuss your risk factors with your doctor, so that you can make an informed decision.
- The pandemic is limiting medical care. Many medical practices are moving to virtual or telephone visits, and this is not ideal for prenatal care. Further, reallocation of medical resources may limit your access to care during your pregnancy. Doctors are restricting elective procedures, and this applies to fertility treatments as well. Back in March, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) issued new guidelines restricting assisted reproduction, so while you can still become pregnant naturally, your other options are limited.
Here’s another question: does COVID-19 pose risks to the pregnancy or the baby? The answer is not entirely clear. There have been some small studies indicating the babies can contract COVID-19 from their mothers in utero. However, the babies studied all recovered quickly, as the virus seems to typically impact small children less severely than adults.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping people build their families. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more, contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 for a free consultation.
How to be Supportive During Your Partner’s Pregnancy
Many expectant parents are excited about the arrival of a new child, but sometimes, pregnancy brings a bundle of stress along with the joy. It’s easier to face the many changes, unknowns, and lengthy to-do lists when a man and woman act as partners in the pregnancy. A partnership strengthens the relationship, lowers anxiety, and increases the chance of a smooth transition into parenthood. Follow these tips to help you support your partner during her pregnancy.
Educate Yourself
The more you learn about your partner’s body and the changes she’s experiencing, the more effectively you can support her. It’s also wise to educate yourself about childbirth and infant development, so you know what to expect when the baby arrives. Here are some resources to guide you:
- Read pregnancy books with helpful week-by-week details.
- Attend childbirth classes and doctor visits where you can ask specific questions of educators and healthcare providers.
- Speak with other new parents, including friends and family, who may be eager to talk about how they navigated unique pregnancy challenges.
Provide Emotional Support
If you notice your partner struggling emotionally or dealing with high stress, step in with these tips:
- Encourage and reassure your partner.
- Ask her how you can help, and then follow through.
- Shower her with affection.
- Help her make difficult lifestyle changes, such as giving up alcohol alongside her.
- Encourage her to take breaks and rest more, being aware that pregnancy hormones increase a woman’s need for sleep.
- Talk to your partner about her desire for intimacy.
- Take walks together, where you can get some exercise and have time to talk.
- Reach out to a counselor, therapist, or healthcare provider if you feel your partner could use help for anxiety or depression.
Offer Physical Support
As your partner’s body undergoes tremendous change, be prepared to offer your physical support in the following ways:
- Take on more responsibilities at home, such as cooking and cleaning.
- Be open to eating different foods if your partner’s nausea or cravings change her usual diet.
- Don’t smoke around her. Seriously consider quitting or at least cutting back.
- Offer back massages and foot rubs to ease her stress and pain as the pregnancy progresses.
- Help her check items off that long to-do list.
- Make sure your partner knows you’re planning to be an involved father. This includes helping to feed, change, and bathe your baby to give her a break. If you have other children, volunteer to handle more of their care during the first few weeks of the baby’s arrival.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping moms and dads build their families together. If you’re ready to begin your journey into parenthood, we’re here to help. Our team offers state-of-the-art treatment for men seeking vasectomy reversal under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green. To learn more, please call our Sarasota, FL clinic at 941-894-6428 and schedule a free consultation.
Fun Activities to Do With Your Children this Summer
Keeping the kids entertained while they’re out of school may seem like a daunting task at first, but with this list of activities on your summer bucket list, you’ll enjoy learning and playing with your children more than ever!
Outdoor Activities for Nice Days
Help the kids get some fresh air and explore nature when the weather is nice with these cheap or free activities.
- DIY bird feeders: Encourage your feathered friends to visit your backyard by making a bird feeder with your child’s help.
- Family hike: Planning a weekend outing on a local trail will give everyone in your family something to look forward to all week long.
- Bike ride and picnic: Put a meal together with your kids’ help, load the food into a backpack, and bike to a scenic picnic spot to enjoy your lunch as a family.
- Backyard obstacle course: Things such as traffic cones, hula-hoops, 2x4s, slides, pool noodles, and ropes strung between trees make for fun obstacles with minimal setup on your part.
Water Activities for Hot Days
Don’t let the heat stop you from going outside—introduce a little water to help everyone stay cool! Just remember to wear sunscreen and keep an eye on the youngsters.
- Water balloon piñatas: Tie water balloons to a clothesline to make piñatas for your kids and their friends.
- Water balloon baseball or volleyball: These classic games make for hours of water fun under the sun for the whole family.
- Sprinkler: Set up an oscillating sprinkler, and leave your kids to it!
- Water play: For younger kids, a small kiddie pool filled with a few inches of water and some plastic or rubber toys is just right.
Indoor Activities for Stormy Days
When summer rainstorms threaten to put a damper on your fun, try these indoor activities instead of resorting to videogames or TV.
- Balloon tennis: A few air-filled balloons and fly swatters are all you need for this family-fun activity.
- Indoor golf or croquet: Set up a course in your living room, or even all over the house, for tons of indoor fun when the weather won’t cooperate.
- Cooking or baking: Whether it’s whipping up a batch of cookies, making pancakes from scratch, or trying no-bake cake pops, summer is a great time to get your kids involved in the kitchen.
- Puppet theater: Got a few puppets in the toy chest? Make up a play with your kids or help them reenact their favorite movie.
Entertaining the kids may seem like a chore at times, but watching them grow and learn is also one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. If you’re ready to experience summer fun as a dad, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help you get there. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team offers state-of-the-art treatment for men seeking vasectomy reversal. To learn more, please call 941-894-6428 or schedule a free consultation on our website.
The Science of Having a Boy or a Girl
Most parents-to-be want a healthy baby, but many also wish for a particular gender. You have probably heard rumors for tipping the odds in favor of one sex or the other, but are any of them true? Explore the science of having a boy or a girl.
The Father’s Sperm Determines a Child’s Gender
No matter what other factors may be at play, one thing is certain—the sex chromosome of the sperm that fertilizes the egg determines the baby’s gender at birth. If an X chromosome combines with the mother’s X chromosome, you get a girl (XX). And if a Y chromosome reaches the egg first, you get a boy (XY).
Factors that May Influence the Sex of a Child
Just about everyone has a nearly 50/50 chance of conceiving a boy or a girl. Having a family of all boys or all girls is almost always due to pure chance. Still, specific factors may slightly influence the odds that an X or Y chromosome sperm will fertilize the egg.
- The ovulation cycle: In the 1960s, the best-selling book, How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby, argued that timing sex close to ovulation allows fast-swimming Y sperm to reach the egg sooner, resulting in a male baby. And since Y sperm die quicker, intercourse far away from ovulation maximizes the chance of X sperm achieving fertilization, resulting in a female baby. However, this argument has been disputed over the years.
- Wartime: Some research has found a small correlation between higher male birth rates and times of war and conflict. This is an interesting find, given that male mortality rates are high during war.
- Stress: Other studies show that extreme stress can lead to female conceptions, which may be related to the fragility of Y sperm or the hormonal changes that tend to favor X sperm when the going gets tough.
- Wealth: A study of billionaires suggests that men who inherit their money are more likely to have sons than self-made billionaires (and the general population), suggesting that wealth without stress leads to sons.
- Mother’s diet: Some argue that eating cereal preconception induces male births, while others say low-salt, high-calcium diets favor females.
- The father’s family: A study of family trees found that fathers inherit a tendency to have more sons or daughters from their parents. Therefore, a man with many brothers is more likely to have sons, and a man with many sisters is more likely to have daughters.
With so many factors at play, most of which aren’t within your control, the odds end up being about the same as flipping a coin. And chances are, the moment you hold your newborn, it won’t matter to you whether it’s a boy or a girl.
Are you interested in having a vasectomy reversal so you can welcome a new son or daughter into the world? If so, please contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal in Sarasota, FL at 941-894-6428 for more information.
Things That Affect Male Fertility
The journey to parenthood is straightforward for many, but up to 15 percent of couples fail to conceive after a year of trying to get pregnant. Male infertility plays a role in over one-third of these cases. Consider the factors that affect male fertility and what you can do to improve your chances of conceiving a child with your partner.
Causes of Male Infertility
You could have trouble getting your partner pregnant if you have any of the following:
- Low sperm count
- Abnormal sperm function
- Blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm
- Low testosterone levels
What Affects Male Fertility?
The following factors play a role in your sperm count, function, delivery, and testosterone levels:
- Varicocele: Having enlarged veins within the scrotum is the most common reversible cause of male infertility.
- Infection: Some infections interfere with sperm health or production, including several STDs, such as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and HIV.
- Substance use: Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can lower testosterone levels and sperm count.
- Overall health: Being overweight or having high blood pressure may reduce fertility. Other medical causes include undescended testicles, tumors, hormone imbalances, chromosome defects, and untreated celiac disease.
- Ejaculation issues: Various conditions may prevent proper ejaculation, including diabetes, spinal cord injuries, medications, and surgery of the bladder, urethra, or prostate.
- Environmental factors: Overexposure to heat, radiation, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals may reduce sperm count or function. Even prolonged biking, horseback riding, or physically demanding work can affect fertility.
- Emotional factors: High stress may interfere with hormones needed to produce sperm. Depression can also cause sexual dysfunction that can cause male fertility issues.
How to Improve Male Fertility
Being unable to conceive a child can be frustrating and stressful. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to improve your fertility:
- Receive treatment for underlying medical conditions.
- Talk to your doctor about switching medications if infertility is a side effect of anything you’re currently taking.
- Consider the changes you can make to reduce physical strain at work and in your daily life.
- Wear boxers, not briefs, to avoid elevated temperatures and tightness that could affect sperm count.
- Adopt stress management techniques, such as meditation, aromatherapy, yoga, and breathing exercises.
- Examine your lifestyle. If you use substances or are overweight, improving your health may increase your fertility.
- Schedule a doctor visit to check your fertility, especially if you experience sexual dysfunction, pain or swelling in the testicle area, abnormal breast growth, or hormonal irregularities along with fertility issues.
Did you previously have a vasectomy, but now you’re ready to start or grow your family? Dr. Joshua Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal can make your dream of fatherhood a reality. We provide state-of-the-art treatment for men looking to reverse a vasectomy or address other fertility concerns. To learn more, please call our Sarasota, FL clinic at 941-894-6428 or schedule a free consultation through our website.
Why you Should Let your Children have Pets
There’s something appealing about seeing kids and pets together. Especially if you’re an animal lover, the very idea of bringing a pet into your child’s life can conjure up idealistic images of kids playing, snuggling, and bonding with a new animal friend. But is it a good idea? There are many factors to consider, but there are plenty of great reasons to let your children have pets.
Before looking at the positives of pet ownership, let’s address the negatives. Pets are a big responsibility, and much of that responsibility falls on the parents. Having a pet requires a significant investment of time and money. Cats and dogs live for many years, so they require a commitment to an essentially permanent family member. Smaller pets, like goldfish and hamsters, don’t live as long, but their shorter lifespans present an emotional challenge. Pets require food, exercise, grooming, and veterinary care. Additionally, if a family member turns out to be allergic, you’re likely to have to experience the pain of rehoming a pet just as you’ve gotten attached.
Now that the negative aspects of pet ownership are out of the way, let’s look at all the wonderful things about getting a pet for your child.
- Pets can be good for a person’s health. In fact, research indicates that children who grow up with pets are at a lower risk of developing allergies and asthma. Pet owners require fewer trips to the doctor, and playing with dogs can lower blood pressure.
- Having a pet encourages exercise. Running, walking, playing, throwing a ball: pets give kids great reasons to head outside and get moving.
- Pets provide emotional benefits. Pets reduce stress, loneliness, and anxiety, and children with pets tend to have better impulse control, social skills, and self-esteem. Living with animals gives kids a healthy respect for nature, and children derive comfort from having an animal pal.
- Children learn while playing with pets. Caring for pets fosters responsibility, and nurturing a pet helps kids practice caregiving, developing empathy and compassion. Additionally, kids who are learning to read benefit from reading aloud to pets. Some studies even indicate that having pets helps kids become comfortable in leadership roles.
- Pets help a family to bond. Pets give families a common interest and can help slow the hectic pace of modern life. There’s even evidence to show caring for a pet together increases the sibling bond.
Pets are a great idea for a family with kids, as long as you make sure the pet you’re getting is a good fit for your family. When you’re ready to start a family, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here to help. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or help with their fertility. To learn more, contact us through our website, or call 941-894-6428 to arrange a free consultation.
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