What Happens on the Day of Your Vasectomy Reversal?
Just like before a vasectomy, the time period before a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota can be full of apprehension. However, it helps to know what to expect in order to put your mind at ease. Your surgeon may have specific instructions for you to follow before your procedure, such as fasting or stopping use of certain medications. Keep reading to learn what will happen on the day of your vasectomy reversal.
When you arrive on the day of your surgery, you will meet with your vasectomy reversal surgeon and anesthesiologist; you and your anesthesiologist will determine what type of anesthesia will be best for the operation. The anesthesia will then be administered inside the operating room and the procedure will begin. You will likely be somewhat groggy when you awaken after the two to three hour procedure, but you can be taken home by a driver once you are alert.
Please do not hesitate to call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility at (941) 981-4341 for more information about what to expect on the day of your vasectomy reversal. Dr. Joshua Green is happy to serve the Sarasota area with various infertility procedures. You can also visit our website to learn more about our services today.
Exploring the Issue of Male Infertility
While many men choose to have a vasectomy when they have decided they would not like
additional offspring, others find themselves struggling with male infertility in Sarasota. This
condition may come as a result of certain environmental or behavioral factors, but successful
treatment plans can be established. Keep reading to explore the issue of male infertility.
In order for conception and the ensuing pregnancy to occur, healthy sperm is typically
transported to a healthy egg via semen. Unfortunately, a number of factors may impede this
process. Male infertility may be caused by environmental factors like exposure to certain
chemicals, metals, or radiation. Certain behavioral factors may come into play as well, including
use of drugs and alcohol, obesity, and excessive levels of stress. All of these factors can prevent
healthy sperm from reaching and inseminating an egg, resulting in infertility.
In some cases, you may not experience any symptoms other than failure to conceive a baby after
repeated attempts. In others, however, there may be additional symptoms that can clue you into
your fertility challenges. If you have a tendency to experience sexual complications like erectile
dysfunction or a low sex drive, infertility may be a related symptom. If you have low
testosterone or are otherwise lacking in hormones, this may also indicate that you have fertility
issues. If you notice any of these problems, talk to your doctor to find out more about your
There are many treatments for male infertility, and the right route for you depends on the causes
and symptoms you experience. Certain surgical procedures have been shown to be effective in
reversing vasectomies and facilitating natural insemination, while others are designed to retrieve
high-quality sperm for other types of conception.
Would you like to know more about the issue of male infertility? Contact the Center for
Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility or visit our website. We specialize in vasectomy
reversals and infertility procedures in the Sarasota area. If you would like to know more about
our practice, feel free to schedule a consultation with Dr. Green or call the office at (941) 981-
What to Consider Before Your Vasectomy Reversal
Although a vasectomy is typically seen as a permanent treatment, circumstances will sometimes cause patients to change their minds. Fortunately, a qualified vasectomy reversal surgeon in Sarasota can help you reverse the treatment. Here is a quick look at what to consider before your vasectomy reversal.
Chance of Success
It is important to keep in mind that individual circumstances vary and that diagnoses and treatment plans may be different based on your specific situation. There are many factors that influence fertility , and these factors may affect the outcome of your vasectomy reversal. More often than not, a vasectomy reversal or some sort of infertility procedure will lead to successful conception of a baby. However, it is important to realize that the longer you wait to reverse a vasectomy, the more reduced your chances of success will be. Your doctor can evaluate your chance of success through a biopsy.
A vasectomy reversal procedure typically takes about four hours and can be done in an outpatient surgery center or a hospital; either way, you will most likely go home right after the procedure. Pain medication may come in the form of an epidural or general anesthesia, and you can discuss these options with your doctor before treatment. It is important to avoid ibuprofen, aspirin, and any other medications that may exacerbate bleeding. You will also require a driver to return you to your home after the surgery has been completed.
Vasectomy reversals are not always successful, and natural insemination may take years. Fortunately, your male infertility specialist may be able to find healthy sperm and freeze it during a vasectomy reversal. This allows you to consider the option of intracytoplasmic sperm injection as an alternate means of conception in the future.
If you are considering having a vasectomy reversal , call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility at (941) 961-4581. We are happy to serve the Sarasota area with safe and effective male infertility procedures such as vasectomy reversal. For more information about our services, contact Dr. Green or visit our website today.
Recovering from a Vasectomy Reversal
People tend to put a great deal of thought into their decisions to have a vasectomy, but sometimes things happen to change your plans. In this case, a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota may be your best course of action. While these procedures are typically very successful and effective, it is important to follow certain guidelines throughout the recovery process in order to enjoy optimal results. Read on to learn about recovering from a vasectomy reversal.
If you have been looking for a way to motivate yourself to eat more healthily, consider your vasectomy reversal the push you need. Be sure to eat a balanced diet every day and to consume the proper vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that you need in order to heal successfully. Although vitamin C supplements are important, multivitamins can provide you with a healthy dose of many different kinds of vitamins that will help you through the vasectomy reversal recovery period.
Sexual Activity
It is important to refrain from sexual activity for two to three weeks after your infertility procedure so that your body has time to rest and recover. However, sexual activity is highly encouraged after this time period; frequent ejaculation will encourage sperm to resume its route through the vas deferens, increasing your fertility as well as your chances of conceiving a child.
If you have any questions about your vasectomy reversal, the procedure, or the recovery period, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor. A male infertility specialist will be able to confidently answer any questions you may have. Remember, vasectomies and their reversals are significant changes to go through, so do not be afraid to ask about anything that you are unsure about.
Would you like to know more about the process of recovering from a vasectomy reversal? Contact the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility or visit our website . We are a Sarasota vasectomy reversal center that treats male infertility. If you would like to know more about our infertility procedures, feel free to call us at (941) 961-4581 or stop in and meet with Dr. Green.
Comparing Types of Vasectomy Reversal Procedures
Many people consider a vasectomy a permanent procedure; while this can be the case if you want it to, vasectomy reversals in Sarasota provide the option to undo this decision. Since everyone is different, no single treatment is appropriate for everyone. Continue reading to compare the types of vasectomy reversal procedures.
In the event that you decide that you would like to start a family after you have already undergone a vasectomy treatment, you will need to have a vasectomy reversal if you want to biologically father your children. A vasovasostomy is a process in which the ends of the vas are reconnected in order to achieve fertility. If sperm is present in a fluid sample from one end of your vas, this means that the epididymis is not blocked and that the procedure will likely be successful. Vasovasostomy is usually done under general anesthesia in an outpatient setting.
Your surgeon may decide that microsurgical treatment is the best form of vasectomy reversal for your situation. In this case, a microscope is used to magnify the operating area; since any movement would also be amplified, anesthesia is an important component of this procedure. Men who undergo microsurgical vasectomy reversals tend to enjoy greater success than those who received a regular vasovasostomy.
Sometimes a vasectomy will cause a breakage in the epididymal tubule; if this is the case, a vasoepididymostomy may be the best infertility procedure. Your surgeon will have to work around the blockage in your epididymal tubule and connect the abdominal end of the vas to the epididymis in order to successfully reverse the vasectomy. In most cases men will experience better results the sooner they have their vasectomy reversed.
If you would like to find out more information about the different types of vasectomy reversal procedures, feel free to call the Center for Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 981-4341. We are proud to provide the Sarasota area with a variety of infertility procedures, including vasectomy reversals. Please do not hesitate to call Dr. Joshua Green or visit our website to learn more about our services.
What Factors Influence the Success Rate of Vasectomy Reversals?
Thanks to improvements in vasectomy reversal technology, most vasectomized men are good candidates for this procedure. However, the highest success rates—90 percent or more—are among men who’ve been vasectomized for less than 15 years before getting a reversal. It also helps to have a young, healthy, fertile partner. The procedure has shown to be more cost-effective than in vitro fertilization with harvesting, especially for men who want to conceive more than one child. But if the partner has a problem, in vitro might be the better option; it all depends on what the problem is and how it affects her reproductive abilities.
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal , our aim is to help vasectomized men regain the ability to father children. Men throughout Sarasota who wish to conceive again have come to us to make their dreams a reality. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Green, our vasectomy reversal surgeon, call us at (941) 462-4647.
What to Expect Before Your Vasectomy Reversal
Thousands of men undergo vasectomies in the U.S. each year, but a small percentage ultimately choose to reverse that decision. Many men opt to reverse the procedure due to remarriage, while other times a couple will change their mind and decide they want another child. If you’ve undergone a vasectomy in Sarasota but now want a new baby, you could go the in vitro fertilization route; but you might wish instead to conceive again the natural way.
The Procedure
When you conceive a child naturally, there’s no need to resort to artificial hormonal stimulation. Furthermore, you won’t need to freeze sperm, eggs, or embryos, or grapple with the dilemma of unused embryos. Vasectomy reversal involves stitching together tubes that were severed during the initial procedure. The most sophisticated techniques involve the placement of micro-stitches to precisely reconnect the vas deferens.
Likelihood of Success
Even though vasectomies are generally advertised as a permanent procedure, success rates on reversals are relatively high, even years after the original procedure. For men who seek reversals less than five years after a vasectomy, there’s a 95 percent success rate; 5-10 years after a vasectomy, reversals are 90 percent successful; 10 or more years after a vasectomy, reversals are 80-90 percent successful.
How to Proceed
During your initial steps to have a vasectomy reversal, a physician will ask for the medical history of you and your partner, which will be used to determine your best option for conceiving a child. A reversal can be completed within a few hours, and you can generally expect to leave the clinic within five hours of your arrival. However, discomfort is likely for the first couple days following the procedure, and you’ll be advised to give your tubes up to three weeks to heal.
If you’ve changed your mind about a prior vasectomy, Dr. Green at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help. Vasectomized men come to us weekly to regain the ability to father children, and you can learn more by calling our Sarasota clinic at (941) 981-4341.
Understanding Vasectomy Reversal
A small number of men opt to have vasectomies reversed. The process involves opening up the scrotum, removing the severed ends of the vas tubes, and stitching them back together. The length of time between a vasectomy and reversal will affect the success chances of the latter. The older the man, the less likely he’ll be able to produce sperm. If it doesn’t work, in vitro fertilization is another option. The video talks more about vasectomy reversal.
If you had a vasectomy years ago but have since changed your mind, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help you regain the ability to conceive. Across Sarasota, men come to us weekly with the very same goal in mind. To learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation with our vasectomy-reversal surgeon, Dr. Green, call us at ( 941) 981-4341 .
All about Vasectomy Reversals [INFOGRAPHIC]
There are a number of reasons why men have vasectomies, and just as many why they might choose to have that procedure reversed. If you have been thinking about getting a vasectomy reversal, it’s important to be well informed so you can make the right decision. A vasectomy reversal in Sarasota is a minor surgical procedure that restores the pathway for sperm to exit the body. Depending on how long ago your vasectomy was, there’s a very good chance that your vasectomy reversal will be successful. If you wish to have children or feel like you did before your vasectomy, a reversal might be right for you. Take a look at this Infographic to learn all about vasectomy reversals, including why you might consider having one performed. Please share with your friends and family.
How is a Vasectomy Reversal Completed?
Vasectomy reversal aims to reconnect or unblock the vas deferens, tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the reproductive tract. First, your vasectomy reversal surgeon will make a tiny incision in the scrotum, usually where your original vasectomy was performed. The snipped ends of the vas deferens will be inspected and the scar tissue removed. The vas deferens will then be joined together using microsurgical stitching. Watch this short animated video to see how the typical vasectomy reversal surgery is completed.
If you are considering a vasectomy reversal, consult with the compassionate and highly skilled team at the Center for Vasectomy Reversal and Male Infertility in Sarasota. Headed by Dr. Joshua Green, CVRMI understands that successful vasectomy reversal surgery is dependent on skilled surgeons and the most technologically advanced microsurgical technology and techniques. Dr. Green will be happy to answer any questions you have about vasectomy reversal surgery.
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