• How to Provide Support for Your Partner During Pregnancy

    Going Through Pregnancy Together

    Happy man with pregnant partner.

    As an expectant father, it may feel like you won’t be of much use over the next nine months or so, as this part is something only your partner can do. On the contrary! Pregnancy is a marathon, and your partner needs your support to successfully cross the finish line. It’s also a mutual endeavor, in which teamwork prepares you for parenting and strengthens your bond. Still wondering what your role is during the pregnancy? We have some advice for every stage of pregnancy. Continue reading “How to Provide Support for Your Partner During Pregnancy”

  • How to Juggle Priorities as a New Dad

    Becoming a Dad

    Happy dad holding newborn.

    When you thought about becoming a father, what was in your mind? You may have daydreamed about playing ball with your kids, or playing them your favorite music, or reading stories at bedtime. Once you actually have a child, you will realize that there is much more to being a father than these picture perfect moments of togetherness. Often, men go into fatherhood without too much childcare experience, and because of cultural mores, they might even assume that it’s best to let the mother take the lead. For those who truly desire to be involved, connected dads, that mindset will need to change. Fortunately, with a little proactive thought and planning, you can smoothly transition into active fatherhood and learn to manage your new responsibilities with ease. Continue reading “How to Juggle Priorities as a New Dad”

  • Tips to Manage a Newborn and a Toddler

    Adding a Second Child

    Dad doing chores while with kids.

    When you have your first baby, it is a major adjustment. Your life is suddenly turned upside down, and you have to get used to the new normal. If you have another child within the next two years, you face another upheaval. Is it easier or more difficult with your second baby? In truth, it’s both. It’s easier in that you now have a grasp on what the newborn phase entails, and you’re a pro at assembling baby gear and installing car seats. It’s more difficult, of course, because all the things you did the first time must now be done with a little one at your heels. Don’t worry! You’ve got this, and we have some tips to help you manage. Continue reading “Tips to Manage a Newborn and a Toddler”

  • Why Bonding with Your Newborn is Important

    The Bond Between Fathers and Babies

    Happy dad feeding newborn baby.

    It has long been understood that the bond between mother and child is crucial for infant development. In generations past, the father served the role of provider, leaving childcare to the mother. In recent decades, though, we have moved steadily towards a more equitable relationship between parents, and this has benefited everyone in the relationship. Tired moms are happy to share the responsibilities of a new baby with the dad, and dads delight in getting to know their new little ones. But what impact does this have on the baby? Research indicates that when dads are involved with their babies, the children benefit. Babies’ brains grow faster before the age of three than they ever will again, and this critical period of development lays the foundation for the child’s entire life. Positive experiences and interactions support healthy brain development, so it is important for both parents to bond with their baby. Continue reading “Why Bonding with Your Newborn is Important”