Get Your Vasectomy Reversal Facts By Visiting These Sites
Male infertility following a vasectomy reversal does not have to be permanent. Read through these articles to learn more about the different types of vasectomy reversal and what the procedure entails. Contact the Center For Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 225-2317 today to schedule a consultation.
- A good way to determine if a vasectomy reversal is right for you is to consider how the procedure works and what you can expect after surgery. Explore this WebMD.com article for more information on vasectomy reversals.
- You can learn how vasectomy reversals are performed by reading over this article from HowStuffWorks.com.
- What is the difference between a vaso-vasostomy and a vaso-epididymostomy? Check out this article from the Urology Care Foundation for an overview of the different methods of vasectomy reversal that are available.
- Why do many men decide to undergo a vasectomy reversal? Get the facts by reading over this MayoClinic.com article.
- Visit this link from The New York Times to learn what you can expect after undergoing a vasectomy reversal.
- A good way to determine if a vasectomy reversal is right for you is to consider how the procedure works and what you can expect after surgery. Explore this WebMD.com article for more information on vasectomy reversals.
The Vasectomy Reversal Procedure
Did you know that vasectomies are the most common form of birth control in the United States? Despite those statistics, many men find that they want to start a family or have more children later in life. Fortunately, there are options available to reverse the effects of a vasectomy.
This video takes a closer look at the methods used to achieve pregnancy following a vasectomy. Some men choose to undergo sperm extraction to fertilize their partner’s egg through in vitro fertilization, while others choose to undergo vasectomy reversal surgery. Watch the full clip to learn more about the different vasectomy reversal techniques and what you should expect after the procedure.
If you are searching for a vasectomy reversal surgeon in Sarasota, Florida, look no further than the experienced providers with the Center For Vasectomy Reversal . Attending physician Dr. Joshua Green has extensive training in the treatment of male infertility. Contact our facility at (941) 225-2317 to get started today.
Understanding the Vasectomy Reversal Procedure
A number of men who undergo a vasectomy in their youth later decide that they do want to start a family. Vasectomy reversal procedures enable men who have undergone a vasectomy in the past to regain their fertile state. If you are interested in any one of the procedures discussed in this article, it may be time to consult with your vasectomy reversal surgeon.
Vaso-vasostomy Procedure
One technique used to reverse the effects of a vasectomy is known as a vaso-vasostomy . This outpatient procedure involves the creation of a small incision on either side of the upper scrotum so that the site of the original procedure can be identified before the scar tissue is removed. The vasectomy reversal doctor will then flush the abdominal side of the vas and inspect the testicular side for the presence of sperm. In the event that sperm is free-flowing, the ends of the vas are reconnected using microscopic magnification. In most cases, the procedure takes between two and four hours to complete.
Vaso-epididymostomy Procedure
Men whose seminal fluid on the testicular side of the vas is thick or pasty tend to be better candidates for vaso-epididymostomy procedures. During the procedure, the vas is attached to one of the tubules of the epididymis to enable sperm-flow. However, this procedure is not usually needed if the vasectomy was performed within the last 10 years.
Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
Patients who are planning on in vitro fertilization do not necessarily need to undergo a vasectomy in order to start a family. In these cases, the vasectomy reversal doctor will use an operating microscope to remove sperm directly from the epididymis so that it can be used to achieve fertilization.
Get the answers to all of your vasectomy reversal questions by contacting the Center For Vasectomy Reversal at (941) 225-2317 today! You can also visit us online for more information on the services that are available for out-of-town patients.
Is a Vasectomy Reversal the Right Option for You?
Vasectomy reversal procedures are designed to repair the separation of the vas created during a vasectomy, ultimately enabling men who underwent surgical sterilization in the past to start a family of their own. Read on to take a closer look at the indicators that a vasectomy reversal at the Center For Vasectomy Reversal may be right for your needs.
You Are in Good Health
As with any other surgical procedure, candidates for a vasectomy reversal procedure should be in good general health and free from any preexisting medical conditions that may increase the risk of surgical complications. These conditions include—but are not limited to—cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, and certain clotting and bleeding disorders.
You Are Ready to Become a Father
In addition to being in good health, it is important that you are ready to accept the responsibilities associated with becoming a father before making the decision to undergo a vasectomy reversal. This means you will want to consider whether you and your partner are physically, financially, and emotionally prepared to raise a child.
The Sperm is Clear and Free-Flowing
The most common type of vasectomy reversal surgery is a vaso-vasostomy, in which the separated vas are reconnected using microscopic magnification. This procedure may be right for you if there is clear, free-flowing sperm within the testicular side of the vas. In the event that the sperm is thick or pasty on the testicular side of the vas, your vasectomy reversal doctor may recommend a vaso-epididymostomy instead—in which the vas is attached to a tubule of the distal portion of the epididymis where the sperm mature.
The best way to determine if a vasectomy reversal is the right decision for your needs is to consult with your vasectomy reversal surgeon. Let the providers with the Center For Vasectomy Reversal educate you about your options by calling (941) 25-2317.
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