A Healthier You in 2025
New Year, Healthier You
With each new year, many people resolve to make big changes in their lives. They make plans to lose weight, go to the gym, and do other life-altering things. What you may not realize, though, is that by simply changing some habits, you can improve your health and your life. What will you do this year, to promote your own health in 2025?
Making Lifestyle Changes
There are several shifts you can make in your habits that will benefit your health. Here are a few to consider.
- Don’t smoke or vape. You may have started vaping to quit smoking, but research is increasingly indicating that vaping is detrimental to your health as well.
- Cut down on sugar. Even little things can make a big difference, like swapping out soda for water, or forgoing sugary dessert in favor of fresh fruit.
- Limit your alcohol. Some alcohol is ok, but if you think you are overdoing it, now is a good time to cut back. If you need to, take a dry January or choose another month to eliminate alcohol completely.
- Get enough rest. You may think it’s virtuous to stay busy 24/7, but it could be ruining your health. Doctors recommend six to nine hours a night for adults.
- Take a walk. Regular exercise can be a game changer, so if you are not exercising, start by scheduling a 15 minute walk every day. Build up from there, to get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week.
- Practice self-care. Often, we focus on meeting others’ needs, to our own detriment. Learn to say no when necessary, stop trying to do it all, and make time to show yourself some compassion and care.
- Stop procrastinating. This can be a hard habit to break, but if you look at it as costing you opportunities, it may make it a little bit easier.
Taking Better Care of Your Physical Health
You only get one body, so take these steps to make sure you are not neglecting it.
- Mind your oral health. A healthy mouth contributes to a healthy body, so brush, floss, and see your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups.
- Get a checkup. Keeping up with your annual physical will help your doctor catch problems before they become unmanageable.
- Take medications only as directed. It can be tempting to stash away some of that antibiotic or pain medication for the next time you are sick, but this practice can be very damaging to your health. Only take what the doctor orders.
- Have recommended screenings. You may not enjoy going to the doctor when you aren’t sick, but screenings are a good way to keep you from getting sick!
- Protect your sexual health. Safe sex is a must, and so is respecting yourself and your partner. Make sure you are keeping up with the necessary doctor visits to protect your reproductive system.
- Minimize your stress. Stress contributes to a wide variety of physical problems, so learning to manage it is vital to your health and wellbeing.
Maintaining Your Mental Health
Many people, particularly men, tend to neglect their own mental health. To take better care of yours, try these practices.
- Limit your media consumption. Doom scrolling and engaging on social media are habits that can easily suck away your time and your joy.
- Try not to overthink. It is easy to fall into the trap of over analyzing things, but this can lead to anxiety. Challenge negative thoughts and make a point of trusting that you have done all you can, letting the rest be what it will be.
- Pay attention. Often, we overlook our own mental health until we find ourselves in a dark place. Notice when you are starting to have negative feelings and be proactive about managing them.
- Validate your feelings. You are entitled to feel what you feel, without labeling your feelings as negative. Work on accepting your own feelings as valid, and then decide what to do with them.
- Practice mindfulness. Breathing exercises, meditation, and being mindful in the moment can all increase your peace.
- Keep a journal. Try writing down the things you are grateful for, and you may feel happier. If worrying is your problem, schedule time each day to write down your worries, and it will help you set them aside.
- Prioritize a support system. Everyone needs people to support them through good times and bad. Build a support system for yourself and make time to nurture your friendships.
Let Center for Vasectomy Reversal Help Protect Your Reproductive Health
Whether you need medical help with fertility or advice on useful lifestyle and dietary changes to improve your reproductive health, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is here for you. We pride ourselves on helping men improve their fertility through uncompromising, concierge-level patient care. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more about the work we do or our discounts for active duty military and veterans, contact us through our website or call 941-894-6428.
Pros and Cons of Swaddling
To Swaddle or Not to Swaddle
Swaddling has been gaining popularity in the last several years, and it is estimated that about 90 percent of babies in the United States are swaddled in their early months. Proponents swear by it, and it can help babies calm down and sleep better. It is not for every baby or every family, though, and there are concerns that it can sometimes be dangerous. Should you swaddle your little one? Let’s take a closer look at swaddling.
What is Swaddling?
An ancient practice, swaddling involves wrapping a baby snugly to promote good sleep. It soothes babies by recreating the cozy feeling of being in the womb. It can also make it easier for them to sleep on their backs, which is the recommended position to help reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Swaddling can be particularly useful for babies with a strong startle reflex, and it can help soothe fussy babies. Done properly, and only in the early months, swaddling can be extremely beneficial.
Swaddling Benefits
Swaddling is a widespread practice because of its many benefits.
- Swaddling helps babies sleep more soundly. Swaddling comforts babies by giving them the feeling of being held close, and the weight applied by the swaddle can have a calming effect. Additionally, because babies who are swaddled startle less, they are less likely to jerk and wake themselves up.
- Babies who are swaddled tend to cry less. Fussy babies are often comforted by swaddling. In fact, it has been shown to decrease crying in by up to 42 percent in babies eight weeks old or younger. Even colicky babies are often calmed by a swaddle.
- Premature babies can benefit from swaddling. There is evidence to indicate that swaddling helps with their muscle and nerve development, as well as motor movement.
- Swaddled babies don’t need loose blankets to be cozy. Parents who want to make sure their babies stay warm may be tempted to cover them in their cribs. However, blankets can pose a suffocation hazard, making swaddling a good alternative.
- Babies in a swaddle can’t scratch their faces. Babies do not have much control over their movements, but they do have very sharp little fingernails. Consequently, they tend to scratch themselves. By holding their arms immobile, swaddling prevents these scratches.
- It is easier for swaddled babies to sleep on their backs. This makes parents more likely to put them to sleep flat on their backs, which reduces the risk of SIDS.
Can Swaddling be Dangerous?
Even with the benefits swaddling provides, there are some risks, especially if the swaddling is improperly done.
- Swaddling may increase the risk of SIDS. While swaddling encourages back sleeping, which reduces the risk of SIDS, swaddling can further increase the risk of SIDS for babies on their stomachs. This is believed to be the result of lowered arousal. In other words, swaddling can make it more difficult for a baby to wake up, increasing the risk of SIDS.
- Improper swaddling can result in loose bedding. If the baby wriggles out of the swaddle, the cloth can be loose in the bed, increasing the risk of suffocation.
- Babies who are swaddled may overheat. Be careful, if you are swaddling your baby, that your baby isn’t overdressed. Touch the baby’s chest or the back of the neck, and if he or she is hot or sweaty, use a lightweight, breathable fabric for swaddling, or remove a layer of clothing.
- Improper swaddling increases the risk of developmental hip dysplasia. The hip is a ball and socket joint, and when a baby is swaddled too tightly, the ball of the hip can be shifted so that it slides out of place in the socket.
How to Safely Swaddle
The first thing to know about swaddling is that it should only be done in the first two months. Beyond that, there are some tips to follow to be sure you are swaddling safely.
- Don’t overdo it. Babies can’t yet regulate their temperature, but overheating can increase the risk of SIDS. That’s why it is so important to make sure the baby isn’t too hot.
- Use a secure swaddle. You can use a regular blanket or a blanket that is designed for swaddling, but whichever you use, make sure it’s secure. Otherwise, it can come undone and cover the baby’s face during sleep.
- Keep it secure without making it too tight. A swaddle that is too tight can not only affect the hip joints but can also hinder lung function. Using a blanket designed for swaddling can make it easier to achieve the right fit.
- Stop swaddling when your baby learns to roll over. If a swaddled baby rolls onto his or her stomach, it can lead to SIDS.
- Limit baby’s swaddling time. Babies need to spend time moving freely, learning to move around and become more mobile.
- When in doubt, ask. At your birthing location, someone should be able to teach you proper swaddling techniques, to help you avoid risks.
Let Center for Vasectomy Reversal Help You Start Your Family
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping people start their healthy, happy families, and we pride ourselves on helping men improve their fertility through uncompromising, concierge-level patient care. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more about the work we do or our discounts for active duty military and veterans, contact us through our website or call 941-894-6428.
Pregnancy Trimester Challenges
The Joys and Challenges of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman’s life. The very act of growing a human inside your body is such a miracle that it is hard to even fully comprehend it. That being said, being pregnant can also be quite challenging. Some women sail right through it, with very few issues, but for others, there are challenges at every stage. Whether you are in the first category, the second, or somewhere in between, it is good to know what to expect.
The First Trimester
The first trimester symptom just about everyone knows about is morning sickness, which can be severe. There are various remedies for morning sickness, including keeping a light snack by your bed, taking B vitamins, and wearing pressure bands designed for sea sickness. However, that’s not the only first trimester symptom. Many women feel overwhelming fatigue, and some find they get headaches, urinate frequently, and suffer from constipation. The breasts can become tender or swollen, food cravings and aversions take center stage, and women may experience muscle cramps. Spotting can also occur during the first trimester, even in healthy pregnancies. This trimester is a busy one in terms of the baby’s development, and the time when most miscarriages occur, so make sure you are getting prenatal care and following your doctor’s instructions.
The Second Trimester
With the approach of the second trimester, most women breathe a sigh of relief as their morning sickness dissipates or at least lessens. Energy returns, women feel like eating again, they start to look pregnant, and pregnancy becomes more enjoyable. However, that doesn’t mean there are no second trimester symptoms. Many women still deal with constipation and muscle cramps but also experience heartburn, congestion, back pain, ligament pain, and the tightening of the uterine muscles known as Braxton-Hicks contractions. It is during the second trimester that women may develop varicose veins, changes in skin pigmentation, and bleeding gums. This is the trimester where most testing happens, so it’s important to keep up your prenatal visits.
The Third Trimester
The third trimester is the home stretch! Even though the end is in sight, it is definitely a marathon, and women typically experience symptoms that make it feel like the pregnancy will last forever. Some of the first trimester symptoms return, like frequent urination and fatigue, and some of the ones from the second trimester continue, like Braxton-Hicks, round ligament pain, and heartburn. They are joined by other unpleasant symptoms like hemorrhoids, sleeping issues, swollen extremities, and shortness of breath. Keep up the good work of following your doctor’s instructions, pack a bag for the hospital, and get ready to meet your new little one!
Let Center for Vasectomy Reversal Help You Achieve a Healthy Pregnancy
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping people start their healthy families. We pride ourselves on helping men improve their fertility through uncompromising, concierge-level patient care. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more about the work we do or our discounts for active duty military and veterans, contact us through our website or call 941-894-6428.
The Top Christmas Gifts for Children
Looking for the Perfect Christmas Gifts in 2024
Finding gifts for children can be tricky, in part because there is such a wide variety of choices! Wading through all of those options, you will want to find a gift that will excite the child in your life yet have staying power. After all, no one wants to buy a gift for a child and have it forgotten in a matter of weeks. What’s more, you probably want to choose a gift that provides value, either teaching a skill, boosting creativity, or encouraging exercise or outdoor activity. What’s the secret to choosing the perfect gift? We have some tips, along with some great suggestions for great Christmas gifts.
Tips for Shopping for Children
Let’s review a few goals of shopping for kids. The gift should be fun and exciting, and encourage kids to explore and discover the world in new ways. It should also be something that will last a while, evolving with the child, and it should not contribute to clutter. Does this sound like a tall order? Here’s how to begin your search.
- Consider the age of the child. Manufacturers offer guidelines in the form of a suggested age range, and these are good to keep in mind, for the sake of safety. Children are unique, though, so the age range is not a hard and fast rule. Think about the child’s developmental stage and interests, meeting where the child is right now. Don’t assume that if a child is mature, that automatically means he or she will want a gift targeted at older children. When in doubt, ask the parents.
- Think about the educational value of a gift. Some toys are designed to teach children specific facts, like spelling or math. Others are good for child development, like puzzles or a bicycle. However, anything that inspires creativity, stimulates the senses, improves motor skills, or expands the way the child sees the world can be considered educational.
- Play value and longevity are important. Kids outgrow their toys, but some toys have more staying power than others. Look for an open ended gift that can be used in different ways, so that the child can continue to find ways to use it for years to come. Look for gifts that are durable and well-made, so that they can be passed along and used by other children.
Top Christmas Gifts for Children
Rather than endorsing a specific brand or product, we will offer some great examples of toys that fit the bill.
- Creative Toys: There are kits to teach kids to crochet, make pom poms, bedazzle, make friendship bracelets, create temporary tattoos, and just about anything else you can imagine. It is also a very solid plan, though, to purchase more versatile craft supplies. Who doesn’t love a gorgeous new box of crayons, markers, or colored pencils?
- Toys that Inspire Imaginative Play: This covers a broad range of toys, and these toys are also great for open-ended play. Toy kitchens, workbenches, cash registers, doctor kits, and the like will offer hours of pretend play that evolves with the child. Play tents, puppets, plushies, dolls, and dress up clothes are also great options.
- Educational Toys: Education is in the eye of the beholder, of course. Puzzle games, brain teasers, board games, and books can all stimulate the mind, and so can tools like cameras and journals.
- Toys that Get Kids Moving: Outdoor toys, mini trampolines, and games like capture the flag are solid options for big kids. For the little ones, there are push walkers of all types, many with built in shape sorters or other fun activities. Ride-on toys that are propelled by kid power are also fun and build muscle strength.
- Classic Toys: Walkie-talkies, stomp rockets, wooden toys, and all the things you loved as a kid can be exciting and new for a new generation.
- Toys that Help with Fine Motor Skills: Look for stacking and sorting toys for little ones, clay, puzzles, and building sets for older kids.
- STEM Toys: Science kits, microscopes, magic potion kits, puzzles and games that promote math skills, building sets, and marble runs are all choices you may have loved as a kid. Now, there are also toys that build coding skills, and kits to build robots! There are even STEM subscriptions, to keep kids engaged and learning.
- Sensory Toys: Water and sand tables are great for toddlers, and slime is a favorite with the elementary set- though not necessarily with parents, so you should probably ask. Fidget toys are loved by all ages, and once you get started looking, you may want some sensory toys for yourself.
- Subscriptions: Subscriptions are an excellent option, because they check all the boxes. They don’t create clutter, they grow with the child, and there are subscriptions out there for just about every interest.
Let Center for Vasectomy Reversal Help You Start Your Family
At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, we love helping people start their healthy, happy families, and we pride ourselves on helping men improve their fertility through uncompromising, concierge-level patient care. Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Green, our team provides state-of-the-art treatment for men who need a reversal of their vasectomy or have other fertility concerns. To learn more about the work we do or our discounts for active duty military and veterans, contact us through our website or call 941-894-6428.
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