Semen Analysis Testing After a Reversal

Vasectomy reversals have favorable success rates, but there’s still a waiting period before couples are able to get pregnant. Every couple is a little different, but in general, it may take anywhere from three to 12 months before a man’s sperm count is once again at a robust level. To assess the success of the vasectomy reversal, men will have semen analysis testing.

Depending on the particular clinic, men may have their first analysis at about six to eight weeks after the procedure. After this, additional semen analysis appointments are scheduled every one to two months. Once a lab report shows stabilized sperm count and motility, there is a good chance of pregnancy within six months of actively trying.

At the Center for Vasectomy Reversal, Dr. Joshua Green can answer all of your questions about having a vasectomy reversal in Sarasota, including what you can expect afterward. If you’ve decided your vasectomy wasn’t the right decision for you, give us a call at (941) 313-7749.