• Preparing Your Kids for Preschool

    Preparing your kids for preschool

    The weeks leading up to the first day of preschool are filled with emotions. You may be wondering if your child is ready. You may even be wondering if you’re ready. The best way to ensure that this transition goes smoothly is to be prepared. What steps must you take to prepare for this next step? Here are some tips that will make this adjustment go smoothly.

    Visit the School
    Most preschools are willing to take you on a tour of their facility before the first day. Call or email the school to set up an appointment and bring your little one on a little tour of the school. You will likely be able to meet the teacher and the principal. You’ll also typically be able to bring your child into a classroom and have a mini practice run during which you can sit at a desk and look around the room. This will give you both an idea of what life will be like for your little one at school.

    Practicing Separating from Your Child
    One of the most challenging steps in beginning preschool is separating from your child. This may be as challenging for you as it is for them. This can be even more challenging for families who don’t spend much time apart. As your child approaches preschool, it’s time to start. Step one is to try having a relative or sitter stay with them at home. Step two will be leaving them with a relative or sitter at a location that is not your home. This is a safe and easy way to practice separation and will likely make the big first day of preschool a little easier on you both.

    Read to Your Child
    While preschool is not highly focused on the “academic” side of learning, reading to your child is still very important. If you haven’t started already, get into a habit of reading to them daily. This will help grow your child’s attention span and promote emergent literacy at the same time.

    Take a Toddler Class
    From music to mini gym, there are numerous opportunities for you and your child to attend a toddler class together. You and your little one will enjoy learning together, and it will also give your child the opportunity to listen to a teacher and understand what it’s like to be part of a class.

    Get Your Child Excited for School
    You’re your child’s biggest fan, so cheer them on. Talk up the preschool experience so they are excited for the first day. Let them walk around the house with a backpack and a lunchbox. Play “school” so that they know how important and exciting this transition can be.

    Remember that preschool’s primary function is not so much the “academic” side of learning. Rather, children will work on social-emotional adaptation, executive function, fine motor, and gross motor skills. It’s a beautiful first step into independence and autonomy. So good luck, parents! It’s going to be an incredible journey!

    Center for Vasectomy Reversal
    In the Gulf Coast area, the Center for Vasectomy Reversal is your answer for vasectomy reversal. We know each situation is unique and want to hear your story. We will thoughtfully discuss options to carefully tailor our services to your needs. When you’re ready to check us out, visit our website or call us at (941) 313-7749.

  • Simple Ways to Get a Little Exercise

    Businessman with briefcase about to climb a stairway at first day of new life

    We get it. Between work, parenting, and all life’s other responsibilities, squeezing in a bit of exercise can be a real challenge. But of all the ways you take care of yourself, studies show that exercise is likely the most important one. So, how do we make sure to fit at least a little fitness into our routines? Here are some facts about fitness.

    Why Is Exercise So Important?
    We all know that exercise is vital for the body. We want to stay strong and active. We may even be peripherally aware that exercise is good for the heart and the cardiovascular system. But did you know that exercise is crucial for healthy brain function? If exercise isn’t a part of your daily routine, this is your notification to try to work some exercise into your daily routine. Here are some ways to do just that.

    At Home

    • Morning Routine
      Work in a few stretches when you wake up. Run up and down your stairs in the morning to get the blood pumping. Do a quick YouTube yoga sesh before you leave for the office. These changes will change your life.
    • Exercise While You Clean
      Putting on a fun playlist can be a great way to get moving while you clean. Use that mop as a mic and do your best boy band dance moves while you put away the laundry.
    • Yard Work
      Don’t let this become drudgery. When it’s time to mow or weed, put your back into it. It’s a fabulous way to get cardio and a little weight training.

    At Work

    • Treadmill Desk
      It seems cliché, but you’d be amazed at how much more productive one can be while exercising both their mind and body.
    • Take the Stairs
      Give your elevator button finger a rest and start working those hamstrings and glutes. Taking the stairs at work is an inspired choice for getting some exercise.
    • Walk During Lunch
      You don’t have to skip lunch, but walking before or after the meal will be a great way to burn some calories and help you feel like you’ve really earned that turkey sandwich. If you don’t have time to fit in a complete exercise cycle, simply walk to lunch. That will at least complete a ring or two on the fitness watch.

    On the Commute

    • Walk or Bike to Work
      If you live close enough to work, try walking or biking there.
    • Walk or Bike from the Train Station
      If you don’t live close enough to walk or bike all the way to work, try just making it to the commuter train. That will at least get your blood pumping first thing.
    • Park Farther Away
      If you must drive to work, try parking in the very last spot. Get there early and walk in. Even 5-10 minutes of movement is better than nothing.

    During Recreation Hours
    We all love binge-watching a show on the weekends or reading a good book. But there are many ways to relax while getting fit. Here are some fun examples of how to get in shape while enjoying recreation time.

    • Go On a Hike
      Usually, a short drive outside the city limits will provide you with a nice place to walk or hike.
    • Rollerblading
      Skating and rollerblading are wonderful forms of exercise that give you cardio and strength training.
    • Play with Your Kids
      Children have much more energy than adults do. Running around, playing hide and seek, or just chasing and throwing a ball can all be great ways to get your heart pumping and make memories with your kiddos, too!
    • Visit a Trampoline Park
      Whether you bring the kids or not, these parks are tons of fun and a great way to get some exercise.
    • Go Sightseeing
      Be a tourist in your own town. Pick a landmark or tourist attraction in your city and visit it. Whether it’s a museum, a natural landmark, or a scenic garden, you will enjoy this kind of exercise.

    Long story short, exercise doesn’t need to feel like a chore. Grab it while you can and make it something you enjoy. This will promote heart health, brain health, and an overall elevation of mood.

    Center for Vasectomy Reversal
    Your choice for vasectomy reversal in the Gulf Coast area is the Center for Vasectomy Reversal. When it comes to vasectomy reversal, procedures, and the path to parenthood, we can answer your questions and help you find your way. We will help you navigate the challenges on the way to becoming a parent. When you’re ready to check us out, visit our website or call us at (941) 313-7749.

  • How to Navigate an Overstimulated Child

    How to navigate an overstimulated child

    We’ve all been there. Out of nowhere, your child is overstimulated, and it seems like there’s no way out. Whether you’re in a public place, leaving a babysitter’s house, or just hanging out at home, once you’ve crossed into the territory of an overstimulated child, it feels like it will never end. There’s hope. Here are some effective strategies that will help you navigate having an overstimulated child.

    What is Overstimulation?
    When a child receives too much input, they can reach a state of overstimulation. The source of overstimulation can vary from child to child, but some sources may be:

    • Too much screen time
    • A change in their environment
    • Large crowds
    • Loud music
    • Bright or flashing lights
    • Dietary Stimulation
      -this can include caffeine, sugar, or food dye

    What are some Symptoms of Overstimulation?
    Just as the source of overstimulation can vary from child to child, the symptoms vary and are on a broad spectrum. While some children act out as a result of overstimulation, others retreat. Here are some common symptoms of overstimulation.

    • Temper Tantrums and Meltdowns
      Some children react strongly to overstimulation, which can result in tantrums, mood swings, and meltdowns.
    • Hyperactivity
      Hyperactivity is a frequent symptom of overstimulation. Children will adapt to their environment; as challenging as this can be, it is a natural response.
    • Avoidance and Withdrawal
      Some children shut down when they’re overstimulated.
    • Irritability
      Some children become easily angered or grumpy when they are overstimulated.
    • Issues or Difficulty Concentrating
      It can be extremely difficult to concentrate when overstimulated. This is true for anyone, but children’s nervous systems are still developing, so they can become much more easily overstimulated.

    What To Do?
    Don’t panic. A few simple steps to navigating the overstimulated space include:

    • Remove the Stimulation
      Whether you scoop up your child and take them out of the theatre or turn off the TV, reducing the level of stimulation they’re receiving is crucial.
    • Move the Child to a Peaceful Quiet Environment
      Quiet is key. It’s unlikely a child will calm in a noisy environment.
    • Comfort the Child
      Holding, rocking, or providing a stuffed animal are all great ways to bring comfort to the child.
    • Food or Drink
      Sometimes, offering a healthy snack or a drink will do the trick.
    • Offer a Quiet Activity
      Getting the brain to switch gears can be challenging, but offering the child a new activity can help.
    • Deep Breathing
      We used to tell my child to sniff the flower and blow out the candle. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. This provides much-needed oxygen to the brain and can help to soothe the child.

    Working through an episode of overstimulation can be challenging, but practicing these steps should help you and your child smoothly transition back to a normal, calm headspace.

    Center for Vasectomy Reversal
    The Center for Vasectomy Reversal is located on the beautiful Gulf Coast. We are available to answer any questions you might have about vasectomy reversal, procedures, and the path to parenthood. We will discuss the best options with you to find what you need for a successful journey to becoming a parent. When you’re ready to check us out, visit our website or call us at (941) 313-7749.

  • Can Coffee Affect Sperm Health?

    Portrait of a happy man drinking a cup of coffee at a cafe

    In the pursuit of parenthood, you’re doing all you can to facilitate the plan. Are there roadblocks in your way that you may not even know about? What foods can you eat to ensure a healthy sperm count? What foods should you cut out? What about coffee? Is it dangerous to sperm? Here’s everything you need to know about coffee and how it affects sperm health.

    The Fertility Journey
    As we embark on the path to better fertility in the pursuit of parenthood, it is evident that both the carrier of the child and the provider of the sperm will need to make a few lifestyle changes. Some of these changes can include:

    • Getting More Rest
    • Cessation from Smoking
    • Limiting or Quitting Alcohol Consumption
    • Getting More Exercise

    We also know that someone carrying a child should limit coffee intake. Excessive coffee intake has been linked to several complications during fertility and pregnancy, including premature birth, pregnancy loss, and fetal growth issues.

    Coffee’s Effect on Sperm Health
    There is substantial evidence that the quality of semen has declined worldwide. Is coffee to blame? Multiple studies have been conducted to study the effects of coffee on sperm, and here are the most recent findings.

    • Coffee Doesn’t Affect Sperm Count
      Currently, no studies show that coffee’s caffeine intake affects sperm count. Cola drinkers did have a lower sperm count, but they also had other poor nutritional habits that may have contributed to these effects.
    • Coffee Doesn’t Affect Sperm Concentration
      A recent study showed that men who consume four or more cups of coffee daily have a higher sperm concentration than men who drink 0 cups of coffee per day. However, men who consume 1-3 cups of coffee daily have the highest sperm concentration of these three groups.
    • Coffee Does Seem to Alter DNA of Sperm
      Some studies have shown that coffee intake is related to damaged or altered DNA, specifically double-strand DNA breakage.
    • Coffee Intake Does Seem to Increase the Time it Takes to Conceive
      There is also corelative evidence that links coffee intake with lengthening the time it takes to conceive.

    Caffeine intake from coffee does not seem to have a significant effect on sperm count or concentration, but there does seem to be some DNA damage that is related to coffee intake. Additionally, caffeine intake from cola did have a slightly negative effect on sperm count and quality. A recent study concluded that those who consumed a moderate amount of coffee had a higher likelihood of conceiving than those who drank a low amount. The same study concluded that high levels of coffee consumption had adverse effects. Consuming caffeine from any source in moderation is likely the best choice while trying to conceive.

    Center for Vasectomy Reversal
    If you are considering a vasectomy reversal, it’s essential to understand everything that goes into the procedure. The Center for Vasectomy Reversal can help. Read our patient reviews to learn about our increasingly positive satisfaction rate. We will help you navigate the challenges on the way to becoming a parent. When you’re ready to check us out, visit our website or call us at (941) 313-7749.